UK Parliament debate (October, 24th, 2022) on COVID vaccines as to effectiveness and safety and this debate is eye opening and you should listen; Dr. John Campbell's video sharing
UK Parliament vaccine debate; Naked Emperor does a great job transcribing the video for additional depth and I embed his stack, great work.
The MPs are a bit late to the awakening party aren't they? Better late than not at all one might say, however they were all aboard with the derision, vilification, and other disparaging comments & actions against those who had the audacity to question let alone opt out altogether from the forced injection regime pushing something that was NEVER a "vaccine" to begin with. As for the discussion of something called "medical ethics", one is hard pressed to come up with a greater example of an oxymoron, perhaps second only to the time honored prize winner "government intelligence"
The truth is too hard to swallow for the bluepill geniuses