Why can't a massive 100-foot concrete wall be built at Southern boarder (any US border), 50 feet thick, barbed wire and spikes up top, with 50 caliber manned posts? Why? an impenetrable wall seen from
outer-space! Why can't this not be built? Is the aim to make America and Mexico borderless? Is the aim to remove actual borders between US and South America? Would AI create this?
Not no metal slat crap…a real wall!
Both Republicans and Democrats want the US to have NO (zero) border. I am convinced of this now.
IMO, they do not want to solve this.
Would POTUS Trump finally build the wall?
because with the wall the Democrats lose control of the nation!
Just talking about this with my husband. It is all a planned invasion to destroy this country with all military aged males from China and elsewhere, resembling UN troops criminals from all over the world, all who have come in are just waiting for their marching orders. When their NGO money runs out and this regime stops delivering on their promises of 5K on a debit card, free housing, free travel anywhere across the US, all he🏒🏒 will break loose. No one is here to save you and it will be everyone for themselves. This country cannot survive a Gone With the Wind or Armageddon scenario of mayhem, chaos and total devastation with current leadership on both sides of the aisle, nor with current law un-enforcement nor the current woke-Tardation of the US military. Read any WWII book about what occurred in Germany or any World at War documentary for that matte; It isn’t going to be all rainbows and unicorns. Have a plan for you and your loved ones. No fake see through “beautiful wall” saved anyone. If laws were followed no wall would need to be in place.