school closures, business closures, all of it, all COVID policies by especially western governments & alphabet agencies, were outright frauds & failures, NONE worked, mRNA technology & vaccine failed
All this is extremely easy to see when comparing what was done to overcome smallpox with how the Covid, Inc used a relatively innocuous common cold virus as an excuse to engage first in unprecedented levels of social engineering and then blamed the outcomes of that on the virus and used the misery to pimp for their shoddy off-label uses of 40 year old cell transfection reagents to infect people with genes from the virus they claimed it would be protecting them from.
Yes, and smallpox is _very_ different from the virus Fauci paid the Wuhan lab to create.
Smallpox is a slowly-mutating DNA-based virus. You can make an effective vaccine against smallpox.
Fauci's virus, aka Covid, is a quickly-mutating RNA-based virus. You can never make any effective vaccine against it, and that was known from the start. Any vaccine will be obsolete before it gets out the door. And what they presented as "vaccine" is _not_ really a vaccine at all. A real vaccine is a bit of protein from the pathogen. What they injected was mRNA to get your body to produce a protein and then attack itself.
Yes, they took the most dangerous part of the microbe, whatever it actually was, and weaponized it into an injectible that invaded our cells, took root and then continued to produce foreign protein matter which ensured the human immune system would be working on overload and waning in its ability to protect the body, I know, very long sentence but kind of summarizes the situation. Constant inflammation is produced and depending on where these spike proteins land in the body cause major damage such the heart or brain or reproductive organs. Like all vaccines (yes, these are not) they cause harm, mostly over time but sometimes immediately as with regressive autism. The autoimmune reaction can also be quite deadly. The longer term damage is impossible for the allopathic medical system to identify. Of course holistic protocols such as Homeopathy can and do this kind of identification and treat accordingly with very good success.
Right, it always seemed insane to me to get the body to produce a protein that the body was then supposed to attack. Seems like a surefire recipe for autoimmune problems.
A relative developed an autoimmune skin disorder from the vaxx and was ironically treated with ivermectin, which seems to have cured it.
Yes, I think it's likely that smallpox would have declined anyway, just as is the case with most other diseases with vaccines. There are a lot of compelling graphs showing that most diseases were declining with better sanitation before any vaccines were used, and that the vaccines made little or no difference.
My only point was that there is a big difference in the utility of vaccines depending on the pathogen. Smallpox is at least theoretically more likely to be impeded with vaccines, while Wuhan Virus could not even theoretically be impeded with a real vaccine, much less the fake mRNA shot.
I’m quite familiar with the advent and development of smallpox vaccines as well as the earlier practice of inoculation using matter from smallpox pustules to initiate a milder, though as infective, case of smallpox, unless you were the unlucky 1 in 50 who developed a full blown clinical case.
Thus illustrating why it’s so important to compare and contrast things.
The smallpox virus was at a mutational dead end.
The C19 virus is an RNA virus, which are notorious for mutations; though the Coronavirus family, all of which have extremely large genomes, do have an error correction mechanism that that reduces the mutation rate--unlike influenza viruses where up to 50% of all second generation replicants are variants.
The smallpox virus was exclusive to humans. There were no other vectors for the virus.
So the idea that you could wipe out a viral pathogen that mutates and that has or has had or will be like to have other animal vectors is absurd.
Pfizer years ago designed a viral protein vaccine using the spike protein alone before C19 was even called COVID-19. It did nothing to prevent death from C19, though even that would have been hard to tell because almost no one ever died from C19 except for the tiny population of folks who were adaptive immune impaired, meaning that a vaccination would have been of little to no use to them.
At least a small amount of bits and pieces of the viral protein wouldn’t have harmed them because it would be cleaned up and disposed of by the innate immune system regardless of the fact their adaptive immune system couldn’t do its thing.
However, using cell transfection reagents to infect the recipients’ healthy cells with viral RNA will invariably result in viral protein being produced and the presence of viral mRNA and viral protein detected by those cells internal sensors will inevitably result in the innate immune system being triggered to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks to kill all those cells in many different organ systems because they all appear to have been invaded by viruses and in the viral replication phase.
And upon destruction and release of large amounts of spike proteins further innate immune reactions ensue. And God forbid if the recipient had already recovered from a C19 infection featuring the same spike protein because the antibody and T cell response to widespread distribution of spike proteins will kick immune responses into even higher levels.
So when you consider how much effort and money has been spent on something known to be a fool’s errand for years prior to 2020 for something as moronic as a relatively innocuous common cold virus that anyone who had a functional adaptive immune system who had also had experience with ANY of the other Coronaviruses was either highly or completely resistant to C19 (that shares a 68% homology with the others), pretty much demonstrates that what Covid, Inc has been doing has no valid medical/immunological justification.
Over 5.61 billion people shot up between 1-5 times with an infective agent containing viral genes is so whack that it’s obvious Covid, Inc is up to no good--and simple greed is the least problematic of possible motives.
Yes, and thank you for reminding me that Fauci's virus has animal reservoirs, while smallpox does not. Another reason that the C19 vaxx was pointless from a therapeutic point of view.
So now the motive does look very sinister. It does seem like an attempt by the WEF/Blackrock/Gates types to murder a large portion of humanity, and to prevent survivors them from reproducing. The worst crime ever committed. Hangings are the only appropriate answer.
I was disappointed to find out that Trump is likely compromised by Pfizer along with the rest.
Pfizer donated $1M to finance his inauguration party. No corporation gives a politician money without expecting a manyfold return from policies altered to that corporation's benefit, and at the expense of the public. This rule has no exceptions, ever.
Consider Scarf-Lady’s book in which she goes into great detail about what she did to conceal what was going on from Trump.
When someone is in an executive position, the worst possible thing he can do is to try to micromanage everything (see Jimmy Carter). The effective executive has a good grasp of the overall situation and chooses people to carry out the implementation of the overall goals. When you are in the position of President you have a WHOLE bunch of people vying to be those chosen to implement things. You have a whole lot more people “advising” you who to choose. If you choose from outside the system, you get creamed. If you choose from inside the system based on people’s professional resumes, you’re already in a seriously iffy place because those in ANY government bureaucracy are not subject to the selection pressures that exist in business and industry. In business and industry of what you produce fails to live up either to your promises of what you’re going to deliver or to your claims of expertise, then your position in that business or industry will be quickly eroded.
Not so in government office or bureaucracy where you are not subject to any actual market pressure but only to the degree that you adhere to whatever the organizational ethos happens to be. It’s all about going along to get along, not rocking the boat, not making your coworkers or bosses look stupid, especially if they really ARE stupid. So you could pick someone whose resume could appear to be extremely good and still end up with someone who is a completely despicable asshole (see Fauci and Birx).
