Shreshtha et al.'s review shows cardiovascular heart damage after MONKEYPOX vaccines e.g. ACAM2000 (for Smallpox & monkeypox, JYNNEOS, and modified vaccinia Ankara vaccines)
I have published what public health response should be in the GAY, tranny, & BI-SEXUAL communities (below) & McCullough reminds that monkeypox is self-limiting & treated with oral or IV tecovirimat
‘A review by Shreshtha et al indicates heart damage from Monkeypox vaccination may come from an off-target attack on the heart by antibodies raised by the vaccines. The paper concludes more research is needed for safer vaccines.
Because Monkeypox is largely a self-limited skin rash in immunocompetent individuals and easily treated with oral or intravenous tecovirimat, vaccination is a high-risk public health intervention and if widely applied in the Congo we can expect to see rising numbers heart failure and sudden death in vaccine recipients.’
McCullough indicates that this is a dangerous public health response to mass vaccinate and I agree fully. The focus has to be on proper PSAs advising the GAY and bi-sexual community (where monkeypox is the foci and NOT the general low-risk heterosexual populations) how to behave sexually in terms of limited (no orgies or multiple sex partners etc.) or NO skin-to-skin intimacy that could rupture pustules and boils that contain infectious material, as well as acute contact tracing of exposed persons.
I also argue (and Vanden Bossche) that mass vaccination with the monkeypox vaccine (used also for smallpox) in populations who are immune compromised due to the COVID Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA vaccine that has damaged and subverted and dysregulated the immune system, then there is risk for smallpox emerging. This needs to be urgently studied.
See McCullough’s recent stack on concerns regarding cardiac side effects from Monkeypox Vaccination as it relates to all 3 vaccines and see my substack below on urgent open, explicit, transparent PSAs for the GAY and bi-sexual and tranny community in what must be done to mitigate spread within their community and expansion to the low-risk general population (heterosexual):
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
‘Monkeypox vaccines include ACAM2000 (used for Smallpox, recently FDA approved for Monkeypox), JYNNEOS, and modified vaccinia Ankara. The at-risk population is young men who are at the highest risk of idiopathic and COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis at baseline. ACAM2000 has been reported to have major cardiovascular adverse events such as myocarditis, dilated cardiomyopathy, and heart failure. Whereas JYNNEOS and modified vaccinia Ankara are associated with minor cardiovascular adverse events such as tachycardia, palpitation, electrocardiogram changes such as T wave inversion, and ST elevation in the peer-reviewed literature. The CDC has reported serious myocarditis from the Bavarian Nordic JYNNEOS vaccine requiring hospitalization of young men.

A review by Shreshtha et al indicates heart damage from Monkeypox vaccination may come from an off-target attack on the heart by antibodies raised by the vaccines. The paper concludes more research is needed for safer vaccines.
Because Monkeypox is largely a self-limited skin rash in immunocompetent individuals and easily treated with oral or intravenous tecovirimat, vaccination is a high-risk public health intervention and if widely applied in the Congo we can expect to see rising numbers heart failure and sudden death in vaccine recipients.’
My suggested guidance to public health:
It is very simple. A specialized high-risk group is infected and transmitting this based on the type of physical sexual contact. Their risk of infection and transmission is greater, and it appears localized to this group. They can cause this to leach out of their group into the general population if they engage in bisexual contact. Why can’t the public health issue an urgent PSA telling this high-risk group to cease physical contact until we get this under control? Why the games? Why the politics? Did we not learn enough from HIV?
These are the issues to consider:
1)acute contact tracing is needed of the high-risk sub-group and we know full well how to do this, this group being men-who-have-sex with men (MSM); I argue place bisexual males in that focus so as to contact trace their contacts if high risk, symptomatic etc. Bisexuals are the rate limiting step here to get our arms around this; they often take disease home and into the low risk populations. They have a huge role to help us get this dealt with; IMO, stop you behaviors for a bit please!! I do not care if you are offended, you can cause this to spread widely outside of a confined group. We know the morbidity and mortality is very low based on reporting, so lets get this dealt with.
