Shedding, COVID mRMA vaccine shedding is real, I suspect we will get research soon, people have been working on it! Shedding to our mothers, fetuses, mothers with catastrophic effects! This is why I
want Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman et al. to come clean, to tell us about shedding, effects of mRNA on baby in utero, reverse transcription, on vaccine not dissolving, not staying injection site
Why can’t you boys and girls just tell us? Must we drag you into legal forums? You know we will never stop until you sit in courts facing real judges and juries for their rulings and dispensations and direction of punishment. You know we blame all the deaths and harms on you…all of you…you mRNA inventors and mRNA vaccine makers…yes, we blame you…yes, IMO you are murderers! We have you all in the same bucket as The Angel of Death Fauci…And all you did was profit and gain and have done nothing to help fix the madness you have done!
You still holding dog and pony shows and no one is asking Malone any questions, he said he is the daddy of mRNA technology, so, ask him…letting him prepare his bullshit scripts and lies and misdirection and hold shows and you take donor money and preen and pose for camera and appear and ask him nothing?…imagine attending shows to talk about mRNA technology and vaccine harms and deaths and yet ask him nothing, demand no answers from him? and you know his work has killed yet you so drunk on free money “gimme gimme gimme”…
I would not be surprised if shedding were to be proven not only to be real but a deliberate "feature" of the toxic mRNA covid shots.
My joints ached for a month starting immediately after my wife took her second vaxx. Now my ears are ringing. The ringing stopped when I went to a remote part of the California coast that didn't have cell coverage or wifi. Started back up immediately when I returned "to civilization". I'm not vaxxed and won't put poison into my body.