An example of this from real life. My uncle, who was the CEO of a Midwestern utility for nearly 30 years, was told by the local EPA that they had to mitigate something even though their current water output was cleaner than the water coming into the plant. But since it was the government you couldn’t say their regulation didn’t apply to you based on the output after they had defined the problem as not having a particular EPA-mandated means to mitigate something that, in your case, didn’t even exist.
He said the M.O. of the EPA was to dream up something, mandate a (usually unnecessary) fix, offer you special government loans to fix it, EPA engineers or scientists to devise a solution to the non-problem, and then use that as propaganda to say, “See how much can be accomplished in this partnership between private industry and the federal government.”
He declined the “offer” of scientists and loans. He said the engineers and scientists working for the EPA were usually years behind the state of the art in science and engineering.
He hired a private company and designed an innovative way of meeting the EPA’s requirement for such a system though their plant didn’t even need it. It was so innovative that his company won a national prize for it.
He told me that the local EPA guy asked to be a part of the program on the day the prize was to be awarded. My uncle told him sure, because he was the one who came up with the order of speakers. He knew the EPA was going to try to pimp his federal government ride at the awards ceremony, so he made sure he spoke before the EPA guy. In his speech he described how the EPA had imposed this requirement and offered EPA engineers and federal loans. He said that they did it all themselves, did it at a cheaper price, and won that award for innovation by going it alone. He said the only thing the EPA guy could say was, “Great job.”
But, see, he was not faced with a coterie of federal bureaucrats all angling for a piece of the action and resume enhancement. All he had to do was to find the best, easiest, and cheapest way to fulfill the objective and who cares what any of the other companies bidding for the job felt if they didn’t make the cut.
What did the Trump presidency in was lack of loyalty to Trump. Bush/Cheney invaded a country under false pretense while mismanaging Afghanistan and the economy and every single official remained loyal to Bush in 2004.
Dr. Alexander says the same tired things over and over again, while somehow never noting a rather odd and statistically improbable aspect of these hoax.
Well, I’m glad to see Paul has come to realize what’s been going on and what I’ve been describing since early in 2020.
Here’s how those of Covid, Inc fit into it:
“And then Pfizer (apparently cottoning onto the wonderful possibilities awaiting them once they took full advantage of everyone’s apeshit reactions against nothing much at all) appeared to have come up with something along these lines:
Pfizer 1: “Hey, what we need to do is to capitalize on the existing work we did on this virus years ago. It will definitely move us right up to the front of the line for any government contract to make a vaccine.”
Pfizer 2: “Yeah, but that was a failure.”
Pfizer 1: “Sure, but no one else has to know it was a failure, so what’s your point?”
Pfizer 2: “Well, nobody’s going to line up to be vaccinated against a frigging common cold. It’s hard enough to motivate people to get flu shots!”
Pfizer 1: “Dude, please! Pay attention to this important paradigm: Change the perceived conditions, change the expectations. Since the PRC has gone apeshit and Nancy Pelosi has politically weaponized it and that little prick Ferguson has predicted millions of deaths this year alone using his more-bogus-than-shit computer modeling, then it’s perceived as being very dangerous, so people can be influenced to believe something BIG has gotta be done to save them from the perceived danger.”
Pfizer 2: “Because perception is reality, right? So?”
Pfizer 1: “So we can spin all that work we’ve already done as our farsighted commitment to public health; you know, laying the groundwork for what will look to the public like the launch of a nifty new and super scientific cutting-edge way of getting the viral protein into millions—yea, do we dare hope, into billions and billions of people—so, what do you reckon?”
Pfizer 2: “You mean cell transfection reagents? That’s 40 year old tech. That’s not cutting edge.”
Pfizer 1: “Of course it’s cutting edge if we’re the first ones to use it like this.”
Pfizer 2: “Well, we can’t possibly use it to get spike protein into people, because those reagents won’t drop their load in the fluid between cells like an actual vaccine.
“And since they’d dump the spike protein inside the cell then the innate immune system can’t detect it. No detection, no clean-up and delivery to the adaptive immune system and no adaptive immune response.”
Pfizer 1: “No, we’ll just use them the same old way we’ve always used them in the lab, except we’ll use them to cart a bazillion copies of the viral spike protein gene into the cell. And using PCR it’ll be cheaper than fuck to whip up tons of that gene. The cells will automatically make shitloads of viral spike protein and the innate immune system will pick it up and deliver it to the adaptive immune system. Prest-o change-o, shitloads of specific antibodies and T cells made against that viral spike protein.”
Pfizer 2: “Yeah, but we already know they won’t work to prevent death because almost no one dies from that virus anyway. Besides, how would we ever get something that nuts approved?”
Pfizer 1: “Easy. Two ways. Robert Malone and his folks have been working on in vivo transfection of exogenous genes for therapeutic purposes. See? He’s doing it to save lives; we’re doing it to save lives; same thing, so it’s a legitimate medical procedure.
Pfizer 2: “What’s the second way?”
Pfizer 1: “Something that springboards perfectly off the first: If you can show that antibodies and T cells ARE being produced then, by definition, that’s protection.”
Pfizer 2: “Still, it was a failure.”
Pfizer 1: “Dude, please. Failure is so myopic. It’s only a matter of how you define the end points. You know this C19 virus is no big deal and I know it’s no big deal. But almost everyone else in the world has been convinced that it is. So we’ll reinforce that notion by pushing for shitloads of antibody and PCR tests. That effort alone makes it look like a big deal. Then we’ll define each positive test as a clinical case and that’ll make it look like a very big deal.”
Pfizer 2: “And what about something that actually looks like a viral respiratory infection in people?”
Pfizer 1: “Oh, that one’s easy. We’ll get someone in the CDC to repurpose all the flu cases this year as C19 and all flu deaths as C19 deaths.”
Pfizer 2: “And no one at all will be suspicious of that?”
Pfizer 1: “Why would they be? One giant unprecedented thing happens, you know, a deadly viral pandemic so sneaky you can’t even see it happening, and then another giant unprecedented thing happens. It’s so deadly that it’s even bumping off the flu.”
Pfizer 2: “So you’re saying it doesn’t have to be true, it only has to seem true?”
Pfizer 1: “How long have you been in this business? Believe me, by the time we’re ready to roll, the country will look like it’s drowning in C19 clinical cases and C19 corpses are piling up like cordwood in refrigerated trailers in the parking lots outside hospital morgues.”
Pfizer 2: “So you think the FDA is just going to throw all the existing vaccine testing requirements to the wind? Look what happened with the H1N1 flu vaccine.”
Pfizer 1: “Which is why we’ll feed this to the public as a brand-new, never-before-been-used tech. We’ll call it “mRNA technology” or maybe “gene therapy,” whichever way tests strongest in marketing. By then the general public will be screaming for something, anything to save their asses locked down at home from a future awash in nothing but C19.
“We’ll get the FDA to demand emergency use authorization. I think the budget will be good enough to open up a few more vice president positions in marketing. That kills two birds with one stone: the FDA won’t have to worry about approving anything and we won’t ever have to worry about meeting established viral protein vaccine test requirements.”
