We learnt early on that whatever this was released (toxin, poison, chemical, ginned up bioweapon pathogen) was causing pulmonary emboli, blood clots & dramatically escalated with Malone et al. mRNA
transfection LNP injection platform; that whatever this COVID was (this PCR-manufactured fake pandemic) was a BLOOD CLOTTING situation that needed anti-coagulation for clots, D-Dimer testing
We learnt that blood thinners, high dose aspirin 325 mg, enoxaparin, heparin etc., under supervision, was critical…that this, whatever it was, was causing pulmonary thrombi emboli, clots, and to be approached as a blood clotting illness. Post vaccine was very devastating for some due to the clots that were often SILENT, alike the SILENT myocarditis (scarred heart myocardium muscle) caused by the Bourla Pfizer Malone Sahin Weissman et al. mRNA technology-based injections.
we knew you could never ever arrest a RNA respiratory virus, like COVID (if this was in fact a coronavirus) no common cold, influenza, HIV, none of it ever, with a vaccine due to the mutability being so elevated and the fact that the replication of the genetic material process cellularly lacked a proper spell checking process…RNA polymerase error checking and fixing…we also knew that no vaccine introduced in the deltoid and antibodies introduced systemically can arrive at the respiratory mucosal layer/lining where it was/is needed. The COVID mRNA transfection shots by Pfizer, Moderna, Bourla, Bancel, Malone et al. could not work. They knew it. You could never get a RNA vaccine to work for you cannot keep up with the mutation rates. Even separate from the pressure placed when you inoculate into the teeth of circulating pathogen. High rising ‘leaky’ imperfect population immune pressure against elevated infectious pressure (circulating pathogen)…leads to viral immune escape and generation/selection of more ‘fit’, competitively advantaged sub-variants…that would be selected for the future. Add in the anomalous aberrant impact from original antigenic sin (immune priming, immune fixation), antibody dependent enhancement of infection and disease (ADEI, ADEA) etc.
See here on errors in RNA replication (in RNA viruses):
‘But all nucleic acid polymerases (spell checkers) are imperfect – they make mistakes now and then. This means that they insert the wrong base. In the next step below, the DNA polymerase has inserted an A instead of the correct G:
Insertion of the wrong base leads to a mutation – a change in the sequence of the DNA. In general, it’s not a good idea to make new DNAs with a lot of mutations, because the encoded protein won’t function well (but there are exceptions, as well will see). But in this case, there is a solution – DNA-dependent DNA polymerases (enzymes that copy DNA templates into DNA) have proofreading abilities. The proofreader is an enzyme called exonuclease, which recognizes the mismatched A-C base pair, and removes the offending A. DNA polymerase then tries again, and this time inserts the correct G:
Even though DNA polymerases have proofreading abilities, they still make mistakes – on the order of about one misincorporation per 107 to 109 nucleotides polymerized.
But the RNA polymerases of RNA viruses are the kings of errors – these enzymes screw up as often as one time for every 1,000 – 100,000 nucleotides polymerized.
This high rate of mutation comes from the lack of proofreading ability in RNA polymerases. These enzymes make mistakes, but they can’t correct them. Therefore the mutations remain in the newly synthesized RNA.
Given a typical RNA viral genome of 10,000 bases, a mutation frequency of 1 in 10,000 corresponds to an average of 1 mutation in every replicated genome. If a single cell infected with poliovirus produces 10,000 new virus particles, this error rate means that in theory, about 10,000 new viral mutants have been produced. This enormous mutation rate explains why RNA viruses evolve so readily. For example, it is the driving force behind influenza viral antigenic drift.
Here is a stunning example of the consequences of RNA polymerase error rates. Tens of millions of humans are infected with HIV-1, and every infected person produces billions of viral genomes per day, each with one mutation. Over 1016 genomes are produced daily on the entire planet. As a consequence, thousands of mutants arise by chance every day that are resistant to every combination of antiviral compounds in use or in development. The error-prone ways of RNA synthesis | Virology Blog
They brought a fake fraud COVID to topple Trump and they did. The 2020 was never stolen, that was a story created for you to misdirect you from the failures of the administration response (that continued into the Biden administration) as to the deadly OWS, the lockdowns, school closures etc. Trump lost the 2020 election. He won the 2024 election. So, when he was in power, they stole it, and when they were in power, he won? Why did they not steal it or retain it? They were in power. No, it was a lie, all a lie, Trump lost the 2020 election fair, and where there is theft both sides steal where they can. Trump lost 2020 due to the devastating pandemic response.
And we lost most lives in this not due to any virus, but due to the medical management, what we did to high-risk vulnerable people with isolation, massive physical abuse, toxic drug combinations, sedatives like propofol, midazolam, ketamine, lorazepam, morphine etc., deadly Remdesivir, denial of antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia, DNR orders, dehydration, terror of dislocation, and the Kushner ventilator.
if a vaccine is not sterilizing, does not stop infection, replication, or transmission, then the result MUST be generation of, selection of sub-variants, mutations, viral immune escape. basic immunology 101
"Whatever this was..."
Self-assembling nanotechnology forming polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel clots that cause myocarditis and stroke. (see Dr. Ana Mihalcea)