Ten Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse have 3 new additions; I was lobbied relentlessly today to add Birx, Azar (liability protection PREP Act) and Walensky & I confess, I have caved, so it is now 13
Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse; 13...these 13 IMO must be investigated on all things COVID, questioned under oath, and proper judges and juries must sit; if guilty of causing deaths, must face jail!
We simply want answers from mRNA technology invention to the fraud pandemic to the fraud deadly mRNA gene based injections…who knew what, when, who profitted and got what, when, how…who did what and where was ‘safety’ on there agenda…was it ever? that is all…each of these people at some point took pax payer money and fattened themselves and their families…they should answer to us the people; do not hold your breath on the Freedom Fighter media to do this…oh no, their heads are up the assess of these 13, some more than others…they are grifters and grafters too, big time!
The 13 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse are as follows:
10)Francis Collins
Absolutely, Birx has admitted she knew it was all a fraud, and Walensky is one of the leaders and promoters of mass murder, being in a position as she was. Pure evil on display.
What wrong with the death penalty being on the table. They killed a lot of us.