You can NEVER ever 'contact trace' your way out of an epidemic/pandemic if the pathogen has breached borders and one with a 10-14 day incubation period like will always be ahead of you
it is a waste of time; harmful; this is why the CDC devastated the US with the initial flawed test and the US was flying blind for 5 weeks; had no clue where it was, seeded eastern and western coasts
You NEVER ever isolate or quarantine asymptomatic persons...NEVER…only symptomatic ill persons with a strong clinical suspicion…you NEVER ever mass test asymptomatic persons…ever…you test symptomatic persons.
If you can read this by Dr. Donald Henderson who eradicated small-pox, I knew him and he near supervised my doctoral thesis: "Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza"
I chose to attend McMaster under Gordon Guyatt father of EBM (got a scholarship and could teach) for my doctorate but near was going to be Henderson at Johns Hopkins…he agreed...I had done a short certificate in biowarfare/bioterrorism in 2001 and he taught some sessions and we met...a beautiful smart his seminal paper here…
handwashing and isolation of symptomatic only…IMO…strongly protect the vulnerable and high-risk persons using reasonable precautions and allow the rest of the healthy society to live free lives as their immune systems would handle the pathogen…and instead of stealing and embezzling the PPE money you had 22 months to gather and prepare with, try actually preparing the hospitals.
Isn't asymptomatic = healthy person? not guilty until proven guilty
Britain is now testing more people than ever including many with no symptoms. And guess what? Surprise surprise they are finding more “cases” of people who are not even
ill. A friend’s 3 year old grandkid tested positive. He was slightly unwell for two days, done.