Who killed Russian General Igor Kirillov? Was the hit a PURELY an Ukraine hit? Karen Kingston has some seminal scholarship reporting linking this Kirillov bombing to Ukraine Biolabs & Obama?
Investigations just concluded that the foundation, development, and deployment of the United States criminal biological warfare program was primarily orchestrated under President Barack; what? BHO?
Remember her, the ‘princess’ in the photo, she was used by Bush and Powell and the other deadly necons to get us into war e.g. Desert Storm, only to find out she was a liar and all she said about babies and incubators were a fraud…alas, our precious soldiers still died and we lost so much blood and treasure…remember, my photos are not necessarily in line with story, I am using the post to drive 2 debates at once, the photos are there to provoked MORE thought and angst:
Now as we try to unpack this bombing of this Russian General, and as we spiral to WW III, keep certain words handy in your lexicon, namely:
Nathan Wolfe,
Rosemont Seneca,
Hunter Biden,
project PREDICT with CIA proxy, USAID,
tying it up nicely to Obama
and then VP Joe Biden…
and Hilary Clinton…
Epstein and
Bill Gates,
Ghislaine Maxwell
ECO Health
and Fauci (NIAID),
Francis Collins (NIH)…
and of course the CIA…
Question 1: Did Putin deliberately go after the UKRAINE biolabs? Why?
Question 2: Did Hunter Biden with Epstein have a role in creating the COVID fraud pandemic? With Joe Biden’s knowledge?
Question 3: Is this fraud PCR created fake pandemic really the creation of the USA?
Question 4: Was the bombing hit on Igor Kirillov linked to the Ukraine biolabs? The fraud COVID? To Obama? In what way?
A teaser:
‘According to General Kirillov, key findings of the Russian Military investigation include;
US Congress passed legislation under Barack Obama that legalized cooperative government and private funding of bioweapons development outside the US.
As Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, proposed the need for bioweapons development for purposes of ‘biodefense’ and also sold the idea of ‘dual-use of research’ funds.
Investor George Soros turned out to be “the main sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and a lobbyist for Big Pharma."
Vice President Joe Biden, under Obama, coordinated the activities of the military biological program and was involved in financial fraud in Ukraine.
Pharmaceutical companies participate in this scheme, including Pfizer, Moderna and the American Merck, as well as Gilead, a company affiliated with the US military department.
The Russian Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that Ukraine has actually become a Pentagon testing ground for the development of biological weapons components and testing of new samples of pharmaceuticals.’
Metabiota, Ukraine, and the CIA
First see a prior stack I wrote about METABIOTA and Hunter Biden and Nathan Wolfe:
Nathan Wolfe, I have a substack coming tomorrow on Nathan & his potential likely role in COVID, teed up by Clandestine & 2nd Smartest; who is Nathan, buddy of Hunter Biden? American virologist and
founder of METABIOTA! Biden-funded biolab company via Rosemont Seneca, studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine circa 2014, via project PREDICT with CIA proxy, USAID. Russia accused him of creating COVID
More to come but a teaser from Clandestine, support Clandestine, excellent scholarship:
“The Biden-funded biolab company via Rosemont Seneca, studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine circa 2014, via project PREDICT with CIA proxy, USAID.
He is the epicenter of the Deep State bio network.
Not only is he the founder of Biden’s Metabiota, he is a WEF member, DoD employee, sat on the board of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance involved in Wuhan, funded by DARPA, Gates Foundation, funded Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar project with the Clintons, member of The Edge Foundation collecting microbes and housing animal viruses all over the world, AND Russia have accused him directly of being the key player in creating SARS-CoV-2 from a bat coronavirus he discovered in Ukraine.”
Metabiota, Ukraine, and the CIA
Now to Karen Kingston’s substack, please support:
‘US Biological Warfare Program was Orchestrated under President Barack Obama, Coordinated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Funded through V.P. Joe Biden
According to an investigation by Russian General Kirillov, the foundation, development, and deployment of the US criminal biological warfare program was primarily orchestrated by Barack Obama
Originally published on May 8, 2023: According to a May 11, 2022 article from the domestic Russian news agency, RIA Novisti, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov conducted a military investigation of global biological labs and outbreaks, US military operations, US government documents, and private government-corporate contracts; concluded that the foundation, development, and deployment of the United States criminal biological warfare program was primarily orchestrated under President Barack Obama (beginning in Bush Jr. admin when Obama was senator), coordinated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and funded by George Soros through then Vice President, Joe Biden.
According to General Kirillov, key findings of the Russian Military investigation include;
US Congress passed legislation under Barack Obama that legalized cooperative government and private funding of bioweapons development outside the US.
As Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, proposed the need for bioweapons development for purposes of ‘biodefense’ and also sold the idea of ‘dual-use of research’ funds.
Investor George Soros turned out to be “the main sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and a lobbyist for Big Pharma."
Vice President Joe Biden, under Obama, coordinated the activities of the military biological program and was involved in financial fraud in Ukraine.
Pharmaceutical companies participate in this scheme, including Pfizer, Moderna and the American Merck, as well as Gilead, a company affiliated with the US military department.
