Why did Malone move to sue Dr. Peter Breggin and his wife for $25 million? Why? A man like Breggin who stood for America & Freedoms while Malone wrote corrupted grants, fattening up & buying horses,
and ran into the Freedom Movement to hide knowing his mRNA technology was never safe and was killing, deciding to hide when he could not lie & shill no more, then sue Breggin? 25 million $? why?
Thank God the judge said NO, get to hell out you leech…
I warn you people about Malone, you were fooled, this is a money whore, a man who grifted from the tax payer all his life and has no real skills, a pipetting chemist…bench scientist…so when he saw he can pimp off you, decided he will come play victim when he is one of the inventors of the mRNA death technology…ask yourself that…how stupid can you be? and when I pushed back and asked him to withdraw his lawsuit on Breggin and stop his move on McCullough, and others, he started attacking me and my family.
I will not forget or forgive, he knew what he was doing, like what he tried, the shakedown of Breggin and the recent smear and slander of Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s VP pick tells you who he is…and there are a set of doctors and scientists with their heads rammed up his ass for donor money and stage and shout outs…despicable…I won’t name them, you know them, some of them dd wrong in COVID and I hope they sit in a court too under oath…we won’t forget.
so, Malone ran quick on Twitter and stack to boast of his suit against Breggins, to flex that this untermensch was abusing these 2 cherished people, so why did he not run to the same media and tell us why he did it and why the judge slapped him silly…why? why did the judge slap him down re Jane Ruby? why? why did the judge tell him stop the law suits shit, stop these worthless suits? but you need to know, people like Ruby and Breggin and others needed go find big money to get lawyers just to answer this man…and recently he went on media and lied about me, devastatingly, a filthy lie so gross, so much so if what he said was true, I would have been arrested, but it did not happen and I cannot be arrested for it was a lie…he knew he was just slandering me but his aim was to amp up one of his whacko supporters to harm my family and me…
Malone wrote that I was calling on people to murder him, to kill him. Can anyone show me or anyone where I ever said it…and this is not the first time…he does this all the time…when you ask him questions, he uses media to slander you and this lowlife thinks he is smart because he worked as a pipetting chemist in a research lab…
he even told someone (I will not name) who called one day to say Malone called them to say I said he should be killed…when they saw my writings they realized he was grossly wrong and lied to them, and they are scared now for they may have repeated it…concerned I may take legal action…it is slander…but I will not act on any suit, but the reason why I and others respond to that moron Malone, that loser, that fake con artist, is because he uses media to attack you and you get angry and must respond. I am only human, we are only human.
but his whacko people threatened me etc. after that recent media lie (I believe in stack, he uses stack to threaten people), his whacko supporters…and this is why he did it, to invoke them on people who question him…he hurts people…but he is dealing with me…this island boy…
and none of the doctors and scientists who know he lied and lies have kept silent as their heads are up his ass for money, shameful pusillanimous people…will not question him about his deadly mRNA technology…they all know he is a con fraud but the money, the grift is too much…free money too sweet to let go of.
Well I heard a preacher once say... "Some people think they can steal a horse and ride it to heaven."
I quit M'Alone the moment he brought a suit against the precous Breggins. "You shall know them by their fruits"!
Power -On Paul!!! 👍👍👍✊✊✊☝️☝️☝️