TikTok, that video-focused social media got POTUS Trump (47) hot & focused on SAVING it, proclaiming he is coming to the rescue hour ONE with Executive order (EO); I am thrilled, mRNA shots going down
Malone mRNA shots going down! Now I know for sure hour one, as he saves TikTok, which I & most do not give a crap, mRNA vaccine that were brought under him & KILLED thousands, will be EO stopped!
So join me in standing by, if TikTok could get the POTUS to focus and act for quickly with EO, in the best interest of TikTok and big business, then a vaccine that has killed so many Americans and threatens to kill many more and harm many children, will be stopped via same EO and no more will be given out and no more will be brought (no ‘new and improved’) for no more fake fraud PCR created non-pandemics…I cannot tell you, I am beside myself in anticipation, so very happy, for that EO in that big pile…I am briming with excitement for I know POTUS Trump is finally going to do the right thing with these Malone et al. vaccines.
Thank you POTUS Trump ahead of time! Thank you for instructing Makary and Bhattacharya and your SG and Bobby Jr. of course, that its DOA and all mRNA technology and vaccine must be stopped. I would be remiss to not mention Bobby Jr. a bit more for it is clear to me persons in your RNC, orbit, Trump world, Trump MAGA folk etc. have tied Bobby Jr. down and straightjacketed him. He is neutered. Wings clipped. Why would you allow this Sir? for his gravitas and command and ‘authority’ is declining. The public is not happy Sir. Is it POTUS Musk who did this travesty? Some say its Susie? Is this so? Can you untie Bobby Jr. so that the REAL Bobby Jr. can continue his hammering of the deadly OWS and lockdowns (as he should) and the deadly failed Malone et al. mRNA transfection vaccine that has killed so many? Bobby Jr. really looks like our only shot at anything…
That said, I know I gave you earlier that huge library of studies and you need nothing else. Have it, use it, it is all you need. No delays, no studies, nothing. Just EO. As for TikTok. Some say you may just let the mRNA vaccines stay. Will do nothing, say nothing, you and your health agency heads and staff. I tell them they are out of their minds. I see many groveling for jobs from you (though they detest you) and the like and went radio silent. In exchange for jobs. But as Jorge says, we are like hair on a gorilla on them should they make any malevolent moves, we know them all. Alternatively, some say you may say para we will let NIH do some studies across the next years to see what is going on. I also tell those folk they are downright batshit crazy. Cannot happen. The ones who say that you will immediately as you are sworn in, kind of like for TikTok, END the mRNA vaccines and the deaths in toto and right away. To these I give credit and agree. I know this is what you WILL do. There is no other option, we have had near 4 years of it and the harms, like the failure and harms of OWS and lockdowns too.
I am hoping one day soon I can talk to you POTUS Trump on the ventilators that you and your administration insisted upon and that killed most people who were placed on them. I also want to talk to you to ensure you understand that most people, maybe 95% who died, died not because of any fake COVID non-pandemic non-virus etc., but because of how our medical doctors and medical system and hospitals abused and isolated them and denied treatments and antibiotics, pumped them with toxic sedatives and paralytics and kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, nailing the coffin shut with the ventilator. I could wait, I know you are busy. Many things for us to talk about. Such as there is no avian bird flu that threatens humans and there is no person-to-person spread and no HMPV near ‘common cold'/flu’ entity that threatens healthy humans and no need for ‘new and improved 2nd generation’ mRNA Malone vaccines.
Over to you now Sir, may you have a successful Presidency, peace, safety, success and I am available always to help you MAGA. Act Mr. President, Rushmore awaits your face. I know you have EO on illegal immigration and a range of key issues but if TikTok can get your attention, then mRNA death shots could more than and it will make no sense if it did not. I actually thought when you said what you did in media today about TikTok, I thought you were also going to tee up your pulling from US market all mRNA vaccines. But I do not fault you, I know you are busy. Someone whispered to me it is in the big batch of EOs teed up for later today after you are sworn in. I am so so very happy! Bursting! Happy for the American people! FINALLY!
Welcome back Sir, I hope you can feel my HUGE hug!
Thank you!
The CRIME OF THE CENTURY - Fauci murdered MILLIONS of people.
And this mentally unfit, illegitimate President, traitor, Biden issues a pardon?!?
The people must demand and SEE justice, this must be reversed.
I forgot to mention, Biden has preemptively PARDONED Fauci, the members of the Jan 6 Committee, and others.
I LOUDLY say - Trump MUST REVERSE those "pardons"!!! If necessary, change the law. They CANNOT be allowed to get away with their crimes. Let's watch what Trump does here.