Britain's Jeremy Hunt: China & Xi’s Man in London, so PM Truss has handed Prime Minister-ship to unelected Hunt; British people have been defrauded; they have 2 Prime Ministers & one spoons with Xi
Update: woke up today to learn that Truss has resigned and I had this piece on delay to be sent on out the 24th at 5.00 am. So I guess I will still put it out to show my thinking and a good piece by Senger. IMO, the story is the same, the message and content is the same, and the key is that the UK is in huge trouble. Similar as Canada etc. and the only …
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2 years ago · 3 likes · Dr. Paul Alexander
All this proves is that any government you care to mention is a front for criminal gangs and they none of them, have a shred of legitimacy.
That clip of Jeremy Hunt praising China’s zero Covid tolerance policy is one of the most frightening things I’ve seen. He said the countries that do best are the ones with such a policy in place. One I know of is another island Country as Britain is - New Zealand under the tyrannical Jacinda Adern and I believe they are
Presently seeing one of the highest resurgencies of Covid ! What a crock of lies from this man. And admiring the treatment of his sister is ludicrous !
Between the climate alarmist King and this dangerous dolt Britain is doomed.