Why did Adhikari et al.'s research published in Frontiers in Immunology (needless to say most if not all academic research publishing is scientific garbage today owned by pharma) find that mortality
rates in COVID patients vaccinated versus unvaccinated was 70% versus 37% (p=0.0002) (n=23 versus n=89 respectively)? Why? Can Bancel (Moderna CEO) or Bourla (Pfizer CEO) explain?
No doubt we need to find out the factors that influenced this anomalous response to vaccination yet do we need that at this stage? Is it not the mRNA-LNP complex and all linked to it? Is it not the spike protein, its fragments, subunits S1, S2 etc.? Vaccinated persons (healthy vaccinee effect bias) are typically healthier than unvaccinated persons so why? Is it the COVID vaccinal immunity over-layed on natural exposure immunity (assuming that all of these people had prior exposure and had some immunity) dysregulates and subverts the immune response? What factors could account for the increased risk of mortality in vaccinated persons in this cohort? Is it that vaccinated persons are less healthy when hospitilized? For example, researchers found ‘that Charlson’s Comorbidity Index score (CCI) was significantly higher in Vax vs. NVax (p=0.0002) patients’.
Researchers also found ‘a trend for increased total IgG4 Ab, which promotes immune tolerance, in the Vax vs. NVax patients in week 3.’ We see this class switch to IgG4 in other studies (and it is a dangerous development in the vaccinated) e.g. Pascal Irrgang et al.:
Now if we look further at the Table 1 supplemental, it tells us that the infected vaccinated were older, had greater immune suppression, cancer etc. and it could be that the vaccinated group were generally sicker. Disbalance is still seen even in non-infected.
This was a small sample size and not a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and in a selected group of patients with severe infection admitted to the hospital. So we cannot extrapolate findings to the general population.
Interesting is that researchers reported ‘other factors are likely relevant and CCI or age may not be sufficient to stratify risk, as even when patients with similar CCI/age were compared, we still observed significantly (p=0.02) improved survival in NVax patients’. How was natural immunity accounted for or was it?
You need to add Trudeau to the horsemen of Covid!!!
Read the substack of Sam cooper and the bureau!!
CSIS documents and Trudeau involved with allowing Winnipeg china scientist to set up wuhan and a bat synthetic virus experiment in June 2019!!!