When I was in Washington DC, there were people stalking me, people tried to kill me, harm my family! Thank God my boss (s) helped move me & gave me security; same in Canada, I had greatest death
threats from academia, my own colleagues in university! Same life Bridle lives! Why for me? Because I stood for Trump, I supported him, I stood against the lockdowns and the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine
You have no idea what people like me, Bridle, Oskoui, McCullough et al. go through…how much we lost…the threats, the risk…you see us on stage, most often for free, you see me in videos, I write here, but you do not know there are times we are (I am) in bullet proof vests warned by law enforcement etc. when we are on the road…you have no idea the madness we (some of us) have lived 4 years now…and often for no money…we cannot go back and the fight is too big…too much on the line for our children and theirs to come…
so, when people do not like my style, or find we are too crude, or I am, or I am ‘too strong’ they tell me, or you are so powerful in how you speak…can you tone it down? what? tone it down? I could not give a damn. I am sorry who I offend. We have a war to win and it will outlive us, me, you…I will wage it how I can…but someone has to wage it and you pick up your weapon of choice and join us…as we lay siege…relentless…we give them no air to breathe…we give no quarter…else sit to hell down and stfu…read a book…and we will win it and come give you the keys when we are done! calm down and watch.
Don’t be sorry who you offend …
I’m sick of weak people getting offended by truth !!!
They need to Gird up their loins and get in the fight !!!
You have to be strong…you’re dealing with EVIL CRIMINALS!!!
Thank you for everything you do. Thank you for your fight. Thank you for your integrity to do the right thing.