What? The CDC knew early on that the vaccines were already killing young people and refused to notify the public of this reality? This is criminal shit, this is hanging shit for CDC officials! Bill
Rice Jr.'s substack strikes deep into enemy territory here & I love it, I admire this man, please support him! were not mere mistakes; they were deliberate acts of fraud and deceit. HANG these bitches
“The corruption of our public health apparati demands a similar probe. What did they know, and when did they know it? As the Covid regime demands “a pandemic amnesty,” the report from the Epoch Times adds to the plethora of evidence that their misdeeds were not mere mistakes; they were deliberate acts of fraud and deceit.

‘Because we have so many egregious choices, it’s a challenge to identify the most shocking scandal of our Covid times.
However, at the top of our Jaw-Dropping Scandal List has to be the scandal that our trusted public health officials continue to encourage healthy children and teenagers to get the unsafe and ineffective non-vaccines.
Today, the Brownstone Institute adds another layer to this scandal by highlighting a story that (of course) hasn’t received any attention from the captured “watchdog” press. Per important journalism produced by The Epoch Times, the CDC knew early on that the vaccines were already killing young people and refused to notify the public of this reality.
Shockingly - although this probably won’t shock my readers - it turns out one or more person at the CDC had written a “draft report” warning of the possible (fatal) myocarditis risks to young people - but the draft warning was nixed and never released to the public.
A colorful “out-and-proud” CDC official named Dr. Demetre Daskalakis reportedly wrote the unpublished draft. Adding outrage to this scandal are anecdotes telling readers how the official who wrote this unpublished draft went on to play a leading role pushing the jabs on healthy kids.
Indeed, the CDC and the U.S. health establishment doubled down on its guidance that everyone should get the vaccines - even children and teenagers who have an essentially zero-percent mortality risk from Covid.
The following excerpts from Brownstone’s summary present the low points of yet another story that isn’t a story (boldfaced text added by me):
“The CDC withheld an ‘alert on myocarditis and mRNA vaccines’ warning of the connection between heart inflammation and Covid-19 shots in May 2021, the Epoch Times has revealed.
“… The agency never published the alert; instead, its authors pushed vaccines on all age groups across the country … The proposed alert came in response to two fatal post-Pfizer vaccination myocarditis deaths in Israel and repeated warnings from the Department of Defense.
“… At the time, the overwhelming majority of American teenagers had not received Covid shots. No state had a vaccination rate above 20% for 12- to 17-year-olds. In California, 90% of that age cohort remained unvaccinated.
“… Over the following two years, Dr. Daskalakis and his colleagues pushed the shots on every age group and deliberately withheld publishing its alert on myocarditis. Instead, the CDC sent repeated alerts encouraging Covid-19 vaccination for everyone.
“… Two months after the unpublished warning, the CDC sent an alert to doctors to ‘remind patients that vaccination is recommended for all persons aged 12 years of age and older, even for those with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.’ ”
“… The propaganda efforts, in conjunction with President Biden’s mandates, succeeded. By May 2023, a large majority of American teenagers had received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine. The vaccination rate for 12 to 17-year-olds in California skyrocketed from 10% to 84%, with one in five receiving an additional booster, according to CDC data.
“The rate of vaccination for 12 to 17-year-olds went from 3% to 47% in Mississippi, 15% to 87% in Virginia, and 19% to 94% in Vermont from May 2021 to May 2023.
“… During that time period, Dr. Daskalakis repeatedly avoided voicing concerns over the risk of myocarditis. “I am so excited for my #Covid19 booster on Monday! I love vaccines!” he posted on Twitter in September 2022. In October 2023, he posted a photo of him receiving another Covid shot.
“… In January 2022, Walke joined Dr. Rochelle Walensky in a CDC telebriefing that recommended a ‘safe and effective vaccine’ for ‘all children five and older.’ Brooks blamed ‘people who are not vaccinated’ as “the source of new emerging [Covid] variants” in March 2022. (Me: More about this “guidance” below).
“… To this day, the CDC recommends children begin receiving Covid vaccines once they are six months old. “ (End excerpts.)
The ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’ Great Lie …
As Brownstone and The Epoch Times note, every mainstream news organization and public health official never stopped pounding home the message that America had a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” (Readers perhaps remember hearing this nugget of “settled science.”)
