Thorp: Global COVID-19 Pandemic Outcomes: Dissecting a Failed Strategy: "Increasing rates of COVID-19 vaccination are associated with increase COVID-19 death rates per country population (p=0.002)."
Other variables associated include healthcare costs per capita (+0.3212, p=0.0007), income per capita (+0.3051, p=0.0013), COVID-19 tests per 1000 population (+0.6981 p=0.0307); focus on + or - signs
See the results and to be honest, after 3 years of COVID, these results are not surprising.
Excellent work by Thorp et al.
“Univariate analysis demonstrates the following independent variables to correlate with COVID-19 deaths/population (correlation coefficient, p value): countrywide COVID-19 vaccination rates (+0.2936, p=0.002); healthcare costs per capita (+0.3212, p=0.0007), income per capita (+0.3051, p=0.0013), COVID-19 tests per 1000 population (+0.6981 p=0.0307); stringency index (+0.3098, p=0.0011); hydroxychloroquine index (-0.1337, p=0.0678); and ivermectin index (-0.1383, p=0.1535).
Conclusions Increasing rates of COVID-19 vaccination are associated with increase COVID-19 death rates per country population (p=0.002). Other variables associated include healthcare costs per capita (+0.3212, p=0.0007), income per capita (+0.3051, p=0.0013), COVID-19 tests per 1000 population (+0.6981 p=0.0307); and stringency index (+0.3098, p=0.0011).”
Shouldn’t the Covid virus that is three years old be extinct by now? I can understand the vaccinated getting infected by their own variants but the unvaccinated shouldn’t be a factor in any of this.
Not surprising in the least but that doesn't mean the report and associated data won't be censored or disparaged & discounted by the usual Big Tech & MSM "fact checking"suspects