The Russian Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that Ukraine has actually become a Pentagon testing ground for the development of biological weapons components and testing of new samples of pharmaceuticals.
Following is a Transcript from the May 11, 2022, Ria Novosti Article.
MOSCOW, May 11, 2022 - RIA Novosti. “Joe Biden coordinated the work of the executors of the US military biological program in Ukraine,” said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces of the Russian Armed Forces.
"The leaders of the Democratic Party are the ideologists (master-minds) of the military-biological activities of the United States in Ukraine," the General said.
According to Kirillov, “at first a legislative base was created to finance research directly from the U.S. Federal budget. To do this, under state guarantees, they attracted funds from NGOs (non-governmental organizations) controlled by the Democratic Party.”
For example, “Former US President, Barack Obama, when a senator entered into partnership agreements with Ukraine in 2005 at the start of the implementation of military biological programs in the country.”
Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton initiated the adoption of the American strategy to counter biological threats and contributed to the legalization of dual-use research.”
Investor George Soros turned out to be “the main sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and a lobbyist for Big Pharma."
“The current head of the White House, Joe Biden, who served as Vice President under Obama, coordinated the activities of the military biological program and was involved in financial fraud in Ukraine."
“In addition, pharmaceutical companies participate in this scheme, including Pfizer, Moderna and the American Merck, as well as Gilead, a company affiliated with the US military department,” Kirillov explained.
This allows US experts to bypass international safety standards when testing new medicines. Thus, “Western companies are seriously reducing the costs of implementing research programs and gaining significant competitive advantages,” the military concluded.
Earlier, specialists from the Ministry of Defense visited two biological laboratories in Mariupol and found traces of emergency destruction of documents there. According to the agency, a network of more than 30 biological laboratories was formed in Ukraine that worked in the interests of the United States, but everything necessary to continue the military biological program was removed after the start of the Russian special operation. The ministry came to the conclusion that Ukraine has actually become a Pentagon testing ground for the development of biological weapons components and testing of new samples of pharmaceuticals.
Translated Comments on Original RIA Novisti Article from Russian Civilians
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Probably CIA, all the more reason to investigate and dismember, or at least remake. They don't do their job, intelligence, but meddling, drug-and-gun-running, child-trafficking and Satanic cults, are all detrimental to the national interest!
Whoever killed Russian General, IMO, may or may not matter simply because the damage to society’s, the world’s populations has already been done!
I’m not sure why nothing is being said about this huge piece I posted on my Substack page titled:
Attorney Todd Callender, Open Secrets
Corona Committee Session 97, 25 Mar 2022
This one piece summarizes why Covid-lockdown / why the Bioweapon forced / mandated injections / why this was a military operation / why, why, why!
President Trump or Bozo the clown, it doesn’t matter who’s President / Prime Minister of any nation. The damage, the legality, the mRNA Bioweapon is all about a
“New World Order “
Many pieces of this gigantic puzzle are in place, including President Trump. Think about this. Why would the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, the world’s most famous Salesman, President Trump, a Vice President Vance with connections to the BioLab industry, the world’s IMO, environmentalists RFK Jr., and many other well connected / informed people join one political party?
Why? After reading sections of Attorney Todd Callender, Open Secrets report, it’s very, very clear, IMO. Also, why isn’t anyone talking about this huge amount of evidence? Why? Maybe because what was premeditated decades ago, Agenda 21, etc is why?
Maybe? Maybe not.
One thing is clear, very clear. DARPA, the military industrial complex in concert with the pharmaceutical industrial complex, have been working in unison to bring about a
“New World Order!”
All the pieces are in place. Legally speaking and physically speaking. Open borders facilitated the influx of UN / NATO forces as well as Chinese Military forces. Sovereign nations are no longer sovereign. Americans experienced this over the past four years, did we not?
Oh the gangs, the cartel, the drugs are all important pieces to this puzzle, not the most important part. But nobody’s speaking about the
“military Invasion!” Except JJ Carroll, who has done God’s work IMO shouting from the rooftops about this critical piece of this “New World Order” coming to America? Well coming to America soon.
My gut instincts tell me President Trump, as seemingly well intentioned and I do believe he is, can’t do much to stop the inevitable! Aside from keeping the masses calm, throwing the masses a bone here or there is about all he can do!
Look we can bury our heads in the sand and deflect what’s really happening or we can expose what’s really happening and cumulatively
try and figure out how to stop this! If we can STOP THIS?
I urge everyone to read the article on my substack page titled:
Attorney Todd Callender, Open Secrets
Corona Committee Session 97, 25 Mar 2022
There’s sources / links and evidence based facts about what I am saying and why I am saying this. Yet, nobody in Washington has mentioned anything about this. Why?
Do you see the problem here? Many questions, we do have some answers, but business as usual is the subject of the day. When life will not be business as usual with the forces coming to enforce their “New World Order!”
I pray to God I am wrong, literally day and night I pray this is all a nightmare!
Unfortunately it’s not! What can “We the People” do?
May God Bless America and The Entire World!