Pfizer 2: “And you think that Moderna and Johnson&Johnson will just sit there, content to watch us shut them out of a market serving more billions per year than McDonalds?”
Pfizer 1: “Dude, we’ll use the nanoparticle method of cell transfection. Johnson&Johnson and Moderna can still use different lipid approaches or even the adenovirus method.”
Pfizer 2: “Pretty sure both are going to say fuck that shit about the adenovirus. Market infecting people with a virus to protect people against a viral infection? That’s fucked-up optics right off the bat.”
Pfizer 1: “Oh, dude! You did not just say that!”
Pfizer 2: “So how can we possibly convince everybody the product’s working?”
Pfizer 1: “How did we convince everyone that the virus was a problem to begin with and that our product, not hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, was the only thing that would save them?”
Pfizer 2: “Boldly lying where no man has lied before?”
Pfizer 1: “So you have been working here long enough. Like you said, perception is reality. And like I said, we set the end points. So, by the time we launch, everyone will see a country completely choked by C19 cases, C19 deaths, a fucked-up economy, millions of jobs lost, people so fucking tired of being home with the insufferable brats under their goddamned feet, no place to go for relief but the bottle, but restricted liquor sales hours, masks, restricted store hours, standing on blue dots out in the rain in masks waiting to go into the grocery store to walk on one-way aisles for rationed amounts of milk, eggs, and toilet paper, wives nagging all the time “You’re home all day long so you should be able to get all these projects done. Here’s a list.” And did I mention masks? Who wouldn’t be ready for a no-questions-asked magic bullet supplied by the wonders of science dedicated to supplying their emotional rescue right on time?”
Pfizer 2: “Side effects may include five hour erections and anal leakage?”
Pfizer 1: “And that’s the beauty of it. We’ll call it a vaccine. Who ever gets a five hour hard-on or anal leakage from a vaccine? No one. And far be it from me to be crude—“
Pfizer 2: “Oh, never. But?
Pfizer 1: “But anyone willing to risk a case of the shits from a drug marketed to avoid social anxiety or a five hour boner to get a piece of ass will be lining up for our product if it promises to get him some peace and quiet by finally getting him out of the house.”
Pfizer 2: “So carefully designed end points. If it’s 85 and it’s supposed to 70, then 85 is unbearable. But if they were expecting 105 and heat deaths for the next two years and they get 85, then it seems unexpectedly cool.”
Pfizer 1: “Exactly. Besides, they’ve already had their expectations conditioned by vaccines and flu shots. They don’t remember their own childhood vaccinations, so that equals nothing and if they think of their own kids’ reactions, that’s because they’re babies, that’s how babies act, and they’re not babies. And almost everyone who gets a flu shot expects one of two outcomes, either nothing much but a sore arm or a case of the fucking flu. So all that pretty much covers everything. And if they should happen to experience something unlike a vaccination or a flu shot—“
Pfizer 2: “Wait, I got it. It can’t be our product because our product is a vaccine and vaccines don’t behave like that. It really can’t be that simple, can it?”
Pfizer 1: “Pretty much. Most people will believe anything anyone they think is an expert tells them to believe.
“But for added realism, as soon as we launch, all sorts of stuff like restricted store hours and blue dots start getting dropped. We’ll have some battles over wearing masks and then that will be dropped. If it was SO necessary before the vaccine and now it’s not, then obviously it’s because the vaccine is working. Things start feeling better coincident with the “vaccine.” We start counting flu as flu and flu deaths as flu deaths and it all looks like the “vaccine” is working.
Pfizer 2: “And if anyone figures out it doesn’t save any more people from C19 deaths than our earlier viral protein vaccine did?
Pfizer 1: “Then we can claim that, well, yeah, look at the numbers; it reduces the severity of symptoms, and they’ll assume that if there are less symptoms that’s mean they’re less likely to die, but only so long as they…?”
Pfizer 1 and 2 together: “Keep up to date on their vaccinations.”
Both laugh and then sigh together.
Pfizer 1: “So people get a few cells blown up by the spike protein. Big deal. You replace something like a couple trillion cells in your bone marrow every day. We’ll be golden.”
Pfizer 2: “And if we’re not?”
Pfizer 1: “It’s just anecdotal reports that anti-science critics are using to make us look bad and derail attempts to save the weakest and most frail among us.”
Pfizer 2: “But why would anyone believe that there are people out there like that who are actually trying to do them harm under the guise of helping them?”
Pfizer 1 just looks at Pfizer 2
Pfizer 2: “Because there are all sorts of crazy anti-science people out there always trying to do all sorts of crazy anti-science shit.”
Pfizer 1: “So to protect us in our mission to save humanity, that’s why the government will give us…?”
Both finish together: “Unlimited protection from liability.”
Both laugh and then sigh together.
Pfizer 2: “Because time is so short and the world is so threatened that someone has to launch some bold new initiative before it’s too late?”
Pfizer 1: “Well, duh!”
Pfizer 2: “And then?”
Pfizer 1: “Then we start reissuing the whole childhood schedule of vaccines in mRNA form.”
Pfizer 2: “Just for those who are to be newly vaccinated? No, wait, I guess not if we’re going to be using positive antibody tests as proof that people still need to get vaccinated just to be safe. But won’t that look sort of weird to be using positive antibody tests to claim that folks lack antibodies?”
Pfizer 1: “No, it’s the precautionary principle. The only way we can be truly sure that everyone will be safe from everything is if we make sure that everyone is freshly vaccinated against everything using exactly the same set of vaccines. Call it immunological equity.”
Pfizer 2: “And if anyone claims that it’s crazy to be abandoning over 200 years of vaccine immunology to put everyone’s immunological eggs into one experimental protocol basket?”
Pfizer 1: “Well, the fact that we’re so committed is pretty much proof that it’s completely safe because who would ever try imposing universally something that wasn’t known to be perfectly safe? Besides, it’s the only way to bring the world together as one.”
So now they’ve managed to get over 2/3 of the entire human race shot up with their viral RNA products between 1 and 5 times each and are pressing them to get “updates” in perpetuity because of those damned mutations that just happen to keep making their previous version of their one note viral samba obsolete.
Thanks, PamelaDrew. I have found it very helpful to create dialogs that illustrate discussions and considerations that HAD to have been going on at various points between those involved.
I know that it’s really cynical, but, Jeez, as cynical as what those folks have done by casting a relatively innocuous virus as a global threat, then instituting totally whacked-out social engineering ploys posited on that false notion of danger, then blaming all the troubles they caused using the virus as a pretext on the virus itself, and then using that to engineer acceptance of a completely bogus use of somewhat ancient cell transfection reagents to inject and infect people with genes of the very virus they claimed to be so deadly, IF it should ever happen to infect you and IF you weren’t already immune to it.
The level of fraud and coercion is almost beyond compare.
