This idiot Redditor who says he is an MD, is having his 6th Covid infection & bout & tells us he is 4 times vaccinated, he tells us each bout is worse than prior yet the idiot is yet to realize mRNA
mRNA technology gene injection vaccine is dysregulating & subverting his immune system, damaging it, vaccinated more prone to infection, ADEI & ADED, mismatch virus to antibodies & antigenic sin
This MD needs serious help. For he is on the booster treadmill the blockhead can’t seem to get off of and the egg-head does not get yet, despite what we have published, that the booster has failed, is in negative effectiveness territory and causes harms and death. This ding dong will likely take 5 more shots and go on Paxlovid (causes COVID rebound) and Molnupiravir (causes mutations).
Lord help this dimwit. He even thinks masks work for he says he does not get it in hospital where he is masked and only when outdoors on vacation…what a blockhead. This is the very same type of moron that helped suffer us and caused deaths of many by their Branch COVIDian Taliban mentality and ineptness, academic sloppiness, and intellectual laziness for he sure has not picked up one scientific paper, yet he may have, and it is that he cannot actually read the science or understand it. Cognitive dissonance. And dangerous. The stupidity and cluelessness by this block head abounds.
This underscores my fears related to the notion that we're not training competent clinicians anymore. They are good at memorizing facts and then regurgitating them on multiple choice tests. But we no longer demand critical thinking. In fact, critical thinking is punished! I've seen this when it comes to the use of multiple choice tests to evaluate students' understanding of a particular topic area. If the student merely memorizes what he or she was 'taught', they'll do fine. BUT... if the student has actually read more deeply on a particular topic they find, when faced with having to select the 'correct' answer on a multiple choice test, that none of the answers, including the one they think the examiner wants them to select, are completely correct. What to do, what to do? There are often several facts that come to play making a *thinker* unable to select the preferred answer with any degree of comfort! No matter. Just select the answer that was provided from the handouts or textbook or lecture, and which comports with your lecture notes and all will be fine. Of course this is no indication that a student has mastered the topic at hand but the student has become an expert in the management of multiple choices tests. And these are the people in whom we place trust in the management of our health concerns. So, based on the notes, do I a) Give you a COVID booster, b) give you a COVID booster, c) Give you a COVID booster or d) All of the above.
Just let him do his thing, he’ll be our case study. Just how many jabs does it take?