"South Africa's huge omicron wave appears to be subsiding just as quickly as it grew"...BUT I told you this; this is natural and innate immunity and early drug treatment; only 20% SA is vaxxed
so the rapid decline is not due to vax status, it is due to natural immunity, it is due to early treatment, it is due to seasonality, FARR's law where there will be a rise, peak and decline, XMAS gift
I mean just look at what we have, we have one nation with literally no vaccine status, SA and the new variant comes and is leaving, and you have Israel with its 4 shot to go to 5th, they are deranged over there…100% it will never work…and they are driving more variants and could be a lethal one…they best be very careful…but here is Israel vaxxed up and defenseless…it shows the vaccine is not and never worked…a spike in antibodies meant nothing…the real question is can it induce long lasting immunity and no it cant and did not. as we see, all are getting infected…it was a lie day one that you lockdown and wait for the vaccine and we could vax our way out of this…we told them impossible…never ever with a leaky imperfect non-sterilizing vaccine…they all knew it was a lie and still know it…this is about power now, power they cant let go of, and forced compliance and grift and graft…this is about money, evil money….a vaccine that never worked and an immune repose that is wrong for it was primed wrong (prejudiced, ‘original antigenic sin of which I renamed mortal antigenic sin’) from the moment you took the shot…it was over…you p****ed your immune response life long to that pathogen or similar.
so stop, no more! no booster, none of it…Omicron will finish off the natural immunity in the nation and life goes on…tell Fauci and Walensky and Francis Collins and Bourla to p****k to hell off!
these idiotic camera hungry, inept and incompetent ‘experts’ at CDC and NIH and television medical experts, they are not contemporary with the data or science and do not know what they are saying or doing and is why for 22 months we remain in this madness, for it is madness….
people, take off the masks and throw them away, tell them to p***k off; tell CNN and FOX with their deranged Siegal and his vaccine madness; pure garbage this man talks…please understand, you are helping them destroy your child with the masking and the lockdowns and school closures and the crushing psychological, physical, maturational damage all of that has done….you got to salvage your child now! no vaccine…I repeat, if after all we know now, that these vaccines DO NOT work, a waste of time, you will need boosters every 4 months, maybe 2 months, that they are harmful…people die after the vaccine, this is real data the CNN and FOX shilling for pharma wont tell you…your child WILL die…and these beasts in govn and pharma, these vaccine developers were given liability protection by POTUS Trump so when you child dies from these vaccines you have no one to turn to…
it is up to you to decide but you will be the classic definition of crazy if you went ahead with a booster and vaccinated your child…
stop it! it is time you said NO! Every single lockdown, school closures, mask mandate failed….nothing these beasts in govn did worked….you say stop it and take back your freedom and life…you will be fine…just say no and begin life again…live as if COVID is gone for it is…the government and lockdown lunatics cannot seem to let it go.
South Africa's huge omicron wave appears to be subsiding just as quickly as it grew
Max Bearak
Wed., December 22, 2021, 11:54 a.m.
NAIROBI, Kenya - South Africa's huge wave of omicron cases appears to be subsiding just as quickly as it grew in the weeks after the country first announced to the world that the new coronavirus variant had been identified.
South Africa's top infectious-disease scientist, who has been leading the country's pandemic response, said Wednesday that the country had rapidly passed the peak of new omicron cases and, judging by preliminary evidence, he expected "every other country, or almost every other, to follow the same trajectory."