Why when POTUS Trump was diagnosed as COVID positive (I think they lied to him though I think he had what they released) did they NOT give him Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine? Why was it remdesivir
(a kidney & liver toxic failed EBOLA drug; a drug like Tamiflu in search of a disease, Tamiflu/oseltamivir was given Pandemic flu) IMO that could have KILLED him! why Regeneron & dexamethasone?
Why was the Regeneron (polyclonal antibody), Remdesivir, and dexamethason his treatment and NOT IVM and HCQ? Wrap your heads around that….what did they, Trump medical team know, that the public was not told? This was the most important person in the world, leading the greatest nation…is it that he was given a ‘better’ treatment or actually the one that would work?
Stay tuned.
Trump was more easily conned than the common man. The heads of American health agencies, supposedly highly qualified & experienced experts, lying to him.
CEO's of private corporations trust their experts in fields they themselves know little or nothing about. They'll hire even more experts if needed. In Trump's real world, turns gets flushed at very low levels. In government, they float to the top & stick to the bowl. Top government officials involved in anything Pharma, are the worst, the most morally & ethically corrupt bastards of them all. They are not there for the benefit of mankind, for taxpayers. They're sociopaths, in government for Big Pharma, and for themselves. Fauci's the most evil g despicable of them all, but just one of many others just like him. And there all sang the same tune to Trump because he isn't one of them. They certainly couldn't let him in on the scamdemic. How many of all his top health advisers got vaxed? The ones that did not were in the know.
President Trump took hydroxy not remdesivir. He said that in his speech! I saw him say it and turn to Fauci and say, “isn’t that right and it worked for me”.