URGENT: BA.4 & BA.5 omicron driven by VACCINE warrants nasal-oral washes with povidone iodine (PI) or hydrogen peroxide (no swallow); Flavio & Rapiti offers aggressive treatment for this BA.4/.5
I re-provide PI protocol & suggested treatments for BA 4 & BA 5 omicron; emerging reports indicate these are more symptomatic & stronger; talk to your doctor with the FLCCC program; VAX causing this
BA.5 is reported as being more stronger. It appears BA.4 and BA.5 are far worse for vaccinated persons. BA.2.12.1 appears to account for 50% of infections at this time but BA 4 and B is an issue and we are so very angry that the corrupt people pushing these mRNA (and adeno) injections are not getting it, they have no idea now what they are doing. They are causing global disaster with these sub-optimal injections. They are driving changes that are devastating. It must be stopped!
You also need to know that usually, 50 or so deaths causes any drug or vaccine to be pulled by the FDA off the market. Five or so causes an immediate black box warning. What is different about these COVID injections? We have tens of thousands of deaths reported in CDC’s VAERS, Europe’s EudraVigilance, and UK’s Yellow Card system vaccine surveillance system for adverse effects and deaths. Millions of reported and serious adverse events. Millions now from these fraud COVID injections. Something is very wrong here. This not just stinks to high heavens, malfeasance IMO is at play here in the highest order.
What we feared is actually now happening, or beginning to, I have written about this after consulting with Geert Vanden Bossche. Geert is the most incredible mind I have realized in immunology and virology. He is shunned due to his brilliance.
The argument is that the blocking of severe infection in the lower respiratory tract would disappear (and soon) and severe illness could emerge with future variants. Early treatment can work as before and you have to consult your doctor and devise a plan.
Early treatment clinicians (e.g. Dr. Marik) are advising that BA 4 & BA 5 must be treated more aggressively with antibiotics and STEROIDS on day 1-3 (at the latest) with anti coagulants (anti-blood clotting drugs) added if the D-dimer elevated as replication appears far greater than for SARS Delta and the lungs are involved with viral inflammation and clotting in the initial few days.
Other clinicians indicate that in places like Brazil, treatment is as below as BA.5 is increasing. They use clinical signs of lung involvement by looking at SOB as the patient is talking, or walking 10 paces in the office or if they indicate that they have some dyspnea (SOB) on engaging in some effort. They are not relying on PCR or CT. Initial reports are that BA.4 & BA.5 are spreading more rapidly (maybe 50% of cases in US), and is driving increases in hospitalization.
Again, we told them to stop the COVID failed shots and they have caused this by pushing a failed non-neutralizing injection with non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies pressuring the antigen (spike) during a pandemic with massive infectious pressure.
Povidone iodine program to kill the virus in the nostrils and oral cavity:
Remember POVIDONE-IODINE (PI) (aka Betadine), it is a simple program & nips COVID virus, all/most respiratory viruses in the nose, mouth, nasopharynx; 1/2 teaspoon of betadine mixed with 1.5 ounces of water
put that in a bulb syringe, stick it up your nose & washout each nostril 2x. Swish and spit orally, twice a day, and when you go outside and return; No swallowing; use hydrogen peroxide diluted if no PI or you cannot stand the bitter taste
Research suggests that PI or HP will kill most viruses we are in contact with…again, no swallow, and you dilute to taste. swish and spit orally, and Q tip bulb cleaning out nostrils etc. as far as can go.
We have added PI to the early treatment regimen at the top box if you look carefully for in some sense, if this is done routinely, one can argue there may be no need for early treatment and you can effectively stave off COVID and cold virus etc. routinely. Completely. Hydrogen peroxide (and there are oral versions too I have seen at least one) is used by some who find PI too bitter, but remember, no swallow and you dilute it.
This can be purchased OTC. Oral dental surgeons etc. cam forward and informed us they use similar programs before COVID to clean nostrils and mouths as they are inside people mouths daily in surgery and they use this as their own protection. Keeps them safe. We then dug further and studied it and boy, had we known earlier, this would have been out there to help protect more, even before early treatment. It defies logic why public health will not tell people these solutions that saves lives including for vitamin D.
“Can povidone iodine gargle/mouthrinse inactivate SARS-CoV-2 and decrease the risk of nosocomial and community transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic? An evidence-based update”
Aditi Chopra 1, Karthik Sivaraman 2, Raghu Radhakrishnan 3, Dhanasekar Balakrishnan 2, Aparna Narayana 2
Enhanced treatment on FLCCC for BA.4 & BA.5 variants:
Amazing and informative Zoom tonight with the FLCCC docs.....God Bless them and you Dr. A for forwarding all of their protocols🙏. We are seeing some similar patterns of early pulm involvement again reminiscent of last fall with this latest surge in my “neck of woods”, unfortunately.
Groundhog Day.
Earlier this week I ordered up yet another round of meds to have on hand from the amazing folks at myfreedoctor.com.
The Peroxide is given via Hand Held Nebulizer.