They killed us, our parents & grand-parents, our peoples with MALICE & were diabolical in the COVID response, the 'protocol', where patients needing antibiotics were denied antibiotics, doctors told
that it won't work as COVID is a viral infection, but they all knew, doctors etc. that it is typically bacterial infection seconday to viral infection that kills in these epidemics, pandemics (Yeadon)
No treatment with needed antibiotics, sedation with midazolam & morphine, isolation, dehydration, malnourichment, Remdesivir, and ventilator was the core reason so very many died; these factors along with several more.
So sad but so true. I lost 2 family members by this horrible murderous act. Both on my wife's side (her very close brother and father). She will NEVER be the same again over this. I downloaded both of their medical records the day they died and hope someday to sue them when the bozo in the Whitehouse is canned. THE MEDIA IS THE VIRUS!
Yes they did! My healthy 61 yr old husband went in for a chest X-ray and they trapped in to the protocol immediately and tortured him for 51/2 weeks before they killed him! Justice will be served I believe it!