Survey: Chris Christie Most Disliked GOP Candidate in Field; you think? why do you think this would be the case? this guy is so full of sh*t and hatred for '45', he should crawl under a rock and
keep quiet...there are people no matter how 'irrelevance' stares them in the face, they can't 'get' it.
‘Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is the most disliked Republican candidate in the GOP primary field, this week’s Morning Consult survey found.
As is consistent with past weekly surveys, Trump continues to stand as the candidate with the highest favorability among Republicans, with 71 percent viewing him favorably. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis comes in second place with 63 percent reporting a favorable view of the presidential hopeful. Both Trump and DeSantis, however, see roughly a quarter of respondents reporting an unfavorable view of them — 26 percent and 23 percent, respectively.’
Toss up between Krispy Kreme Christie and Judas Pence.
Christie hates Trump because he's jealous of his popularity while Christie feels he paid his political dues and deserves the shot at the presidency. He maligns Trump every chance he gets, failing to understand he's lowering himself and elevating Trump. His bitterness has rotted his brain.