2) no mass vaccination needed; Dr. Tam in Canada, go back and read your basic epidemiology and public health, you are talking pure utter garbage crap; focus on the MSM and bisexuals, let us keep it confined there and stop playing politics and playing with words; this is at present, based on all we know, an infection that is transmitted within the gay community; we know this by the actual data
3)no mass quarantine or lockdowns needed; focus on the MSM and bisexuals
4)no masks needed, that is non-sensical, this is confined principally to the content of pustules and lesions largely on the penis and anus
5)PSA the gay and bi-sexual community about the risk e.g. check their penises and anuses for warts, lesions, pustules; tell their partners before any sexual contact; tell them to calm down on the heavy physical contact and petting until we get this under control and ask them to not engage in bi-sexual activity at this time, to not visit bath houses or injection drug use or commercial sex workers, at this time to mitigate risk; persons who engage in high-risk behavior such as gay sex we learnt in HIV also, a large portion of them inject drugs and visit sex workers and vice versa; there tends to be a multitude of high-risk behaviors, not just one and we have to approach this from that broad perspective to tamp down spread; surveillance in all these specialized sub-groups may be needed; we employed what we coined ‘second generation’ and ‘third generation’ surveillance for HIV to capture these sub-groups as to risk
Transmission is via intimate sexual contact, heavy contact, rough contact, or exposure to scabs, mucus membranes, bodily fluids or even bed linen, bear this in mind
6) do not go pushing condoms and the like, stop this crap, this is a STD and stop promoting this as it drives high-risk behaviors and a false sense of security and one gets lulled into a sense of complacency; tell the high-risk group their risk and tell them if you engage in that form of sex you will get infected possibly…stop the politics and crap and be straight up; know also that it can spread outside of the gay community but is localized there and we have to work now to keep it there by focusing on the bisexual community and pleading with them to behave; it is the bisexual community that devastated the heterosexual community in HIV
7)do not engage in any stigmatization or slander or recrimination or targeting of homosexual or bisexual people
8)Enact acute surveillance and at this time, while it may still be early, consider probing the pre-natal and ante-natal expectant mother community; pregnant and planning to become pregnant and similar females are the lowest risk group societally and we conduct surveillance of them for certain STDs. It is how we learnt HIV had breached the gay community into the heterosexual community via homosexuals and bisexuals in the 1980s and 1990s and early 2000s. We need to call on our gay and bi peoples to behave themselves and not go engaging in bi sex at this time if they wish to get this under control. This is how gay and bi men took HIV home to their monogamous wives and partners. She thought she was monogamous and he often was not, even heterosexual males, who visited commercial sex workers who were in bisexual contacts and injecting drug use. He did not know, just visited the commercial sex yet got infected due to their high-risk behaviors outside of commercial sex. High-risk people engage not in one but many high-risk behaviors and share a lot of their paraphernalia.
9)So IMO, you ask these series of questions:
a)am I a homosexual? No
b) am I a bisexual? No
c)Am I monogamous? Yes
d)Is my partner monogamous? Yes
e)do I have anal sex with gay or bi males? No
f)do I inject drugs and have physical contact with injecting drug users? No
g)do I visit commercial sex workers? No
h)do I have physical contact with gay, bi, commercial sex workers, injecting drug users etc. or other high-risk persons who may have had contacts with these groups? No
i)are there people in my household I am in close contact with who are gay, bi, or are part of such a relationship? No
So calm the hell down, turn off FOX and CNN with the fear mongering, turn off the public health people, and if you answered the questions as above, based on all we know today as to where the transmission is, then you can safely tell them all to f**k off and go about your life. If you are not in this risk group or engage in the type of contact that places you at risk as well as your partner/wife/husband etc., then this is not your business. The governments and their corrupted health people must stop the BS fear porn. Focus where you must focus and leave the rest of us alone.
This is not a ‘national’ issue, does not transcend USA or Canada. You people focus on contact tracing and some good PSAs and we will be just fine.
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You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Yes Paul, such nonsense. No one needs ANY vaccine, for ANYTHING, let alone something spread by sexual contact. Look at all the adverse health effects of the Hepatitis vaxxes.
If the general public were not dumbed down by the controlled marxist educational system, people would be able to see how they are being lied to daily, and manipulated by the global regime.
I'm so ready to see RFK Jr as part of the new Trump admin. He needs to address the issue of Big Pharma owning and controlling and corrupting the medical establishment. He needs to ABOLISH the CDC, which should NOT be affiliated in any way with our government.
They'll push this, they'll push that. One or seven people became terribly ill in (name your state), a few or two died over there from....something.
Killer mosquitoes from Florida or Texas ( can YOU say Bill Gates? I knew you could. ) have been carried on unpredictable breezes caused by....climate change - and you really should stay inside your home when the pesky critters are hungry.
But never fear....kamala is here!! (Cackle cackle)
They'll have everybody SO confused that no one will EVER be able to prove that all those people dieing have that one thing in common - the ROOT cause - the mRNA spike sauce, that DOD- DARPA creation.
Nothing to see here, folks - all those studies?
Conspiracy theory speculation.
Move along.....