Trump allowed vaccine developers and CDC and NIH and all involved LIABILITY PROTECTION, so when your child is harmed or dies from this vaccine, you are exposed and no recourse; NO, say hell NO!!!!!!!
No one involved, none, has liability so you MUST say NO, "NO LIABILITY = NO TRUST" make this your rally cry; if these bit***s stand by these vaccines as safe, then take protection off table; demand it
Children will die from these vaccines, not COVID….
Start rallying, until Bourla of Pfizer or Bancel of Moderna put liability protection their assess enjoy, until they come to the table and say ‘we want to take risk too and so we will remove the protection we enjoy because we stand behind the vaccine and say it is safe”….unless these beasts say this and put it in writing, then you say ‘NO DEAL’…
I am warning you again, we are liable to kill thousands of children, short term, and medium and long term…we have no idea what the implications of these vaccines are so you have to demand liability protection be removed and a refusal means they know there is massive risk to your child…
Our research shows that the vaccinal antibodies can suppress the innate antibodies that children have always that protects them always against many pathogen…this is what has spared children, along with limited ACE 2 receptors in their nostrils etc. and a primed innate immune system positioned to act, with naïve and untrained innate antibodies and innate natural killer cells (NK cells) in the mucosal compartment (that slimy snot in your respiratory tract/nose and in your oral digestive tract), there resides your mucosal compartment immunity and it is very potent…the vaccine will suppress this capacity and subvert and outcompete it, why? because we have indications that due to the antibodies etc. being so non-specific and with low affinity for the antigen, it will handle any pathogen, any virus, any variant of COVID…needs no memory like the adaptive acquired ‘long lived’ immunity that is invoked if the innate is breached….but the innate is like a mandingo immunity, will tear up anything coming at your child and this they come with as until they have time in the world, they are ‘antigen inexperienced’ so need something that GOD gives them, someone gave them to survive and it is the beautiful ‘innate’ immunity and these vaccines can destroy it and for good.
The innate immunity your children have is there for a reason, dont let them ph**k around with it with these sub-optimal non-sterilizing vaccines…
this is the PREP Act…
see this portion so that you understand what I mean and how this relates to COVID:
PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators
In order to expand the workforce available and authorized to administer COVID-19 vaccines, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) provides immunity to qualified individuals.
When Immunity from Liability Applies
When the Secretary determines that a threat or condition constitutes a present or credible risk of a future public health emergency, the Secretary may issue a PREP Act declaration. The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration or use of covered countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions identified in the declaration.
Professionals and Entities Covered by Immunity
PREP Act immunity applies to:
licensed health professionals authorized to administer covered medical countermeasures under the law of the state where the countermeasure is administered, and
other individuals identified in the declaration by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to prescribe, dispense, or administer covered countermeasures, including the COVID-19 vaccine
Qualified Persons
In March 2020, the Secretary issued a PREP Act Declaration covering COVID-19 tests, drugs and vaccines providing liability protections to manufacturers, distributors, states, localities, licensed healthcare professionals, and others identified by the Secretary (qualified persons) who administer COVID-19 countermeasures. The Declaration has been amended several times to expand liability protections, including prior amendments to cover licensed healthcare professionals who cross state borders and federal response teams.
In March 2020, the HHS Secretary issued a PREP Act Declaration covering COVID-19 tests, drugs and vaccines providing liability protections to manufacturers, distributors, states, localities, licensed healthcare professionals, and others identified by the Secretary (qualified persons) who administer COVID-19 countermeasures. The Declaration has been amended several times to expand liability protections, including prior amendments to cover licensed healthcare professionals who cross state borders and federal response teams.
Under the PREP Act, a qualified person is a covered person. Except for willful misconduct, a covered person is immune from lawsuits and liability under federal and state law with respect to all claims for loss resulting from the administration or use of a covered countermeasure, such as a COVID-19 vaccine, if they meet criteria stated in a declaration under the PREP Act issued for the health emergency or threat and covered countermeasure.
The seventh PREP Act amendment expands the list of professionals who are qualified to administer vaccines and are protected from liability as follows:
Non-Traditional Licensed or Certified Health Professionals: Listed healthcare providers who are licensed or certified prescribe, dispense and/or administer COVID-19 vaccines.
Previously Active and Recently Retired Professionals: Any retired professional whose license or certification expired within the past five years to prescribe, dispense and/or administer COVID-19 vaccines in any state or U.S. territory so long as the license or certification was active and in good standing prior to the date it went inactive.
Healthcare Students: Any student who has proper training in administering vaccine from their school or training program and are under supervision by a currently practicing healthcare professional experienced in intramuscular injections.
Liability hardly matters when every product is potentially poison.
Thank you and thank you also for taking the time to call WBEN talk radio in Buffalo. I’ve learned a lot from you & am grateful for your energy, intensity & concern for humanity. You remind us to stay in the fight!