Can RFK Jr./Shanahan help take it home? We don't vote to elect the person we like the most, we vote for the person we hate the least; look, let us be honest, Trump beat Hilary in 2016 because she was
as unlikeable as Trump & why she could not be POTUS! Trump is unliked, a white Christian alpha, strong, heterosexual conservative male, he is unliked & his personality does not help!
but many do not like him, Trump…and will never like him…yes, his personality is tough, and some say to them crass, some say boorish, and it plays to the sub-conscious mind…he can come across as short and angered, and Vance is emotionally flat. No affect. Appears angry. I am sorry but even when he tries, he comes off false. He is young and has time to fix this. It is today we are concerned about. This is why I have indicated Vance must be swapped out urgently to balance Trump.
Trump is unliked by many out of envy, pure envy and he has been smeared for 10 years after being an ICON for decades. He is Mr. America. They envy him, many in congress and senate, many democrats, many republicans. Pure envy.
RFK Jr.? I will talk that in another post, but I think Bobby Jr. (and Ms. Shanahan) can help dull the edges and finesse all I have written here (see above). But let me treat it a little here. A Trump/female ticket polished off by a RFK Jr. + Ms. Nicole Shanahan addition may be the MOAB and take it home! Again, I like Vance, but not yet…not yet….there are many qualified women out there who can help Trump as VP, who can strengthen him. Strengthen the ticket. Bobby Jr.’s role is not as a secondary POTUS etc., but simply to bring his gravitas, his passion, his huge principled stance, his love of America, our flag, to the argument. He has been devastated by democrats and he is right to punish them! Big time! In fact, I think Kennedy Jr. will ensure that the COVID animals, the ones who brought the fake fraud COVID policy and deceived Trump, those that killed our precious people with the deadly COVID ‘death’ protocols in the medical system, and those who brought the mRNA technology and deadly mRNA vaccine, face REAL justice. REAL. Lots I do not agree with Bobby Jr. on, lots I don’t agree with Republicans on, but this is ok. We must have thoughtful even contentious debate and do it civilly and respectfully. To find optimal solutions forward, to settle out our visions for America. Optimal visions. To figure out what is best for ALL Americans, black, white, regardless of religion, faith, ethnicity etc. And do it.
But back to Donaldos Magnus Trumpos, aka ‘45’.
IMO, Trump is the ONLY choice. No one has done more for America, save Abe and George, no one! No POTUS! No POTUS did more for blacks and in such short time as did Trumps, for minorities! Is there more to do? Of course? America is broken by 60 to 70 years of democrat reach and destruction, the democrat plantation and people like Bush Jr. did not help and were catastrophic and the most devastating POTUS Obama. Hollowed out USA! Thank God Trump sought to put a stop. There is so much to do to fix USA.
Yet I can handle it, I can handle Trump for him I know lots of, and it is good…very good! I see it is as strong and a ‘must’ for who among us can withstand what he has for 10 years? He is like a modern-day Thatcher. Modern day Reagan. So, who can face what Trump has? He has been smeared and slandered wrongfully and his wife, his family, and election stolen, Russia collusion, impeached twice, he has had an assassination against him. So, should he not be strong to deal with the DC swamp legacy putrid fecal media? Thus, maybe if the landscape was different, his personality would be.
The American dream is out of reach for tens of millions and Trump can take us there again! His vision for America is more in-line with the average American. Safety, security for our nation. 25 to 30 million illegals inside USA and many are killers. Trump wants them out alike most Americans. This is why we need Trump.
Yet Joe Biden is and was likeable…perverted, reckless, dangerous to USA, and inept as he was, caused rapes and deaths by breaching the US borders, invading America with Kamala Harris…but he has, and the democrat machine, packaged him as Uncle Joe…go ask those in the rust belt states…who voted for him…they ‘liked’ him. And he had the media covering up his misdeeds for decades.
It is about likeability too…it is about playing on the sub-conscious mind…and many voters in the middle see a Trump-Vance ticket as two angry men…entitled men…banging away at a brown, black minority woman!
And democrats know how to sell it! They knew how to work it, democrats, and Trump could not show the empathy and talk the folksy way Biden could…it is just not ‘Trump’…yet it means a lot to the voter. But does not mean Trump is a ‘bad’ man.
