Yes, hang them all high! All health officials, all CDC, NIH, FDA, PHAC, SAGE...any and all ministers, government people in all nations who partook in the fraud of COVID & caused deaths with lockdown
lunacy policies that had no medical, scientific basis, just ineptness & greed & malfeasance, hang them high! let proper courts & judges decided but if they say HANG, I then say step out of the way
Hang them high only with proper legal decisions calling for it but then help hang these malfeasants, whomever they turn out to be. Not your decisions, leave it to Justice, courts. But do not stop until there is justice.
This is hugely important story. Journalists have largely gone AWOL. Thank you.
Dr. Alexander: Where are we going to find honest state and federal courts to try the criminals. All the courts are corrupt including the supreme. The military is the only way. Tribunals must be held for at least the top henchmen. I want to see Nuremberg II trials enacted to prosecute all of the evil doers contributing to the vax and "plandemic" hoax.