Where is the love Roberto? Where is the humanity & mercy? You treat fellow scientists & doctors as enemies. Like you have one switch 2 options only, ‘suck up or enemy'; why can’t you have something in
the middle like ‘honest patriot who wants to really help save lives’. Yes, can you consider that as a third option? The ones who suck up, you are down with them but once they ask a question
and want some clarification and raise a concern, you want to sue? And your lackies just go silent. What a bunch of madness. You are shameful. You are all shameful. Did you get testicles when they were handing them out? Assuming you did, now put them to use. Stand up, defend your science and positions, enough about the horses, enough about the suing, and answer some needed questions for your damn mRNA technology is killing people. Yes, your mRNA that you invented is our problem yet you run around as a savior and no one is holding you to account. No questions. How come? You have many questions to answer. You did bad, you and all of them who invented this mRNA and this LNP complex madness. This was money making God like complexes and you never tested it for safety, never as I read the science, and now people have died and are dying.
You must answer questions, we need investigations to figure out what you all did and in the meantime, why not figure out something to shut the mRNA before it has its course of action. Come off the farm, stop the dog and pony shows, the ring circus clown car show, and get into the lab and fix the madness you, yes you did. How do we shut the mRNA down? Can we do an antidote? Can we follow-up with some form of molecular kill switch to block it, maybe inserting on the ribosomes in the cytoplasm? Something? Maybe disturb the RNA polymerase even more? Am I right on that? Can you consider this Roberto? Can you get in there with the pipette and dish and cook up something for the world? We need help as the mRNA technology LNP gene injection is killing us. Our kids, young people, healthy people. All are at risk now.
Can you answer some questions under oath? In the congress? Via proper interviewers? No, not EPOCH, no no no. That ship sailed as to credibility. That is like the CIA investigating the FBI or Epstein investigating Slick Willie. No, cannot work. Not that type of questioning.
And btw, thank you again for supporting NATTOKINASE. I/we knew it works based on emerging evidence. The science is maturing but we need to offer people some help in the interim given the devastation of your mRNA technology (yeah, we did not forget Kariko and the crew, we did not and all must answer questions) that underpins the deadly COVID LNP gene platform injection.
As Dr. Ruby and one of my commentators Luvvvy says, Roberto scandalous behaviour lies within SLAPP, which is described as:
- SLAPP - Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.
- SLAPPs are Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. These damaging suits chill free speech and healthy debate by targeting those who communicate with their government or speak out on issues of public interest.
- SLAPPs are used to silence and harass critics by forcing them to spend money to defend these baseless suits. SLAPP filers don’t go to court to seek justice. Rather, SLAPPS are intended to intimidate those who disagree with them or their activities by draining the target’s financial resources.
- SLAPPs are effective because even a meritless lawsuit can take years and many thousands of dollars to defend. To end or prevent a SLAPP, those who speak out on issues of public interest frequently agree to muzzle themselves, apologize, or “correct” statements.“
It is high time to sue Bob Malone for deceiving public.
Paul and all,
Malone’s $25 million lawsuit is a distraction so YOU do not focus on what is most important at this most dangerous time in America’s history!
His shameful, garbage lawsuit is to silence/censor heavy hitter American patriots who have helped wake up Americans, growing the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION against every aspect of the worst government on earth!
Yes…Our government is ground zero for ALL the pain and suffering of ALL humanity! Who is supposed to hold politicians accountable at every level?
The O’Biden Communist regime created, ignited, funds and arms the proxy war against Russia. Who should have prevented it?
Need I ask any more questions except the most important one?
IS FREEDOM YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY as it is for those being sued by Malone?
If it is..the following message that I repeat EVERYDAY is for you!
The buck stops with us…The People!!!
We can help those being sued to censor their Truthful messages if we unite doing the right productive things ASAP!
UNITY is critical to the survival of ALL humanity and winning this war for future generations.
We must unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!
Lex Greene says it all at this DANGEROUS moment in America’s history! Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners…
Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years…America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!
Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting