Where did you think importing (allowing entry across our US borders (& in Europe)) skill-free, military-aged, uneducated, impoveriched, hateful persons from hellhole shithole nations/places, who do
not recognize or regard our rules, laws, religions, culture, language etc. would end & get to? People with hate and malice in their minds to us, what did you think they would do? When?
Hate towards our religions, our customs, our way of life, to our flag, constitution, anthem etc. Just pure hate. Where do you think this would end? How? How could you even think that allowing tens of thousands of military-aged males into our nation with no proper vetting or not knowing where they go, would end good? For us. No sane nation does this, no sane nation sets alight its own funeral pyres.
The obvious question is: When The Biden administration was forcing American citizens to be jabbed with a toxin, supposedly out of a "public health" necessity, why did he let 10 million illegals cross the border without getting injected? You can't argue a national health security mandate for the citizens and then let that many in without a jab requirement. Seems to be a pretty blatant policy of the "Replacement Conspiracy". Ahem.
We are being taken along with everybody else down the slippery slope - it’s evil.
May God give us strength, mercy & courage.
And repentance as a nation - without that - we are lost.