The SCOTTISH Public Health weekly report (4th) tells us a glaring FACT: that the unvaccinated had the lowest infection rate out of the four cohorts (age-standardized), each week, even when OMI peaked
The vaccinated can be argued as the superspreaders; I dealt with this prior but I wanted to touch on it again, for this report is so telling as it shows that the unvaccinated are at lowest risk
from among the unvaccinated, 1 dose, 2 dose, and triple dose
Neil Oliver talks about how governments are trying to hide how much money they have wasted and how pointless and damaging lockdowns are by continuing to mass jab - hoping that we will not get angry at what they have done to us.
I agree but it is proving impossible to turn around the court of public opinion due to the massive brainwashing operation. From what I can see, tons of evidence has emerged but most will not even look at it, never mind accept it.