NEGATIVE EFFICACY: U.K. Health Agency first “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report” of 2022, collates infection rate data for the final weeks of 2021 (weeks 49-52); a DEVASTATING REPORT
NEGATIVE EFFICACY; see TABLE 13, page 42, case rates per 100,000 divided by age group & vaccination status; vaccine is a failure, no mandates; see Danish study (vaccine drives OMICRON spread)
These COVID vaccines were never ever needed! Never. They now show us they are both ineffective and harmful.
I will say this, when all of this is over and it will end, it has to, then we must get accountability for it is way past simple mistakes. Some of this is malfeasance, yes greed that will wrap itself up into any matter, but there is real malfeasance. Anyone who did wrong in this COVID, under Trump and Biden, anyone, anyone who profited, anyone who abused their position and anyone who costed lives, must sit in a jail cell for some time. This is part of the healing, not simple mea culpas. No ride off into the sunset with a golden parachute. We want jail! I will state this at the start of a couple of other pieces.
Negative efficacy/effectiveness. Get familiar with that term as we deal with these COVID vaccines. It means that getting the vaccine increases risk of becoming infected.
It is clear that COVID has moved from pandemic to endemic status (endemic equilibrium), I argue when Delta came. But certainly for Omicron and thus we need to recognize like for common cold coronavirus OC 43 etc. (which 150 years ago or so was pandemic but become endemic across time and we live with it today very stably), we live with it, seasonal, and we treat when needed but we move on…LIVE life again, COVID is done. But if we want these infections to continue for many years, then keep vaccinating like how we are. We have the perfect exit strategy in Omicron yet with vaccine, we will drive more variants and can even drive a deadly one.
First, huge hugs and love to all!
Second, I will never stop making sure you get it, that Fauci, Birx, and Francis Collins lockdowns killed people.
Two key papers are presented here and some calculations:
U.K. Health Security Agency first “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report” of 2022
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC Transmission in Danish Households
see also 6 studies at the end of this stack on OMICRON to evidence the failure
Table 13, page 42 key columns of the UK report (1st, 2nd, and 3rd columns from the left):
UK has given us clear, detailed, granular data all along, better than all other nations. Their reporting (on page 47 as well as in prior weekly reports): “recent observations from UKHSA surveillance data that N antibody levels are lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination” is very alarming as it points to an impact on immunity (natural ‘recovered’ immunity) by the vaccine. En face, it suggests that if infected post 2nd dose, the generated immune response is hobbled/damaged (N antibodies are nucleocapsid antibodies).
It is clear from above table (unadjusted but still very potent) that the vaccinated is being infected at far greater levels than the unvaccinated. Except < 18 years old. This is disastrous. We have to urgently study the extent that they can transmit to both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, and how much they can get sick.
I have computed the vaccine efficacy in the following table and see all 18 years old and above, they are all significantly negative…this is catastrophic for the vaccine in the era of OMICRON….
It is seen in the above table that there is clear negative efficacy of the vaccines as to risk of being infected. This captures OMICRON. The vaccine negative efficacy appears to come fast, in a month or so. In plain language, taking the vaccine escalates your risk of getting infected (negative efficacy). This is bad as the evidence is clear that these vaccines are non-sterilizing, in that they do not stop infection, transmission, death, or hospitalization. IMO, they never ever worked. I will debate anyone on this. They do not sterilize the virus and confer no immunity and we can NEVER ever get to herd immunity with these vaccines as they do not cut the chain of transmission. Why did they bring these non-sterilizing vaccines in the first place is mind boggling and if you asked me: “Paul, make a vaccine to keep the pandemic ongoing for 100 years and one that could be used as a bioweapon”. I would make this vaccine and continue vaccinating as currently being done. No joke. No changes.
This raises what I and we have been saying in our substacks here, that the vaccine during this pandemic with circulating virus, is driving infection and variants. It is the ‘mass’ vaccination during the pandemic when there is massive infectious pressure intersecting with mounting sub-optimal ‘immature’ and ‘not fully developed’ immune pressure (sub-optimal vaccinal antibodies), this is near catastrophic and driving variants. It is the vaccinated that is most at risk of severe outcome we are seeing in the data. It can be argued to be a pandemic of the vaccinated, and at least a pandemic of both, not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. This has been absurd and reckless day 1 and it is shameful how the medical experts sit by and allow this drivel and cow tripe to be sold to the nation.
When the corrupted news network (CNN) tries to say that many infected with Omicron are in hospital, they forget a key component, were they vaccinated? The real issue is we argue that the vaccine is causing not just increased risk of infection, but severe illness with it. We have a serious situation with vaccine causing tremendous elevations in antibodies to the antigen and this in itself can be catastrophic (another question the vaccine makers did not study nor the FDA demanded as the regulator). How does the body cope with this massive antibody load and repeatedly with boosting? We do not know.
We have written and spoken about Original antigenic sin (I renamed ‘Mortal antigenic sin’ as the sin is irrecoverable) and the serious concern with AMVE and ADE that we saw in the 1960s with the children RSV vaccine where we saw children in the intervention arm dying and we had to stop the study; we had the dangerous dengue vaccine in 2017 in the Philippines that killed many children due to ADE, and we even have evidence of punishing ADE in the studies post 2003 SAR-1 where the animals died after being exposed to the virus in the wild. The risk also is exposure to ordinarily benign virus. The immune system is being primed and amped up in potentially devastating ways and we have clear evidence of what can go wrong.
