Trudeau Mr. Tampon man showed us how stupid & idiotic & uninformed he is and was in this short COVID clip! 2 key points i)he said that if you don't want to get vaccinated that's your choice but these
beasts MANDATED it, people were laid off & had NO income & even harmed themselves in desperation so he was a fraud liar! 2) he said the unvaccinated on a plane/train puts vaccinated at risk; how EFFin
come? If your ass is vaccinated, how could my unvaccinated ass put you at risk? Do you really understand the depth of madness we lived and listened to during COVID where it made no sense…just listen again and you realize it is either this dufus was not thinking of what he was told to say, or he actually believed that shit is/was actually true or he is/was actually dumb and just mindless…which is it? was he part of the plan to harm people for this COVID vaccine did just that with no safety studies and no research or clinical indication anywhere that as a non-sterilizing vaccine, without the proper long-term study to ‘exclude harms’, that it worked to curb transmission or death; it never ever worked! This mRNA vaccine never ever worked and no one can show me or you one case, one example where it worked with proper research…show us!
If a person got the vaccine and is vaccinated, then how could an unvaccinated person put them at risk? Trudeau in this clip evidenced how clueless and non-sensical he is/was. In fact, I argue his words and policies killed Canadians. Blood of Canadians are on his hands and he harmed our military and police by mandating it for today, many are vaccine injured and many will suffer the consequence of this. They trusted a criminal government in Canada.
No surprise that politicians lie out of both sides of their mouths. The real problem is that no one holds them to it. Biden did the same thing...told people he wouldn't impose mandates, but then imposed mandates. Trying to get the approval of all sides.
I hate Trudeau, hes given us a 23% carbon tax in April and next April hes doing it again. Until that fucking asshole is gone hes going to continue to destroy this country. As for the jabs, he should be hung for what he did to people, thats after all the blood money he made is given to the vaccine injured.