UPDATE: "England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions"...ha ha ha, he is in free fall so he reverses what he KNEW, they knew had no scientific basis, he is on the out so reverses
dont let him get away and stay in power, punish him and if he did wrong, jail him! jail any and each scientist, doctor, technocrat, government official, all, COVID advisors, all, who costed lives!!
if he can just so easily change it means it had NO basis all along…jail him! the key is now he is doing the right thing but only when he is losing the vote today…this is catastrophic…it is so terrible what these beasts have done…
England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions
52 million vaxxed in England give or take?
With a leaky vaccine....
It looks like no matter what coercive measures they use the deploy the remaining anti-vaxxers will not capitulate.
So time to move on to the next stage --- infect as many of those 52M as possible with Omicron. Aim for hundreds of thousands per day... millions if you can...
How do you do that? Well of course you remove restrictions ... and you continue with the Boosters... one after the other ....
Why when you KNOW that the Boosters increase infections, hospitalizations and deaths?
Because the more leaky vaccine in the 52M who are getting infected with Omicron ... the higher the chances of breeding some truly nasty mutations of this virus.
Something far more contagious than Omicron -- something far more deadly than Omicron ...
Something far more nasty than even Marek's.
It's coming.
Please read Majid nawaz’s summary of Boris’ dilemma. It makes sense. If Boris goes, a great reset advocate will be put in his place and life in England will get even uglier.