I, for one, never believed this. I always thought (knew) the Pandemic scaremongers were somehow gaming the vaccination numbers to spread the narrative that the only people dying from Covid (after the vaccine roll-outs of December 2020) were the unvaccinated.
Steve Kirsch’s must-match video of whistleblowing nurses …
Last night I spent three hours watching Steve Kirsch’s video presentation of ten nurses and healthcare providers who provided first-hand evidence that just about everything we were told about Covid victims in hospitals was a brazen lie.
Several of these brave and persuasive whistleblowers provided examples of how the purported numbers of “unvaccinated” Covid victims were massively inflated.
Regarding the “vaccine status” of hospitalized patients, it turns out the company that produced the software used by 85 percent of hospitals did not include a coding classification for “unknown.”
Also, if a patient had not receive TWO shots 14 days before their hospital admission, these hospital patients were listed as “unvaccinated” in official reports.
In other words, every official protocol seems to have been designed to inflate the number of “unvaccinated” patients who suffered bad outcomes (including death). Or, said differently, the real goal was to cover-up the number of vaccinated patients who were still being hospitalized and dying.
According to these nurses, most patients who were, first, contracting Covid (via a dubious PCR test) and then, allegedly, dying from Covid had been vaccinated.
As Kirsch noted, we didn’t have a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” we apparently had a “pandemic of the vaccinated” - the exact opposite of what we were told!
Also, by my accounting, every one of Steve’s whistleblowers agreed with the assessment that at least “90 percent” of alleged “Covid victims” died from insane and nonsensical Covid protocols - not from the virus.
Summarizing these particular scandals …
So, from these Brownstone and Epoch Times’ articles and from Steve Kirsch’s must-watch video, we have at least three jaw-dropping scandals:
The CDC knew children and teens didn’t need vaccines and that these injections were already killing people … and the agency covered-up this information and kept pushing the shots on this group. (“Informed consent” … Not.)
The overwhelming majority of hospital patients who died “from Covid” were really killed by myriad and terrifying medical protocols. (Another consensus opinion from participants interviewed in this video is that the last place anyone would have wanted to be after March 15, 2020 was … in a hospital).
3) Reports of our so-called “pandemic of the unvaccinated” were bogus; far more vaccinated citizens were contracting this virus and later dying than the public was told. In fact, the information we were told was a massive and coordinated lie. And/or: We weren’t told what we should have been told.
I like how Brownstone finished its article:
“Fifty years ago, the most incisive questions from the Watergate hearings came from Senator Howard Baker: ‘What did the President know, and when did he know it?’ The inquiry, ostensibly simple, encompassed the entire scandal.
“The corruption of our public health apparati demands a similar probe. What did they know, and when did they know it? As the Covid regime demands “a pandemic amnesty,” the report from the Epoch Times adds to the plethora of evidence that their misdeeds were not mere mistakes; they were deliberate acts of fraud and deceit.
“They knew of the risks, and they withheld the information from the American people. Stripped of informed consent, millions of citizens took the shots while doctors like Demetre Daskalakis denied them the right to know the risks of the product.”
The combination of the myocarditis vaccine scandal and the takeaways from Steve Kirsch’s whistleblowers suggest a scale of on-going corruption and lies almost impossible to fathom.
As I continue to see things, only one takeaway from the unreported Covid scandals should resonate with the global public: Trust authorities and public health “experts” at your own risk.’
My brain can't even comprehend doing stuff like this. If I was responsible for so much death and injury I would not be able to live with myself and probably kill myself. I do not know how these "Doctors" do it.
My Brother, 65, died suddenly on 9/5/23. I learned from a friend how he was suffering before he passed. He had trouble walking, shortness of breath, sinus, brain fog and who knows what else.
He had taken the lethal JAB about a year or so ago at Walgreens in a RED State. You know the
murderers were sending the killer vaccines to the RED STATES. When they write this in articles,
it's like another day in the park. No regard for human life. All because his son was brainwashed
into thinking that the JAB was necessary. He wouldn't let him see his grandson, if he didn't
get the JAB. Now he won't be able to enjoy watching him grow up either! Something needs to
be done to Fraudchi and the rest. Great that Rand Paul needles him in hearings. That's
certainly NOT enough for me.