This is the big stones American I like, this is the type I relate to: "Angry New Yorkers Confront Man Tearing Down Flyers of Missing Israelis: ‘You Don’t Have a F—ing Right to Touch That S—’ (VIDEO)"
he is right, this is America, you don't have the right to touch the posters...'I’m not f*cking Jewish. He’s not Jewish. I don’t know if he is or not. Doesn’t f*cking matter. This is f*cking the USA.'
Angry New Yorkers Confront Man Tearing Down Flyers of Missing Israelis: ‘You Don’t Have a F—ing Right to Touch That S—’ (VIDEO)
Pity they don't redirect some of that anger towards the people who have, for over two years, maimed/killed/sterilised their fellow New Yorkers.
People have the right to express themselves and those posters should stay, whether you agree with them or not. Take down the posters and you are eliminating people's ability to choose things for themselves and the fact you might not agree with them doesn't give you the right to remove them from public property. Let the best ideas win!