This SAGE HANA stack early 2023 on Malhotra's reversal (near in line with the push for COVID amnesty which they will never get) showed that SAGE was a credible voice, asking right questions
One does not need agree on everything as I don't want anyone to agree with my own views, but I find that HANA's writing is potent; we were never irrational & data was always there; they just pretended
People did not take the shot because they thought about it, understood the studies could not have been properly conducted in that short space of time, did not exclude harms, and understood that this was mild and that they could get through with their own natural immunity and did not trust the cast of characters involved; its that simple, people wanted the right to exercise their own bodily integrity…they also saw that all prior mRNA etc. studies failed and animals died…that no mRNA study was ever successful. That we were fcuking with the human genome, people did not need to be cell biologists to understand that you were injecting genetic material and for it to work it had to interface in some manner with your genetic material etc. everythign stunk to high heavens and it was not that we were irrational and in fact, when these people say that para ‘well, now we know the data so we are with you against the vaccine’…its bullshit for the data was always there and the evidence was firm, what changed was your opinion and the issue is, why?
reprinted as published:
‘"Many Didn't Take it For Irrational Reasons"
"Credible Expert Hero" Aseem Malhotra keeps an iron grip on his credible expertness
MAR 2, 2023
Promo Code: TFish
You mean like maybe they didn’t want their fucking dad to die from experimental gene therapy technology that never worked on anything ever…that was bum-rushed through three months of bullshit trials?
Like that kind of irrational reasoning?
Shades of Scott Adams, I guess. I don’t know, I don’t really follow Dilbert Guy but this see…’
Well even though there was a 99.7% cure, people did not listen to that, that the numbers for kids cure were even higher, again not listened too. What they listened to was MSM AND CDC FEEDING FEAR AND DEATH. I know what was shown over and over was propaganda and lies, but that is me, what I saw on TV WAS THE PEDDLING OF FEAR, PUSHING IT DOWN OUR THROATS. PANDEMIC? What is that? They never ever said the age of people dying, or that they had many comorbidities, none of that. This was you cannot see loved ones in hospitals, you cannot visit loved ones unless you have this vaccine. This was lies, falsehoods, fear mongering at its best. For that alone all should be arrested, this whole administration pushed and paid for this narrative to be pushed and shoved at us. This whole administration are evil and corrupt, should be impeached and then ALL ARRESTED FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. THEN GO AFTER EVERYONE THAT TOOK MONEY, CDC, AMA, NIH, FAUCI, BIRX’s, HOSPITALS, DOCTORS, NURSES, ABOVE ALL MSM! The media did this at this administrations insistence!
Not everybody becomes part of herd stupidity...herds can be immune from critical thoughts... it was critical thinking ... knowing the outcomes of previous vaccines ... and watching the rise in deaths after the magic juice failing.. Covid was never any threat to the majority .. they kept giving us the risk ratios..... Vents Remdesivir ... midazolam...pushed the risk far into the red...and stupid flip flop statements from fauci and co trying to hide therapeutics ivermectin and HCQ..and trashing chlorine dioxide .. right after Trump tried to talk about flags to those seeking alternatives..this entire catastrophe was engineered.. nothing more than planned genocide...people are still dropping dead two years after they took this muck.. and everyone is scratching heads looking nonplussed.... news reporting doing eff all to inform the sheep 😕