Today, I think this Dark Horse video with Malone, Weinstein, Kirsch, was pure utter me...this put them out as experts in COVID and lots of this
was garbage, this is spinning misinformation. Steve I am ambivalent on for I think he is just out of place; Malone emerged as mRNA con artist & Weinstein talked utter bullshit pushing lockdowns etc.
Two of these 3 caused harms in people for they lied, and misinformed people. Did they know what they were saying? These people are free to call me anything they wish. This podcast led people down the wrong path as to what really was going on.
Looking back, this was a staged part of the COVID Operation. The fraud of COVID. This was done to put these types out so that they could get some cred to then sell us shit. More fraud. More tripe.
After all the money you donated to Malone as an example after this podcast, ask yourself, the man whose technology is in the same vaccine that kills you, what has he said or done to benefit you? Has he fixed his death mRNA technology shit? All he did was play victim when it is his shit in the vaccine, beg you for money, people like him, and silence the Freedom movement with lawsuits…that’s all…he accomplished one of the key jobs he was tasked with…that is, silence the anti-Freedom movement, at least the strong voices…
I know the man and woman on the street, mom and pop, fly over country, blue collar, regular Joe, as more knowledgeable and capable and honest than these people. Critical thinkers.
I do think this podcast was a staged fraud on the nation, the world.
This podcast was used to put these people out as experts, in our face, and they were not. So, you will listen to them as experts. They were not. So, they could craft the message.
Ask Weinstein how could he push and support lockdowns when data was showing it killed?
Kirsch is a data guy and depends on what we put out. I know him and my work with him says he is a good man…I am not interested in his money and mouse et al. Just are you helping people? I think he sought to and wants to. Kirsch, I regard, we can learn from him, puts out some good data and graphs, I like Kirsch, strange man, but so am I and others, but he wants to do good IMO, the others are frauds IMO. Bullshitters. Money fame leeches. IMO, nothing they said we did not know and lots of what they said was bullshit tripe.
Today, does what they say make any sense? Was this not just a marketing plan?
Malone reeled me in, in the beginning, when I didn't know any better. It's like when I was a much younger single man looking for love in all the wrong places. Then I realised, wait, this bloke is just a hooker, looking for free gifts and good times, saying the very same sweet nothings to me as he did to all the other guys. What am I getting out of it? Fucking whore.
But he led me to you Paul. So, in that way, he did one good thing for me. And with you Paul, I could speak my mind with zero censorship.
Does anyone pass your purity test?
Just interested in hearing who you personally believe has been 100% solid regarding this scamdemic.