TURBO cancers are cancers that are aggressive, kills fast: did mRNA COVID gene vaccines cause an emergence of “turbo cancers"? are U.S. regulatory agencies CDC, FDA, NIH & doctors PRETENDING?
Has mRNA technology gene vaccines suppressed the tumor suppressing immune system, the tumor suppressing portion of the immune system for BRCA, P53, SV 40, Toll-like recptors 7, 8 etc.?
We mean lethal very rapid deadly cancers, rapid metastasis, flaring up from remission etc. Aggressive and rapid-onset cancers that are resistant to any treatment and emerging mainly in young, healthy individuals post COVID mRNA vaccination.
Why has Weissman, Kariko, Sahin, Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Fauci, Francis Collins, Birx, Jha, Hahn etc. not come to the American people to explain what they did with the mRNA technology and the fraud deadly mRNA vaccine?
Why do doctors continue this lie of a safe and effective COVID vaccine when they know it is a lie? Why have oncologists gone silent as the TURBO cancers escalate? When they see the rise in TURBO cancers in line with the roll-out of the COVID gene vaccine in January February 2021? Especially after boosting e.g. 3rd, 4th shot. Why did Health Canada, PHAC, SAGE, CDC, NIH, FDA etc. promote a COVID vaccine that was unsafe, safety untested, and they knew the mRNA technology, modified or not, was unsafe? They knew the LNP complex was deadly, they knew. How did they benefit? As Suzie was denied her medical exemption or religious or personal natural immunity exemption, then cut her off work and her income, and then she hung herself. This was the result of the ‘inventors’ actions and policies, of FDA, of CDC etc.
2 of my close relatives who were perfectly healthy a year ago were just diagnosed with ‘Covid-cancer.’ I don’t know where they ever learned that term, but that’s what the doctor’s are calling it…it’s in their stomach, bladder and lymph nodes (both cases). Both people have had 4 gene therapy shots and we live in the ‘red state’ of Nebraska.
It's more than a coincidence, a deliberate culling of thr Human Race. Was reading yesterday about deliberate reduction in Farmlands, the "Green Idiots", plan on reducing crops and livestock," To save the Earth".... Expect Famine, to sweep the World.