The Middle Eastern jihadist male, North African male, these neanderthalic 6th century animals, hell bent on raping our women and killing us, its booked, you have to understand, we can put him down
easily but you first need to recognize the threat that Biden and Obama put in place, allowed to happen, and that your 2nd ammendment is the only way to put this beast down; safe, protection of life
6th century minds living in the 21st century…
100% Paul !! And I have to add to those animals the thousands of Chinese who are coming for other purposes. Many weapons including shoulder fired rockets were shipped into America in containers during Obama's first attack on the country. They have been waiting for Chinese operators and now they are here. With the exception of the war for independence, we have never been in such dire straights.
Children are taught from birth, indoctrinated from birth, and 100% ruined with brainwashing, to hate certain people and believe that they must kill all of them. This is evil done to children, of a certain sect of islam.
Children are innocent, unless they are turned into mindless animalistic hate machines. Then in adulthood they are a scourge on normal society.