Simone Scott (North Western University) died from the effects of the Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. mRNA technology based gene injection vaccine! Does anyone care? Did EPOCH or Del cover Simone & ask
Malone about this? Did CHD? Did the other Freedom Figher media cover it? No, like many of these deaths linked to Malone & Kariko mRNA technology, it was covered up. Why is that? Why did they not?
‘A 19-year-old Northwestern University student died on June 11, two months after she received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and a month after receiving the second dose.
While her doctors have not fully confirmed the cause of her death, it appears that Simone Scott (right) suffered from myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscles. Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s doctors were able to obtain a new heart for Scott, but that lasted less than one week.
The university appeared to have told students that she died from a heart transplant. “Scott’s death came weeks after a heart complication in May which led to a heart transplant,” The Daily Northwestern reported. The private university north of Chicago sent an email to the university community last weekend.
“She passed away due to pneumonia-related issues, and was surrounded by her parents,” the campus paper said.’
I am asking Del or EPOCH or CHD to begin serious, honest reporting now. Stop the pussyfooting around with Malone. If you respond to this by attacking me, I will reply same. I like all of you but you FAILED. You fell for it and somehow allowed donors and threats of funding cuts to drive you. You FAILED. Remember, I am and was there, with you, I was told by ‘Projects’ and entities that donors were threatening to pull donations because they were being muscled and bullied. If I did not stop the questions of Malone they would distance themselves and even cut off any support of me. I told them phuck off! Shove their money.
History will show that. Malone destroyed all your media 4th estate credibility, he took your independence, credibility, and power and what you could have been.
Trump was greatly deceived with this COVID vaccine and OWS. I do not absolve him. He has serious explaining to do. It, this shot, was never needed. It was deadly and under no condition could you bring a vaccine after a few months, without the proper long duration studies, RCTs, sample sizes, event numbers, safety phases and tell us you could bypass the 15 years needed ‘safely’. That was a criminal lie and we have paid the price.
Come on Del, ask Malone the right questions and stop the focus on horses and farms and 5 G warfare and mass formation. All misdirection. Ask him the questions I have posed as an investigative reporter myself as I seek answers. What did he know and when did he know it and why has he not worked to bring an antidote. Why the silence when the truth would have saved Simone, her folks may have made a different decision.
The blood of thousands, thousands is on the hands of Kariko, Weissman, Malone and all those linked to the mRNA technology that is core to the fraud deadly mRNA-LNP platform gene injection from Pfizer and Moderna and Sahin…
As much as Berenson could be a pain in the nuts and offensive et al., I liked the guy for he hit the right notes early. He is not bought and cannot play the game. I like that, obnoxious as he is. Note to Alex, I have no more money to donate ;-) but keep at it, we need you in this battle.
Dr. Paul, you are smarter than this. You already know there is no “cure” for this. Everyone knows. So what is your end game? You just want Malone/Kariko/Weissman out of the picture?
Are you also going to start berating Alfred Noble, who invented dynamite? Lots of miners have died in mines because of his technology.
What about the Wright Brothers?
Thanks to them, drones and aircraft have killed millions of innocent people?
What about J. Robert Oppenheimer, inventor of the technology responsible for the atom bomb?
Or let’s get more relevant to today’s headlines: what about Alan Mathison Turing? Without him, Elon Musk, Larry Page and Sergey Brin wouldn’t be where they are with AI? And some have called that trajectory sufficient to cause the extinction of mankind! Where are your daily rants about the evil Alan Turing?
And finally, to make my point succinctly: do guns kill people? Or do people who want to kill people sometimes use guns?
Does your rage blind you so that you leave no space for the possibility that Malone/Kariko/Weissman had good intentions for this technology? And like so often happens, others took what they meant for good and have turned it for evil ends??? Why do you not publicly give them any benefit of the doubt?? Do YOU know something we don’t all already know??🤷🏼♀️
News flash:
There is no “cure” for dynamite.
There is no “cure” for flight.
There is no “cure” for the atomic bomb.
There is no “cure” for AI.
And there is no “cure” for mRNA technology.
Stop this ridiculous crusade to crucify people whose intentions you have no way of knowing, and who now stand beside you to try and contain the damage this technology has been turned toward.
We get it, Dr. Paul, we get it.
Your energy is better used to expose the injuries and death the shots have caused under the guise of “public health policy”. This is a POLITICAL PROBLEM, not a scientific problem; and this battle rages on and needs all the help it can get.
One good thing I agree with you on here though: let this serve as a caution to intelligent, earnest, ambitious members of the scientific/medical community, as well as those in technology, and certainly those working in the field where the two meet: the wonders you work so hard to unravel can so easily lead to the unraveling of humanity, if delivered into the wrong hands. Be careful. Think of those who have gone before you, of those who are funding you, and tread lightly. Yes, it may cost you funding, and fame and fortune; but perhaps you will be, in the end, judged well for it.
I also read about Simone Scott's death and case hustory and believe it should be publicly investigated. Thank you for keeping the spotlight on these cases and for keeping the pressure on the men and women behind the biotechnological origins of the devastating covid shots. Their culpability cannot be ignored.