We can only control or calm a pandemic if we cut the chain of transmission and we do that with population-level herd immunity; these COVID vaccines cannot do this, 100% cannot
We greatly underestimated the immune pressure from the vaccinal antibodies on the spike protein and thus the infectiousness of the spike and thus forcing mutations; the vaccinal antibodies are putting the innate immunity, the potent first line of defense we have under tremendous pressure; that widespread immune pressure as there is high infectious pressure as we vaccinate during a pandemic and there is pathogen all around; and this pressure on the innate antibodies by the vaccinal antibodies...vaccinal antibodies that are imperfect and leaky and not able to block transmission from these vaccines...we do not mean vaccinating a high risk segment of a population...we refer to 'mass' vaccination with vaccines that cannot block transmission and these vaccines cannot. This is a huge catastrophe if we continue as we are tamping down the innate immunity and this can be dangerous for this immunity is your first line of defense and we will see all types of infections and illnesses. Importantly we do not allow pressure in the innate immunity of children for if it is suppressed as described above, then children will be vulnerable to a host of pathogen; we will leave them defenseless; leave the children alone. We are greatly underestimating the evolutionary capability of the virus to evolve when under sub-optimal immune pressure with prevalent infectious pressure within an ongoing pandemic. If we boost the vaccinal antibodies via circulating pathogen and boosters, we will continue suppressing the innate antibodies (will be outcompeted by vaccinal antibodies).