Hanging is too good for them. The bribes makes them all complicit. Laws are being broken. Enforcement, that's another issue. What judges have the nads to do something? They're all eunuchs. Bribed or secret societied out of service to humanity.
Malone should have known that getting shot up with something that would infect his cells with a viral gene and then necessarily provide innate immune inflammatory attacks on those cells would have no positive outcome, especially since Pfizer had made an actual viral protein vaccine using the spike protein years before the virus was rechristened as COVID-19 and it was a failure.
Using the recipients of the viral RNA products as cheap and liability-free bioreactors to make spike protein inside product-compromised cells instead of just directly injecting bits and pieces of the protein itself eventually came to the same outcome where adaptive immune response to the spike protein was a failure--but preceded by a huge amount of immune damage from their products’ primary mechanism of action that tradition viral protein vaccines avoided from the start.
Because viral protein vaccines don’t invade healthy cells with viral genes. Viral protein vaccines offer protection without infection. ALL the viral RNA products begin with infection before any adaptive immune response is designed--just like viruses, except they are more widespread than viruses.
Malone “should have known” .. I agree with that and so does he ---but I also believe he did not know at the time or he wouldn’t have taken 2 shots leading to a serious injury and many months of recovery. His work with mRNA was decades earlier when in his 20s. He trusted the government and worked with agencies etc. Was he fooled and learned the hard way? YES! I do think he’s very much in the wrong for suing Dr. Breggin for disagreeing with and calling dangerous the “Mass Psychosis” theory that I believe Dr Breggin was 100% correct for doing. The lawsuit is ridiculous and shameful. But is Dr Malone trying to kill off humanity within mRNA ? No!! Is he behind the covid evil and globalist plan for de-population? HECK NO!!!
What???? They successfully removed him from the Presidency (and they put in an old demented criminal that never had much smarts or charisma even at his peak) and his well deserved 2nd Term that was a LOCK in February 2020! If you believe that corpse got 81M votes you aren’t thinking clearly!
The point was that Trump legitimately won a second term, but was prevented from taking office by obvious massive ballot fraud. I have no doubt that this is true.
I have no information to the contrary, but I didn't vote for Trump in 2020 because he didn't keep any of the campaign promises that I voted for him for in 2016, so I got, by default, his removal before he could lie to me any more.
Yep, he governed like Jeb! even appointing Bush’s right hand man to the Supreme Court (Kavanaugh). And what happened after Trump grew a pair and stood up to the Military Industrial Complex by surrendering to the Taliban in February 2020?? The pandemic in March and nobody even knew what Trump did!?!
I’m sure everyone here hates Al Franken but Franken spent 6 years being a pussy doing nothing to win re-election and then he gets re-elected and grows a pair of balls…and then is forced out of the Senate. What. A. Loser.
PLEASE do not pay attention to me but the truth is that millions LIKE ME know the truth of the coup on President Trump by an unpopular guy who sat in his basement and bragged about having the “greatest election FRAUD organization in history.. that Obama also used ..”.
I really don’t want or need your attention. I have a right to state my opinions as much as you do! Only YOU choose to read and reply...
Why follow a MAGA all the way person like Dr. Paul?? Many other “smart” people to follow you would agree with as a deluded Never-Trumper. BTW you have NO idea of my education level or IQ. 😂🤣. Even that would shock you!
Democrats won in 2018 with a stronger economy…Trump was always going to lose in 2020 because it was going to the end of the business cycle as inflation was happening right before the scamdemic.
Nice Try. Obviously Wrong. Democrats stole the House in 2018 so they could stop the bleeding and falsely impeach Trump -- because they were working on the coup to oust him even before he won in 2016 despite their RIG. Oops. Anyone who has been paying attention and not just taking the gov and msm as ultimate truth for at least the last 6 months would have figured this out by now!
Because our Political and Justice System are infiltrated, corrupt and rotten to the core. Same for medical and media...
Trump won with more votes than any President including BHO... yet the ever popular Biden topped even that all time high by another 7M? If you believe that I don’t know how to help you! Brainwashed I guess. Anyway I support Trump because he was the best President of the past 100 years maybe ever... only he can fix this corrupt mess! It’s why they fear him so much. He gets in and we will get the sorry Truth of the evil selfish people that have overtaken the greatest country on Earth!
Trump was an above average president…but he was his own worst enemy surrounding himself with Bush Republicans and getting himself impeached. If Trump believed he was definitely going to win in 2020 why did he attempt to extort Zelensky in late 2019?? Trump knew the economy was headed down and he lost in the midterms with a strong economy.
"We were lied to on all things COVID by some sick nefarious agenda we will learn of, and these beasts killed many by their lockdown lunacy and vaccine. We seek them out and jail them and more if we are allowed legally."
Keep an eye on Bill Gates' WHO-NGO empire working to be sole pandemic authority.. to do all the same things that failed epically, but more so. It shall be as predicted by their tabletop exercises that foretell future outbreaks like Oracle of Delphi yet succeed only expanding Gates w fellow elites power & wealth.
Funny how that goes. We screwed humanity & made out like bandits let us do it forever!
The ultimate goal of wanting "everyone" to be injected with this (for those who planned this) would determine if it was a success or a failure for them. What is more evident to us is the fact that the goal was never to irradicate the disease from the lab produced chimera released. If however, they wanted to decrease the population, cause more illnesses to make more money to treat, or make more money in general by pushing through an unapproved experiment with nanotechnology and genetic mutilation under false pretenses, they were successful. To the extent that their goal was to decrease the population remains to be seen, but it depends on the percentage goal they have in mind.
(You Have Said Repeatedly That You Do Not Know How To Get "Us" Out Of This Mess.)
I Do. It Is Staring The World In The Face:
Construct Every Sentence That You Utter Upon The Foundational Fuckery That You Revealed To Steve Bannon.
" I Did Not Want To Believe ... That ..."
That's It Bob. Tell Us Everything About Your Field That You Did Not Want To Believe, But That You Now Know Was A Lie. Then We Can Talk About Integrity. Because You Won't Be Talking About What To Do. You Will Have Done It.
Yes, our "leaders" almost uniformly committed crimes against humanity.
We must keep telling the truth about this, and keep seeking justice.
All this is extremely easy to see when comparing what was done to overcome smallpox with how the Covid, Inc used a relatively innocuous common cold virus as an excuse to engage first in unprecedented levels of social engineering and then blamed the outcomes of that on the virus and used the misery to pimp for their shoddy off-label uses of 40 year old cell transfection reagents to infect people with genes from the virus they claimed it would be protecting them from.
Yes, and smallpox is _very_ different from the virus Fauci paid the Wuhan lab to create.
Smallpox is a slowly-mutating DNA-based virus. You can make an effective vaccine against smallpox.
