TRUMP-KENNEDY 2024! I would vote for that ticket; POTUS Trump was undercut, subverted, misled, lied to by Azar, Birx, Fauci, Francis Collins, TASK FORCE save Giroir, deepstate cabal, CDC, FDA, NIH tec
nocrats, & I saw the good he did & the benefits, in one year he did more for Americans, black Americans etc. than Biden-Obama did in 8, I think Trump is BEST to save America among characters on deck
No one is perfect, no one…and he made mistakes but he was attacked from ‘inside the house’ by Paul Ryan et al. RINOs, sick people. So I think he should get the chance to fix the disaster of the fraud NON-pandemic, to come clean, to right the wrongs and to get accountability, we need to see them all punished…
Trump-Kennedy 2024!
Absolutely agree with everything you said about Trump. But not sure about a Trump/Kennedy ticket.
However, Kennedy knows who killed his father and uncle, and he knows the dangers of vaccines. And he knows the Dems will not allow him to get the nomination.
So it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
I read this afternoon an email alert from Children’s Health Defense to the effect that RFK Jr would be announcing his intention to run as an Independent candidate.
Excellent. He’ll split the commie vote, not win except in that regard, then be appointed by President Trump to demolish Pharma and the NIH. Big wins all around.
Just keep him away from anything to do with Climate policies, where he is woefully under-informed and in need of a proper education. Otherwise, could be a plan.