Shrestha et al. once again prove that the COVID mRNA technology based underpinning gene injection (& dose-response) subverts & damages your immune system response: "Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019
(COVID) among Those Up-to-Date and Not Up-to-Date on COVID Vaccination"; not being “up-to-date” with COVID vaccination was associated with lower risk of COVID (HR, 0.77; 95% C.I., 0.69-0.86; P <0.001)
Incredible finding:
‘COVID-19 occurred in 1475 (3%) of 48 344 employees during the 100-day study period. The cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was lower in the “not up-to-date” than in the “up-to-date” state. On multivariable analysis, not being “up-to-date” with COVID-19 vaccination was associated with lower risk of COVID-19 (HR, 0.77; 95% C.I., 0.69-0.86; P-value, <0.001). Results were very similar when those 65 years and older were only considered “up-to-date” after receiving 2 doses of the bivalent vaccine.’
‘This study found that not being “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination, using the current CDC definition, was associated with a lower risk of COVID-19 than being “up-to-date”, while the XBB lineages were the dominant circulating strains of SARS-CoV-2.’
‘Participants CCHS employees in employment at any location in Ohio when the COVID-19 bivalent vaccine first became available (12 September 2022), and who were still employed when the XBB lineages became dominant (29 January 2023), were included in the study. Those for whom age and sex were not available were excluded.’
Another fascinating graph:
Recall the clear dose-response Shrestha et al. had published prior:
cc: Paul
So Where Is YOUR Scientific Evidence Malone ?
Ralph Baric Said That "Gain Of Function"
Was "Poised" For Human Emergence. Seriously? Okay:
As I Stand, I Bend My Knees, And I Point To The Sky.
I Am "Poised" To Go To Mars .
-You Can Bet Your Ass I'll Get There Before Baric's
Gain Of Function Can Be Viably Sustained In Our Air.
There Is No Gain Of Function Pathogen In The Air.
That's The Hoax - And A Good One. Ain't It Bob ?