Fauci's virus, aka Covid, is a quickly-mutating RNA-based virus. You can never make any effective vaccine against it, and that was known from the start. Any vaccine will be obsolete before it gets out the door. And what they presented as "vaccine" is _not_ really a vaccine at all. A real vaccine is a bit of protein from the pathogen. What they injected was mRNA to get your body to produce a protein and then attack itself.
Yes, they took the most dangerous part of the microbe, whatever it actually was, and weaponized it into an injectible that invaded our cells, took root and then continued to produce foreign protein matter which ensured the human immune system would be working on overload and waning in its ability to protect the body, I know, very long sentence but kind of summarizes the situation. Constant inflammation is produced and depending on where these spike proteins land in the body cause major damage such the heart or brain or reproductive organs. Like all vaccines (yes, these are not) they cause harm, mostly over time but sometimes immediately as with regressive autism. The autoimmune reaction can also be quite deadly. The longer term damage is impossible for the allopathic medical system to identify. Of course holistic protocols such as Homeopathy can and do this kind of identification and treat accordingly with very good success.
Right, it always seemed insane to me to get the body to produce a protein that the body was then supposed to attack. Seems like a surefire recipe for autoimmune problems.
A relative developed an autoimmune skin disorder from the vaxx and was ironically treated with ivermectin, which seems to have cured it.
Are you open to reconsidering your opinion on small pox and its vaccine?
Yes, I think it's likely that smallpox would have declined anyway, just as is the case with most other diseases with vaccines. There are a lot of compelling graphs showing that most diseases were declining with better sanitation before any vaccines were used, and that the vaccines made little or no difference.
My only point was that there is a big difference in the utility of vaccines depending on the pathogen. Smallpox is at least theoretically more likely to be impeded with vaccines, while Wuhan Virus could not even theoretically be impeded with a real vaccine, much less the fake mRNA shot.
I’m quite familiar with the advent and development of smallpox vaccines as well as the earlier practice of inoculation using matter from smallpox pustules to initiate a milder, though as infective, case of smallpox, unless you were the unlucky 1 in 50 who developed a full blown clinical case.
Bio weapon intended to reduce the human population towards their stated goals of 500M to 1B.
Yes, the elite do seem intent on continuing with the largest mass murder in history by far.
To "save the planet" for themselves.
Thus illustrating why it’s so important to compare and contrast things.
The smallpox virus was at a mutational dead end.
The C19 virus is an RNA virus, which are notorious for mutations; though the Coronavirus family, all of which have extremely large genomes, do have an error correction mechanism that that reduces the mutation rate--unlike influenza viruses where up to 50% of all second generation replicants are variants.
The smallpox virus was exclusive to humans. There were no other vectors for the virus.
So the idea that you could wipe out a viral pathogen that mutates and that has or has had or will be like to have other animal vectors is absurd.
Pfizer years ago designed a viral protein vaccine using the spike protein alone before C19 was even called COVID-19. It did nothing to prevent death from C19, though even that would have been hard to tell because almost no one ever died from C19 except for the tiny population of folks who were adaptive immune impaired, meaning that a vaccination would have been of little to no use to them.
At least a small amount of bits and pieces of the viral protein wouldn’t have harmed them because it would be cleaned up and disposed of by the innate immune system regardless of the fact their adaptive immune system couldn’t do its thing.
However, using cell transfection reagents to infect the recipients’ healthy cells with viral RNA will invariably result in viral protein being produced and the presence of viral mRNA and viral protein detected by those cells internal sensors will inevitably result in the innate immune system being triggered to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks to kill all those cells in many different organ systems because they all appear to have been invaded by viruses and in the viral replication phase.
And upon destruction and release of large amounts of spike proteins further innate immune reactions ensue. And God forbid if the recipient had already recovered from a C19 infection featuring the same spike protein because the antibody and T cell response to widespread distribution of spike proteins will kick immune responses into even higher levels.
So when you consider how much effort and money has been spent on something known to be a fool’s errand for years prior to 2020 for something as moronic as a relatively innocuous common cold virus that anyone who had a functional adaptive immune system who had also had experience with ANY of the other Coronaviruses was either highly or completely resistant to C19 (that shares a 68% homology with the others), pretty much demonstrates that what Covid, Inc has been doing has no valid medical/immunological justification.
Over 5.61 billion people shot up between 1-5 times with an infective agent containing viral genes is so whack that it’s obvious Covid, Inc is up to no good--and simple greed is the least problematic of possible motives.
Yes, and thank you for reminding me that Fauci's virus has animal reservoirs, while smallpox does not. Another reason that the C19 vaxx was pointless from a therapeutic point of view.
So now the motive does look very sinister. It does seem like an attempt by the WEF/Blackrock/Gates types to murder a large portion of humanity, and to prevent survivors them from reproducing. The worst crime ever committed. Hangings are the only appropriate answer.
We know Doc, we know
Some say Trump knew all along but had to let criminals play their hands to expose themselves I'm not convinced of that but it's entertaining
I was disappointed to find out that Trump is likely compromised by Pfizer along with the rest.
Pfizer donated $1M to finance his inauguration party. No corporation gives a politician money without expecting a manyfold return from policies altered to that corporation's benefit, and at the expense of the public. This rule has no exceptions, ever.
Consider Scarf-Lady’s book in which she goes into great detail about what she did to conceal what was going on from Trump.
When someone is in an executive position, the worst possible thing he can do is to try to micromanage everything (see Jimmy Carter). The effective executive has a good grasp of the overall situation and chooses people to carry out the implementation of the overall goals. When you are in the position of President you have a WHOLE bunch of people vying to be those chosen to implement things. You have a whole lot more people “advising” you who to choose. If you choose from outside the system, you get creamed. If you choose from inside the system based on people’s professional resumes, you’re already in a seriously iffy place because those in ANY government bureaucracy are not subject to the selection pressures that exist in business and industry. In business and industry of what you produce fails to live up either to your promises of what you’re going to deliver or to your claims of expertise, then your position in that business or industry will be quickly eroded.
Not so in government office or bureaucracy where you are not subject to any actual market pressure but only to the degree that you adhere to whatever the organizational ethos happens to be. It’s all about going along to get along, not rocking the boat, not making your coworkers or bosses look stupid, especially if they really ARE stupid. So you could pick someone whose resume could appear to be extremely good and still end up with someone who is a completely despicable asshole (see Fauci and Birx).
An example of this from real life. My uncle, who was the CEO of a Midwestern utility for nearly 30 years, was told by the local EPA that they had to mitigate something even though their current water output was cleaner than the water coming into the plant. But since it was the government you couldn’t say their regulation didn’t apply to you based on the output after they had defined the problem as not having a particular EPA-mandated means to mitigate something that, in your case, didn’t even exist.
He said the M.O. of the EPA was to dream up something, mandate a (usually unnecessary) fix, offer you special government loans to fix it, EPA engineers or scientists to devise a solution to the non-problem, and then use that as propaganda to say, “See how much can be accomplished in this partnership between private industry and the federal government.”
