What? Gender Dysphoria is a 'phase' in life & disappears when the child gets to puberty?? NHS Makes a Shocking Admission About Gender Dysphoria, disappears as child reaches puberty?
The new NHS transgender treatment guidelines focus on emotional health over a medical approach, place doctors in charge, and even state that gender dysphoria is often just a phase of life.
The left is about to lose their minds!
NHS Makes a Shocking Admission About Gender Dysphoria, disappears as child reaches puberty
“While not eliminating transgender treatment for children, England’s National Health Service is at least tightening the rules regarding medical and social gender transitioning. The NHS is issuing new rules when it comes to the transgender process. The new guidelines focus on emotional health over a medical approach, place doctors in charge, and even state that gender dysphoria is often just a phase of life.”
Gender dysphoria may be a phase of life. Problem is you can’t get back the stuff you let them cut off you when you leave the phase!
Gender dysphoria has been increasingly glamourised and projected during the vulnerable teens phase of puberty, insecurity and change in mental and physical development. A child has to sort through and change into adult life. Initiation, if you like. That is why there are across most successful cultures drinking, voting, and age of consent laws. A sober sane and responsible adult can decide on gender dysphoria. Adolescence is a great time for learning about the world they are about to encounter and hopefully find their own goals and happiness. This is over time proven to be survival of the community or country. Our Laws and Constitutions stem from The Ten Commandments. The Western Constitution is principled on free speech and honesty. From this results happiness, creativity, loyalty, innovation and amazing achievements. The Renaissance period aimed for this. We are a product of our evolution over time. Just as our minds, body and spirits have individual gifts. The UN wishes to destroy this with devolution then jackboot it’s evil over us. Children are not expensive medical experiments for the individuals and families involved. LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!