WRONG! Media says two teen girls brutally attack a woman with Down Syndrome; wrong, this was racial hatred, the title should be: "2 feral fecal black girls tried to kill a defenseless white elderly
woman and left her with life-long permanent head and body injury & a jury has just sentenced them to be publicly hung until dead'; now that would have been more accurate! racist beasts!
‘A shocking incident occurred at Melbourne’s Southern Cross Station, where two teenage thugs were recorded attacking a woman who is reported to have Down Syndrome.
The victim was waiting at the busy train station when she was suddenly set upon by the two teenagers, according to Daily Mail.
Witnesses were appalled as one of the girls delivered a savage punch to the woman’s face.
This brutal blow was just the beginning of a series of attacks that unfolded in quick succession.’
White America has been gaslighted for decades, self-flagellating itself decades for travesties committed a century before. Throughout, the running narrative of poor misunderstood and put-upon black males, most of whom adhere to the “poppa was a rolling stone” template and indulging their atavistic instincts without introspection or remorse. When thirteen percent of the population commits more than fifty percent of the crime, the problem is primarily with it (our culpability is in denying reality and co-signing the BS).
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Southern Cross is the biggest and busiest station in Melbourne. It is unbelievable that the only man present to intervene was elderly. There are hundreds of people there at any given time. It just goes to show the lack of community spirit that multiculturalism brings.