WARNING: If we keep vaccinating with COVID vax that is non-sterilizing-non-neutralizing antibodies, we will drive natural selection to select 'fittest variants'; the non-neutralizing Abs is the key
Fauci, Gottlieb, Walensky, Hotez, Murthy, Offit, Francis Collins...a bunch of inept incompetent dangerous people; they should stop talking garbage in the media...they are shilling vaccines, DANGEROUS
If we go at the children, we will damage the world with this vaccine; children are out last chance to deal with this virus; children are the key for the battle field, they have natural innate immunity that can clear and eliminate the virus, and we will damage their innate immunity with these sub-optimal COVID vaccines, leaving them vulnerable to a broad range of pathogen.
It seems more parents are removing kids from schools and homeschooling, to prevent CRT junk and the jabs. I hope they stand strong and not jab the kids.
I'm just a layperson who leans towards terrain theory, but I do not see that paradigm as incompatible with germ theory. Think of it in a quantum physics way, or epigenetic way. We don't really entirely understand ANY of it, no matter which camp we are in, no matter how many years of study and levels of expertise we are at. Curious minds are always reaching for new and deeper understandings, even if it blows a hole in our current paradigm. Look for the big picture, even while zooming in on the details.
That's one framework. And, within that framework, I see a bunch of people who have blindspots, who waded into the muck confidently, not realizing that a trap was being laid by ill-intentioned people who have a different agenda, one not compatible with our sacred free will and unalienable rights.
Those people you name, Dr. Alexander, may be inept, incompetent and dangerous. I would also add in some cases, "knowingly" doing evil, lying and manipulating people to do the very opposite of what is in our best interests -- both as individuals and as a species. Makes me wonder what's in it for them -- or if they really are that blind, or blackmailed. Hard to say. Who really are the masterminds? I'm not sure we know that yet.
What is clear now is that the mass of people in the world have been lied to, in order to get them to take genocidal death shots while believing they are doing their part to save humanity, the opposite of reality. Those who would not be manipulated by lies, were then coerced -- lose your job, lose your child, lose your ability to participate in society, lose your friends, your relationships... but even so, if these people took the jab, surely they did not fully understand the stark risks.
All along, the people directing this play have known. They are not merely inept and incompetent. That is not logical. It is too far gone. Even if they didn't know at the beginning, they surely learned along the way and yet have continued to push the safety and effectiveness of these shots. There have been plenty of chances to come clean, to change positions, to correct the record. Instead, we have doubling down and a new Ministry of Truth.
I do believe it may be true that the prescription for unvaccinated people to remain so, to help with herd immunity, is necessary. To increase our percentage in the highly vaccinated population to try to repair and reduce the damage done to herd immunity. To prevent currently unvaccinated people, particularly children, from taking any shots.... and to make prophylactics such as ivermectin widely available to all people who have taken these jabs, to reduce the pressure on the virus.
This is for the sake of the human race. Does that sound overblown?