We are shocked & horrified by the physical assault violent video of 'Diddy', Puff Daddy, Sean Combs, P-Diddy beating his girlfriend & seems worse videos to come; this is inexcusable & I want to put
something on the table; islam, radical shariah islam is often the 'goto' faith etc. of many black 'low' males, males in crisis 'seeking'; they touch it & take the violence in it that it speaks to,
What is clear is he is near pulling her back, as if she cannot leave him…that is the message. Devastating. That is the message of these monster men.
There is crime committed all over and even when a barbaric crime is committed in European nations by a Caucasian male, often you find out he was a practicing muslim. So, include this, ask questions. Find out in USA, among all the violent actions, how many were islamic followers. I know violence happens across ethnicities. Many quietly are muslims and they are violent. What is it about the islamic faith that attracts so many young black males? Is it the violence it speaks to? The acceptance of rape or forced sex for it is a cornerstone. What is it? Are these black men reading the text wrong? Maybe. Interpreting it wrong? It is no secret in Asian cultures, that includes islamic followers, the woman is regarded as ‘LESS’ than a man. She is to be dominated, subjugated, demeaned, dehumanized, raped etc. Many men think this way, even Caucasian. Certainly, Asian males, South and Sout East Asia. Especially if she is a non-muslim and as such regarded as an infidel. If a woman is dealing with a muslim man and she is non-muslim, then…
I am not blaming this on islam yet put islam in the debate. Many young black men find solace and belonging there and it IMO, somehow impacts their behavior. To women.
But this is all Diddy, he is a beast, he felt powerful, entitled to beat women and to have control and I wish some women can find his lawyers and tune them up as they work now to help bullshit the public with contrition. To get him off. He should be in a cage. IMO.
Ask yourself, how come he has not been charged yet? Who is being paid off? We need imams, leaders in islamic faith to talk to their followers, with a focus on the black adherent. It is critical.
Women need to act smarter.
Stop hanging out with dirtbags because they happened to be a celebrity or a sports figure.
A thug. Diddy needs A "COME TO JESUS". moment