I appreciate Berenson’s take on this and we often disagree; my aim is to share everything and be open and transparent and if I forgot something you as the reader think is of value, please inset in the comments, if I get to it and I do some, I will post it.
SAD THESE Australians were being herded like cattle on a death walk
Only a few of us were brave enough to take the job loss instead of the jab... I lost my job... But don't regret it at all... Our media was full of propaganda, and unfortunately most were hoodwinked, as the jab involved technology that the average Aussie is not aware of (like not knowing much about an engine, and being hoodwinked by a shifty mechanic)... Aussies band together for a cause and unfortunately thought they were saving Grandma... I'm not angry at them, I'm mad at how many were pushed into this via their "boss" and threat of job loss... and the fact none of the vax injuries or deaths were reported on, and the fact many deaths were written off as something other than the jab. The government secretly protected all bosses who pushed it (and I bet there was money and tax breaks involved)... Yet again knowledge of what was being pushed was limited... So we had non experts (bosses) pushing vaccines (not vaccines but genetic poison) on employees... Most were keen to take it due to the propaganda... Those who didn't want it (five people at my workplace) had a loved one or friend who'd either died or was heart injured, and were pushed - no sympathy from the boss - take it or lose your job... Hard choice... I said "nope" lost my job, and I don't regret it, but felt terrible for those forced into it, they knew full well death or injury could happen to them, can only imagine their fear.
My workplace even had one employee injured by the jab (confirmed vaccine induced pericarditis) and get they still kept on with their mandate, surely against all occupational health and safety regulations?
I had studied microbiology years ago, I knew what a crucial and delicate cellular system mRNA was, there was no way I could see anyone messing with that system and knowing the result, in fact I could just see disaster.
I caught covid in the end and it was luckily so mild (I actually wonder if I had it at all, I've had worse colds, but not minimising the fact it can be very serious for some). So I had natural immunity, but apparently not good enough for the boss, still had to take jab or lose my job... Well, with idiots like that in charge, who wants to keep working there? I said no thanks.
FairWork (Australian department designed to protect your rights at work) was weaponised against those of us who said no, given it's a breach of our Australian constitution, and the Nuremberg Code, and basic human rights.
Check out the complete overturning of our legal rights in Australia from what was originally stated re Covid vaccination mandates at FairWork
That statement by Vice President Hatcher and Commissioner Riordan (just before FairWork somehow changed direction, and given new orders by the "new bosses")... are interpreted from laws to PROTECT the individual from potentially dangerous exploitation. From Section [110] onwards there was a solid legal foundation as to why covid vaccines cannot be forced upon the individual by an employer citing existing rights and laws. Worth a read, basically no way can this be enforced under the old Aussie legal system...
Summed up nicely at the end:
"Can COVID vaccinations be mandated by employers on health and safety grounds? [130] The short answer to this question, in almost every case, is no."
Vice President Hatcher and Commissioner Riordan are not legal novices, and their interpretation of an employees rights would not have been a misinterpretation on their behalf, so what happened to our legal rights? Also Aussie government doesn't want to investigate excess deaths at the moment, they actually voted against investigation in the Senate, the media won't report on it... But they were more than happy to produce 24 hour doom and gloom speculation on covid. Professor Robert Clancy is still trying to get autopsies to happen in Australia for these reported covid vaccine deaths, one of our highest ranked professors, but he gets silence and stonewalled by the authorities... The tests, as he says, are easy to set up for staining examinations to look for vaccinal spike... But the authorities don't want it... Remember the line they said , the new vaccines "will be closely monitored for safety"... ? What a lie... Crime of the century yet most are asleep... Good interview here with Prof. Clancy, including about autopsy refusals in Australia Can't recommend this highly enough ... Brilliant interview...
Who has taken over our country, rewritten our laws and demands we do not investigate deaths from a new genetic injection?? Australia has been invaded, not by an army, I assume, but by infiltration. The infiltrators have recognised the dumb, the weak and the corruptible and placed them in leadership roles. Those that stand strong are smeared, fired or censored lest they make the general public think. Make no mistake, the news has pumped out military grade propaganda and journalism "the free press" is to be found here on Substack and other platforms...
Thanks Dr Alexander, your work for humanity does not go unnoticed.