So, the routine vaccine program now has produced 1:36 autistic kids, and the COVID jab has now produced 1:35 case of myocarditis... do you think anyone will care, when they didn't care about the autistic kids.. and yes those in the know in the government know the routine vaccines cause autism, they just don't want you to know.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023



Pfizer CANNOT Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis

ALL mRNA made by lowest contract bidder in INDIA pharma-labs; ALL stainless steel double-jacketed cooling tanks in INDIA leak ethyl-glycol into mRNA;

Even tiny amounts of ethyl-glycol in bloodstream causes Myocarditis

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One of the lawyers at the company I work for had heart problems after vaccine and don’t really know what will happen long term

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I call it COVID Fatigue Syndrome, with 100's if not 1,000's of LOOK OVER THERE COVID klusterfucking reports , then good people get tired and just quit caring.

They're winning, you are dying.

Why they WIN, and you lose every fucking time.


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Wait until the next 10 rounds of mRNA injections come to the forefront. We'll be talking 28% instead of 2.8%.

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