He declined the “offer” of scientists and loans. He said the engineers and scientists working for the EPA were usually years behind the state of the art in science and engineering.
He hired a private company and designed an innovative way of meeting the EPA’s requirement for such a system though their plant didn’t even need it. It was so innovative that his company won a national prize for it.
He told me that the local EPA guy asked to be a part of the program on the day the prize was to be awarded. My uncle told him sure, because he was the one who came up with the order of speakers. He knew the EPA was going to try to pimp his federal government ride at the awards ceremony, so he made sure he spoke before the EPA guy. In his speech he described how the EPA had imposed this requirement and offered EPA engineers and federal loans. He said that they did it all themselves, did it at a cheaper price, and won that award for innovation by going it alone. He said the only thing the EPA guy could say was, “Great job.”
But, see, he was not faced with a coterie of federal bureaucrats all angling for a piece of the action and resume enhancement. All he had to do was to find the best, easiest, and cheapest way to fulfill the objective and who cares what any of the other companies bidding for the job felt if they didn’t make the cut.
What did the Trump presidency in was lack of loyalty to Trump. Bush/Cheney invaded a country under false pretense while mismanaging Afghanistan and the economy and every single official remained loyal to Bush in 2004.
Dr. Alexander says the same tired things over and over again, while somehow never noting a rather odd and statistically improbable aspect of these hoax.
Well, I’m glad to see Paul has come to realize what’s been going on and what I’ve been describing since early in 2020.
Here’s how those of Covid, Inc fit into it:
“And then Pfizer (apparently cottoning onto the wonderful possibilities awaiting them once they took full advantage of everyone’s apeshit reactions against nothing much at all) appeared to have come up with something along these lines:
Pfizer 1: “Hey, what we need to do is to capitalize on the existing work we did on this virus years ago. It will definitely move us right up to the front of the line for any government contract to make a vaccine.”
Pfizer 2: “Yeah, but that was a failure.”
Pfizer 1: “Sure, but no one else has to know it was a failure, so what’s your point?”
Pfizer 2: “Well, nobody’s going to line up to be vaccinated against a frigging common cold. It’s hard enough to motivate people to get flu shots!”
Pfizer 1: “Dude, please! Pay attention to this important paradigm: Change the perceived conditions, change the expectations. Since the PRC has gone apeshit and Nancy Pelosi has politically weaponized it and that little prick Ferguson has predicted millions of deaths this year alone using his more-bogus-than-shit computer modeling, then it’s perceived as being very dangerous, so people can be influenced to believe something BIG has gotta be done to save them from the perceived danger.”
Pfizer 2: “Because perception is reality, right? So?”
Pfizer 1: “So we can spin all that work we’ve already done as our farsighted commitment to public health; you know, laying the groundwork for what will look to the public like the launch of a nifty new and super scientific cutting-edge way of getting the viral protein into millions—yea, do we dare hope, into billions and billions of people—so, what do you reckon?”
Pfizer 2: “You mean cell transfection reagents? That’s 40 year old tech. That’s not cutting edge.”
Pfizer 1: “Of course it’s cutting edge if we’re the first ones to use it like this.”
Pfizer 2: “Well, we can’t possibly use it to get spike protein into people, because those reagents won’t drop their load in the fluid between cells like an actual vaccine.
“And since they’d dump the spike protein inside the cell then the innate immune system can’t detect it. No detection, no clean-up and delivery to the adaptive immune system and no adaptive immune response.”
Pfizer 1: “No, we’ll just use them the same old way we’ve always used them in the lab, except we’ll use them to cart a bazillion copies of the viral spike protein gene into the cell. And using PCR it’ll be cheaper than fuck to whip up tons of that gene. The cells will automatically make shitloads of viral spike protein and the innate immune system will pick it up and deliver it to the adaptive immune system. Prest-o change-o, shitloads of specific antibodies and T cells made against that viral spike protein.”
Pfizer 2: “Yeah, but we already know they won’t work to prevent death because almost no one dies from that virus anyway. Besides, how would we ever get something that nuts approved?”
Pfizer 1: “Easy. Two ways. Robert Malone and his folks have been working on in vivo transfection of exogenous genes for therapeutic purposes. See? He’s doing it to save lives; we’re doing it to save lives; same thing, so it’s a legitimate medical procedure.
Pfizer 2: “What’s the second way?”
Pfizer 1: “Something that springboards perfectly off the first: If you can show that antibodies and T cells ARE being produced then, by definition, that’s protection.”
Pfizer 2: “Still, it was a failure.”
Pfizer 1: “Dude, please. Failure is so myopic. It’s only a matter of how you define the end points. You know this C19 virus is no big deal and I know it’s no big deal. But almost everyone else in the world has been convinced that it is. So we’ll reinforce that notion by pushing for shitloads of antibody and PCR tests. That effort alone makes it look like a big deal. Then we’ll define each positive test as a clinical case and that’ll make it look like a very big deal.”
Pfizer 2: “And what about something that actually looks like a viral respiratory infection in people?”
Pfizer 1: “Oh, that one’s easy. We’ll get someone in the CDC to repurpose all the flu cases this year as C19 and all flu deaths as C19 deaths.”
Pfizer 2: “And no one at all will be suspicious of that?”
Pfizer 1: “Why would they be? One giant unprecedented thing happens, you know, a deadly viral pandemic so sneaky you can’t even see it happening, and then another giant unprecedented thing happens. It’s so deadly that it’s even bumping off the flu.”
Pfizer 2: “So you’re saying it doesn’t have to be true, it only has to seem true?”
Pfizer 1: “How long have you been in this business? Believe me, by the time we’re ready to roll, the country will look like it’s drowning in C19 clinical cases and C19 corpses are piling up like cordwood in refrigerated trailers in the parking lots outside hospital morgues.”
Pfizer 2: “So you think the FDA is just going to throw all the existing vaccine testing requirements to the wind? Look what happened with the H1N1 flu vaccine.”
Pfizer 1: “Which is why we’ll feed this to the public as a brand-new, never-before-been-used tech. We’ll call it “mRNA technology” or maybe “gene therapy,” whichever way tests strongest in marketing. By then the general public will be screaming for something, anything to save their asses locked down at home from a future awash in nothing but C19.
“We’ll get the FDA to demand emergency use authorization. I think the budget will be good enough to open up a few more vice president positions in marketing. That kills two birds with one stone: the FDA won’t have to worry about approving anything and we won’t ever have to worry about meeting established viral protein vaccine test requirements.”
Pfizer 2: “And you think that Moderna and Johnson&Johnson will just sit there, content to watch us shut them out of a market serving more billions per year than McDonalds?”
Pfizer 1: “Dude, we’ll use the nanoparticle method of cell transfection. Johnson&Johnson and Moderna can still use different lipid approaches or even the adenovirus method.”