We need to consider that the vaccinal antibodies may work to suppress potent ‘first line’ innate antibodies and this can leave children and young persons defenseless. This too was not studied and should have been. By repeated boosting, then antibodies will continually suppress the innate antibodies and this exposure will be continuous. Children could potentially be placed in a continuous vulnerable position to a broad range of pathogen. This can be catastrophic.
The COVID vaccine is driving viral immune escape. It is the combination of infectious pressure and sub-optimal immune pressure from mounting antibodies, using mass vaccination, that is driving natural selection but also the immune escape that is causing the vaccinated to be infected.
Also, unvaccinated persons are not mounting antibodies and it is hard to see how they place the virus under immune pressure. It is the suboptimal immune pressure from the vaccine that is at play here pressuring the virus. What say you?
There is also decent theory that it is the initial prime/exposure of the immune system with vaccine (1st shot) that has primed the immune system to respond with systemic antibodies with each exposure (e.g. to the repeat boosters) and not the correct cytotoxic NK cellular response at the local respiratory site of infection. Thus the immune system response is wrong, and thus the vaccinated is getting more and more infected in the respiratory tract and deeper into the lungs as the wrong soldiers (antibodies) are being sent to the wrong site e.g. blood.
This also lines up very good with a study in Denmark looking at OMICRON secondary transmission in Danish Households.
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC Transmission in Danish Households
see table 3, page 11 here…vaccines are causing the super-spreading of Omicron in the homes, but we can infer everywhere. Yes, there is immune escape, but the vaccine is lighting a fire…we actually see a dose response. Some argue it could be the immune system is suppressed post vaccine but we are really talking about secondary transmission here and there appears to be a clear link with vaccine and more vaccine at that.
Look at this chart of Wales...has mask mandates and passports and 3rd booster….see their infection rates….

See 6 OMICRON related studies:
1) Wilhelm et al. reported on reduced neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant by vaccine sera and monoclonal antibodies. “in vitro findings using authentic SARS-CoV-2 variants indicate that in contrast to the currently circulating Delta variant, the neutralization efficacy of vaccine-elicited sera against Omicron was severely reduced highlighting T-cell mediated immunity as essential barrier to prevent severe COVID-19.”
2) CDC reported on the details for 43 cases of COVID-19 attributed to the Omicron variant. They found that “34 (79%) occurred in persons who completed the primary series of an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine ≥14 days before symptom onset or receipt of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result.”
3) Dejnirattisai et al. presented live neutralisation titres against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, and examined it relative to neutralisation against the Victoria, Beta and Delta variants. They reported a significant drop in “neutralisation titres in recipients of both AZD1222 and BNT16b2 primary courses, with evidence of some recipients failing to neutralise at all.”
4) Cele et al. assessed whether Omicron variant escapes antibody neutralization “elicited by the Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in people who were vaccinated only or vaccinated and previously infected.” They reported that Omicron variant “still required the ACE2 receptor to infect but had extensive escape of Pfizer elicited neutralization.”
5) Holm Hansen et al.’s Denmark study looked at vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants following a two-dose or booster BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination series. A key finding was reported as “VE against Omicron was 55.2% initially following primary BNT162b2 vaccination, but waned quickly thereafter. Although estimated with less precision, VE against Omicron after primary mRNA-1273 vaccination similarly indicated a rapid decline in protection. By comparison, both vaccines showed higher, longer-lasting protection against Delta.” In other words, the vaccine that has failed against Delta is even far worse for Omicron. The table and figure below paint a devastating picture. See where the green dot is (Omicron variant) in the vertical lines (blue is Delta) and the 2 edges of the bars (upper and lower lips) 91 days out for Omicron (3 months). Both Pfizer and Moderna show negative efficacy for Omicron at 31 days (both are below the ‘line of no effect’ or ‘0’). The comparative table is even more devastating for it shows how much less vaccine effectiveness there is for Omicron. For example, at 1-30 days, Pfizer showed 55.2% effectiveness for Omicron versus 86.7% for Delta, and for the same period, Moderna showed 36.7% effectiveness for Omicron versus 88.2% for Delta.
6) UK reporting showed that boosters protect against symptomatic COVID-19 caused by Omicron for about 10 weeks; the UK Health Security Agency reported protection against symptomatic COVID-19 caused by the variant dropped from 70% to 45% following a Pfizer booster for those initially vaccinated with the shot developed by Pfizer with BioNTech. Specifically reporting by the UK Health Security Agency showed “Among those who received an AstraZeneca primary course, vaccine effectiveness was around 60% 2 to 4 weeks after either a Pfizer or Moderna booster, then dropped to 35% with a Pfizer booster and 45% with a Moderna booster by 10 weeks after the booster. Among those who received a Pfizer primary course, vaccine effectiveness was around 70% after a Pfizer booster, dropping to 45% after 10-plus weeks and stayed around 70 to 75% after a Moderna booster up to 9 weeks after booster.”
Great work.
Although I cannot prove it, I have no doubt the hospitalization and death data are being manipulated to make the vaccine appear better than it is.
Well said Neil. This person is an incompetent oaf introducing massive bias into interpretation by use of selective data analysis. What a fool