Yet inside, underneath and at times Trump is very compassionate and caring, I argue more so than most, for he is genuine. He is a good human being. Yet in this race, he has to show it overtly for the media has mischaracterized him, smeared and slandered him.
Border! Mr. Trump, border, focus on the illegals, the rapes and killings of our women, girls, bring the victims up Mr. Trump, their families to talk on stage to tell us what Kamala’s prosecutorial actions did to their families in California, jailing innocent men, letting out dangerous deadly men who committed more crime, and breaching our borders and causing deaths to our daughters…give them time, they will help you…
Some voters, many voters need to see it for the media smears Trump routinely. In a way, it is why Biden defeated Trump in 2020, one could argue, yes, mischief with votes were done, stolen even…and yes he was hurt by the effects of the lockdown lunacy misguided by Fauci and Birx and the cabal…who lied to him about the fraud pandemic that never was, the deadly vaccine etc. and OWS…I think and I am throwing it out for debate, that this is why Trump is so tight with Kamala Harris now, poll-wise, and cannot put enough daylight YET, between them….because she is a female and minority and likeable, she ‘connects’….more likeable than Trump…Hilary is as unlikeable as Trump and Americans wanted change from Obama et al. who damaged USA the prior 8 years etc. So, she was defeated.
Again, a view of mine.
I support him, Trump, I think he is great…but he is not entirely likeable…but I like him…yet I can cut behind that but many cannot…he is a hard strong man…I like him for this, for his strength and power and ‘getting it done’ approach….his 45% core is set as are the democrats but the 10% undecided and swing we must go at DIFFERENTLY….connect to them…they need something more and this is why they are UNDECIDED….so this is why Trump needed the right VP to balance him and finesse the edges and polish the package…Hilary was so very unlikeable that a dry Pence was still better as the Trump Pence package…this is why I argued that Vance is not that person…he is dry, not likeable also…a man, and with foot and mouth disease that has no doubt outraged women…in this election cycle…you know…don’t be mad, we are here talking to debate…to fix…
And so, Trump needs a VP who is likeable and a female and if he could bring a minority, can connect and nullify Kamala for that aspect she is connecting…woman, minority etc…in the 10% middle that Kamala and Trump are fighting for, those who vote for Trump are doing it out of national security issues, the border, crime, border, inflation etc. strength. They are scared and want power and leadership in their elected POTUS…but do not ‘like’ him…so to speak….but will vote for him…they know he is the best and only option…those who vote for Harris knows she is dumb, inept, clueless, ridiculous as the POTUS choice with no delegates, out of her depth, caused lots of deaths in California as prosecutor, as VP she has caused rapes and deaths of our women and girls etc. But some will vote for her because they ‘like’ her, she is a woman, minority, and connects. They ‘identify’ with her.
Optics are important, ‘feelings’ in this election. Do not overlook.
IMO, Trump’s camp must get him to ‘connect’ and show more empathy too and it is not him, he is a good man, decent, mischaracterized by media, IMO a great man, his wife….but has to connect in the middle 10% and again, a VP able to do just that and capable of pounding at Kamala Harris as to her catastrophic record (and remove the woman and ethnic card from the debate) so that 45 can prosecute her dismal record.
I think during Harris’s speech on Thursday at DNC is the maximal opportunity to swap out Vance. I like him, but IMO not the person to complete this ticket in this landscape…if Biden was running, YES…but not against Harris as POTUS nominee. He is young with promise, but not now. Vance has not placed a dent in Harris and is not helping. Trump faces that and the sub-optimal campaign managers and team who have hobbled him thus far. Failed him. It’s been all Trump thus far. Doing the lifting. They, his ‘helpers’, are just pimping for jobs.
Just some thoughts!
MAGA, Trump is the one!
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Kennedy Jr. must also state as he drops out that Trump would not mandate vaccine and he also is against mandating and it is Biden and Harris that mandating and that helped him make up his mind
Kennedy Jr. (Bobby) should ENDORSE Trump, but not for any job, just do the right thing if the campaign is failing & support Trump, do it for America! Shanahan too! Help rehabilitate your liberalism as
Harris and Obama and Walz are radical leftist communists socialist Marxists...I do not support any democrat or liberal policy position or platform of today & I like Bobby given his position on vaccine