Pfizer 2: “Pretty sure both are going to say fuck that shit about the adenovirus. Market infecting people with a virus to protect people against a viral infection? That’s fucked-up optics right off the bat.”
Pfizer 1: “Oh, dude! You did not just say that!”
Pfizer 2: “So how can we possibly convince everybody the product’s working?”
Pfizer 1: “How did we convince everyone that the virus was a problem to begin with and that our product, not hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, was the only thing that would save them?”
Pfizer 2: “Boldly lying where no man has lied before?”
Pfizer 1: “So you have been working here long enough. Like you said, perception is reality. And like I said, we set the end points. So, by the time we launch, everyone will see a country completely choked by C19 cases, C19 deaths, a fucked-up economy, millions of jobs lost, people so fucking tired of being home with the insufferable brats under their goddamned feet, no place to go for relief but the bottle, but restricted liquor sales hours, masks, restricted store hours, standing on blue dots out in the rain in masks waiting to go into the grocery store to walk on one-way aisles for rationed amounts of milk, eggs, and toilet paper, wives nagging all the time “You’re home all day long so you should be able to get all these projects done. Here’s a list.” And did I mention masks? Who wouldn’t be ready for a no-questions-asked magic bullet supplied by the wonders of science dedicated to supplying their emotional rescue right on time?”
Pfizer 2: “Side effects may include five hour erections and anal leakage?”
Pfizer 1: “And that’s the beauty of it. We’ll call it a vaccine. Who ever gets a five hour hard-on or anal leakage from a vaccine? No one. And far be it from me to be crude—“
Pfizer 2: “Oh, never. But?
Pfizer 1: “But anyone willing to risk a case of the shits from a drug marketed to avoid social anxiety or a five hour boner to get a piece of ass will be lining up for our product if it promises to get him some peace and quiet by finally getting him out of the house.”
Pfizer 2: “So carefully designed end points. If it’s 85 and it’s supposed to 70, then 85 is unbearable. But if they were expecting 105 and heat deaths for the next two years and they get 85, then it seems unexpectedly cool.”
Pfizer 1: “Exactly. Besides, they’ve already had their expectations conditioned by vaccines and flu shots. They don’t remember their own childhood vaccinations, so that equals nothing and if they think of their own kids’ reactions, that’s because they’re babies, that’s how babies act, and they’re not babies. And almost everyone who gets a flu shot expects one of two outcomes, either nothing much but a sore arm or a case of the fucking flu. So all that pretty much covers everything. And if they should happen to experience something unlike a vaccination or a flu shot—“
Pfizer 2: “Wait, I got it. It can’t be our product because our product is a vaccine and vaccines don’t behave like that. It really can’t be that simple, can it?”
Pfizer 1: “Pretty much. Most people will believe anything anyone they think is an expert tells them to believe.
“But for added realism, as soon as we launch, all sorts of stuff like restricted store hours and blue dots start getting dropped. We’ll have some battles over wearing masks and then that will be dropped. If it was SO necessary before the vaccine and now it’s not, then obviously it’s because the vaccine is working. Things start feeling better coincident with the “vaccine.” We start counting flu as flu and flu deaths as flu deaths and it all looks like the “vaccine” is working.
Pfizer 2: “And if anyone figures out it doesn’t save any more people from C19 deaths than our earlier viral protein vaccine did?
Pfizer 1: “Then we can claim that, well, yeah, look at the numbers; it reduces the severity of symptoms, and they’ll assume that if there are less symptoms that’s mean they’re less likely to die, but only so long as they…?”
Pfizer 1 and 2 together: “Keep up to date on their vaccinations.”
Both laugh and then sigh together.
Pfizer 1: “So people get a few cells blown up by the spike protein. Big deal. You replace something like a couple trillion cells in your bone marrow every day. We’ll be golden.”
Pfizer 2: “And if we’re not?”
Pfizer 1: “It’s just anecdotal reports that anti-science critics are using to make us look bad and derail attempts to save the weakest and most frail among us.”
Pfizer 2: “But why would anyone believe that there are people out there like that who are actually trying to do them harm under the guise of helping them?”
Pfizer 1 just looks at Pfizer 2
Pfizer 2: “Because there are all sorts of crazy anti-science people out there always trying to do all sorts of crazy anti-science shit.”
Pfizer 1: “So to protect us in our mission to save humanity, that’s why the government will give us…?”
Both finish together: “Unlimited protection from liability.”
Both laugh and then sigh together.
Pfizer 2: “Because time is so short and the world is so threatened that someone has to launch some bold new initiative before it’s too late?”
Pfizer 1: “Well, duh!”
Pfizer 2: “And then?”
Pfizer 1: “Then we start reissuing the whole childhood schedule of vaccines in mRNA form.”
Pfizer 2: “Just for those who are to be newly vaccinated? No, wait, I guess not if we’re going to be using positive antibody tests as proof that people still need to get vaccinated just to be safe. But won’t that look sort of weird to be using positive antibody tests to claim that folks lack antibodies?”
Pfizer 1: “No, it’s the precautionary principle. The only way we can be truly sure that everyone will be safe from everything is if we make sure that everyone is freshly vaccinated against everything using exactly the same set of vaccines. Call it immunological equity.”
Pfizer 2: “And if anyone claims that it’s crazy to be abandoning over 200 years of vaccine immunology to put everyone’s immunological eggs into one experimental protocol basket?”
Pfizer 1: “Well, the fact that we’re so committed is pretty much proof that it’s completely safe because who would ever try imposing universally something that wasn’t known to be perfectly safe? Besides, it’s the only way to bring the world together as one.”
So now they’ve managed to get over 2/3 of the entire human race shot up with their viral RNA products between 1 and 5 times each and are pressing them to get “updates” in perpetuity because of those damned mutations that just happen to keep making their previous version of their one note viral samba obsolete.
Everything you need to know, particularly as the "vaccine" targets white ACE2 receptors, and not Ashkenazim.
Your whole riff was wonderful irony, kudos & thanks.. this was my most favorite..
"Dude, please. Failure is so myopic..."
Thanks, PamelaDrew. I have found it very helpful to create dialogs that illustrate discussions and considerations that HAD to have been going on at various points between those involved.
I know that it’s really cynical, but, Jeez, as cynical as what those folks have done by casting a relatively innocuous virus as a global threat, then instituting totally whacked-out social engineering ploys posited on that false notion of danger, then blaming all the troubles they caused using the virus as a pretext on the virus itself, and then using that to engineer acceptance of a completely bogus use of somewhat ancient cell transfection reagents to inject and infect people with genes of the very virus they claimed to be so deadly, IF it should ever happen to infect you and IF you weren’t already immune to it.
The level of fraud and coercion is almost beyond compare.
Hanging is too good for them. The bribes makes them all complicit. Laws are being broken. Enforcement, that's another issue. What judges have the nads to do something? They're all eunuchs. Bribed or secret societied out of service to humanity.
