The DNC for POTUS (Harris) night 2 again was full of fraud & lies, but what a celebration! Obama's speech was bullshit lies yet Obama can win (yes it's Obama who is actually running); I warn again, 45
must swap out Vance, this is about winning & understand the potency of the woman card & the minority card being played; respect it and match it to nullify it, so 45 can prosecute Harris's record
Trump need’s a VP who can prosecute Harris’s devastating deadly record in California and as VPOTUS e.g. the breach she approved of our borders where illegals came into US and now raped and killed our women and girls….Trump needs someone to help him, to take those off the table so not an issue for him, so he can focus…we have 2 months, 2 weeks…
Be warned POTUS Trump…Harris, Obama et al. are playing the race black card on you…you need help…I know you, you are not a racist, but they will package you as such. be warned. They are. Vance cannot help you. The optics are key now. Obama and Harris and their soldiers will tell white people AGAIN like they did for Obama, shame them into voting for him for his blackness and not his integrity and capacity…they will tell white people now and white women, ‘oh you do not want to vote for Kamala because she is black’ ‘oh you do not want to vote for her because she is a woman’ and play the ethnicity and gender card and shame people again…into voting for Harris. Race and gender-based voting…wake up Trump!!
Swap out Vance, POTUS Trump, swap him out…you WILL lose! Get a woman and ideally a minority woman Sir.
It is not too late.
I saw fear in Obama’s eyes!
Listening to Obama bullshit now! Why bullshit? For he said same crap in 2008 and then went on to terrorize USA. To islamize it, to bring in Tashfeen Malik to kill 14 in San Bernadino, injuring 22.
They killed 14 people and injured 22 others.
Do not forget Tashfeen and the lives she took…one of Obama’s migrants, I think via some marriage visa.
Obama spoke as if it were his nomination, and it was! ‘Hope, hope, hope’!!! Same crap. When it comes from Obama! ‘Yes you can’, bullshit!
Hope and change! Obama said, remember it?
Yes you can! Obama said, remember it?
Remember how Obama decimated blacks across America…do you remember?
All bullshit! Crap, fraud to steal your votes in 2008…you fell for it like how you fell for the Malone Bourla Bancel Sahin fraud deadly mRNA vaccine…and the fraud fake COVID non-pandemic.
Obama brought you the same ‘hope and change’ garbage tonight he sold you in 2008 and you fell for it, you Republicans too until you recoiled in horror at his policies. Same with Michelle Obama, former FLOTUS. Hope and change bull shit. Every single statement a democrat like Michelle and Obama says, is opposite to their actions. They openly blatantly lie. Duplicity, misdirection, deceit. Since The Great Society under democrat POTUS Johnson, in 1965, Democrats have devastated anything they touch, especially on the backs of minorities.
Michelle Obama said Trump et al., Republicans etc., do not like them because they are black. The nerve of this minority, colored woman who with her corrupt husband benefitted from America, on all sorts of handouts, quotas etc, these bitches can call America racist? Trump? When Trump did more for black Americans in 1 year than Obama did in 8? Obama did fuck all, NOTHING for blacks…nothing…
Obama needs to win this via Kamala to stay out of jail, they all are destined for jail aka Crossfire Hurricane, Fast and Furious and others.
I heard Obama say para ‘even if we do not agree we can still get along’ yet this fucker and others like him have not stopped trying to jail Trump and even stepped up to shoot him. It was fascinating listening to Obama telling us what Kamala’s policies are, yet she can’t because if you heard her speak you will not ever vote for her…so Obama has to campaign for her as if he was her…as I said, it is his campaign she is running on! It is Obama you are seeking to elect via Harris! It is Obama who is running against Trump.
Know your target Trump!
Now let me remind you who Obama is, he gave Iran our Air Force drone technology and naval gunship technology so that Iran can develop it and use against Americans…
The drone did not crash or was never shot down…read, it landed…it landed…Obama gave it…we need to know which military officers were involved….this must never be forgotten…
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You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
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JD is fine. Trump needs to keep his fire up and choose words wisely to throw his darts at them.