The insanity of the law & why at times we say 'the law is an ass'! why? A Canadian military judge stopped short of an absolute discharge against James Topp, the veteran soldier who questioned mandates
Canadian veteran James Topp slapped with $4k fine, ‘reprimand’ for criticizing COVID jab mandates; I marched with James & this is the real Canadian hero who stood up while most shrunk away
James questioned and marched so that your mother and father and granny and grandpa could get early treatment drugs and not be left to die isolated and dehydrated and comotosed due to sedation with midazolam and killed on ventilators; James marched so that you could think and question and push back and say no on the vaccine, so that your 14 year old did not take the shot and did not die of the soccer field; James marched so that we could put a stop to the insanity and moronity and stupidity and duplicity and inaneness and sloppiness and laziness and speciousness of Tam, Sharma, Njoo at Health Canada and PHAC; James marched so that those laid off and fired for refusing the vaccine could be re-instated and get all their benefits and pay re-instated; James marched in solidarity with the Canadian truckers who were brutalized by Trudeau when they said NO to the mandates; James marched to show that we had a voice and could stand up to protect our own bodily integrity so that no faceless and inept incompetent sold out, and two-faced banal technocrat would make decisions for us; James marched to save lives; this is why James marched, and he lost everything taking the stand he took and I am proud I marched into Ottawa with him to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; that he called me ‘brother Paul’;
thank you James for asking me to join you in the march, you remain the real hero to Canadians and world! a brother to me!!
Among the greatest ever Canadians!
The law is indeed an ass!
James Topp should get the ORDER OF CANADA for what he did! Do not worry, the future will fix this!
NEW WESTMINSTER, British Columbia (LifeSiteNews) — A notable former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who supported the Freedom Convoy has been hit with a $4,000 fine along with a “severe reprimand” for speaking out against COVID jab mandates by marching across Canada last year.
Former CAF member and veteran James Topp learned his fate in a New Westminster court Thursday after pleading guilty on November 14 to two counts of prejudice to good order and discipline in relation to him protesting a military COVID jab mandate.
See substack of when James Topp and I entered Ottawa after marching in march across Canada; the Ottawa etc. legs were hell for me…
James and I looking at the crowd that greeted us in Ottawa and we are surrounded by people in green who were our security, security was heavy for us, about 25 soldiers and police around us as people were coming at us to hug and kiss and pull and push and love, it was beautiful and scary too:
The judicial system evolved from dunking suspected witches in water. If they died they were innocent and if they survived they were guilty. Not much has changed. It's not science. The judge who fined and reprimanded James Topp serves globohomo.
Thanks Paul for sharing that and recognizing a real Canadian hero!