I agree with Dr. Paul except on Malone.... HE took 2 doses of the shot and almost died!!! I cannot believe HE KNEW all along.. sorry.
Given all of Malone's comments exposing the harms of the toxxine, I believe he is a good guy.
Malone should have known that getting shot up with something that would infect his cells with a viral gene and then necessarily provide innate immune inflammatory attacks on those cells would have no positive outcome, especially since Pfizer had made an actual viral protein vaccine using the spike protein years before the virus was rechristened as COVID-19 and it was a failure.
Using the recipients of the viral RNA products as cheap and liability-free bioreactors to make spike protein inside product-compromised cells instead of just directly injecting bits and pieces of the protein itself eventually came to the same outcome where adaptive immune response to the spike protein was a failure--but preceded by a huge amount of immune damage from their products’ primary mechanism of action that tradition viral protein vaccines avoided from the start.
Because viral protein vaccines don’t invade healthy cells with viral genes. Viral protein vaccines offer protection without infection. ALL the viral RNA products begin with infection before any adaptive immune response is designed--just like viruses, except they are more widespread than viruses.
Malone “should have known” .. I agree with that and so does he ---but I also believe he did not know at the time or he wouldn’t have taken 2 shots leading to a serious injury and many months of recovery. His work with mRNA was decades earlier when in his 20s. He trusted the government and worked with agencies etc. Was he fooled and learned the hard way? YES! I do think he’s very much in the wrong for suing Dr. Breggin for disagreeing with and calling dangerous the “Mass Psychosis” theory that I believe Dr Breggin was 100% correct for doing. The lawsuit is ridiculous and shameful. But is Dr Malone trying to kill off humanity within mRNA ? No!! Is he behind the covid evil and globalist plan for de-population? HECK NO!!!
It gave Trump a participation trophy for Operation Warp Speed without removing him from anything.
What???? They successfully removed him from the Presidency (and they put in an old demented criminal that never had much smarts or charisma even at his peak) and his well deserved 2nd Term that was a LOCK in February 2020! If you believe that corpse got 81M votes you aren’t thinking clearly!
Trump completed his term without being removed.
You need to find someone else to insult that won't be ignoring you like I am, henceforth.
The point was that Trump legitimately won a second term, but was prevented from taking office by obvious massive ballot fraud. I have no doubt that this is true.
I have no information to the contrary, but I didn't vote for Trump in 2020 because he didn't keep any of the campaign promises that I voted for him for in 2016, so I got, by default, his removal before he could lie to me any more.
Hope you are happy with the Biden regime.
It is as good as Trump's was.
I doubt if you can see past your political ignorance to see that though.
Yep, he governed like Jeb! even appointing Bush’s right hand man to the Supreme Court (Kavanaugh). And what happened after Trump grew a pair and stood up to the Military Industrial Complex by surrendering to the Taliban in February 2020?? The pandemic in March and nobody even knew what Trump did!?!
I’m sure everyone here hates Al Franken but Franken spent 6 years being a pussy doing nothing to win re-election and then he gets re-elected and grows a pair of balls…and then is forced out of the Senate. What. A. Loser.
Jeb is the least successful member of the Bush Crime Family.
Not paying attention....are you!
Not to you, henceforth.
PLEASE do not pay attention to me but the truth is that millions LIKE ME know the truth of the coup on President Trump by an unpopular guy who sat in his basement and bragged about having the “greatest election FRAUD organization in history.. that Obama also used ..”.
I really don’t want or need your attention. I have a right to state my opinions as much as you do! Only YOU choose to read and reply...
🤣😂🤣😂 Why do you sub to Dr. Paul - are you a real person or some bot that responds immediately .. lol
Because he is obviously more educated than you are capable of.
Why follow a MAGA all the way person like Dr. Paul?? Many other “smart” people to follow you would agree with as a deluded Never-Trumper. BTW you have NO idea of my education level or IQ. 😂🤣. Even that would shock you!
Democrats won in 2018 with a stronger economy…Trump was always going to lose in 2020 because it was going to the end of the business cycle as inflation was happening right before the scamdemic.
Nice Try. Obviously Wrong. Democrats stole the House in 2018 so they could stop the bleeding and falsely impeach Trump -- because they were working on the coup to oust him even before he won in 2016 despite their RIG. Oops. Anyone who has been paying attention and not just taking the gov and msm as ultimate truth for at least the last 6 months would have figured this out by now!
So Trump had 2 years to stop the steal and he failed…why do you still support a loser??
Because our Political and Justice System are infiltrated, corrupt and rotten to the core. Same for medical and media...
Trump won with more votes than any President including BHO... yet the ever popular Biden topped even that all time high by another 7M? If you believe that I don’t know how to help you! Brainwashed I guess. Anyway I support Trump because he was the best President of the past 100 years maybe ever... only he can fix this corrupt mess! It’s why they fear him so much. He gets in and we will get the sorry Truth of the evil selfish people that have overtaken the greatest country on Earth!
Trump was an above average president…but he was his own worst enemy surrounding himself with Bush Republicans and getting himself impeached. If Trump believed he was definitely going to win in 2020 why did he attempt to extort Zelensky in late 2019?? Trump knew the economy was headed down and he lost in the midterms with a strong economy.
Managed opposition to what? You are in the Twilight Zone! Enjoy your delusion while you can I guess.
Now I know you are a Biden Bot OR delusional beyond help! 😂🤣
You are managed opposition.
A silly attempt to frame what really happened in terms of an already trite meme.
I'm so glad that you understand what you are talking about because I don't.
The fact no one seems to care says a lot about humanity.
I agree completely.
"We were lied to on all things COVID by some sick nefarious agenda we will learn of, and these beasts killed many by their lockdown lunacy and vaccine. We seek them out and jail them and more if we are allowed legally."
Keep an eye on Bill Gates' WHO-NGO empire working to be sole pandemic authority.. to do all the same things that failed epically, but more so. It shall be as predicted by their tabletop exercises that foretell future outbreaks like Oracle of Delphi yet succeed only expanding Gates w fellow elites power & wealth.
Funny how that goes. We screwed humanity & made out like bandits let us do it forever!
Yes! Totally agree!
The ultimate goal of wanting "everyone" to be injected with this (for those who planned this) would determine if it was a success or a failure for them. What is more evident to us is the fact that the goal was never to irradicate the disease from the lab produced chimera released. If however, they wanted to decrease the population, cause more illnesses to make more money to treat, or make more money in general by pushing through an unapproved experiment with nanotechnology and genetic mutilation under false pretenses, they were successful. To the extent that their goal was to decrease the population remains to be seen, but it depends on the percentage goal they have in mind.
Let the people be the judge and dole out the punishment. I am all for hanging in the public square.
cc: Paul Alexander
Dear Robert,
Here's Your Task:
(You Have Said Repeatedly That You Do Not Know How To Get "Us" Out Of This Mess.)
I Do. It Is Staring The World In The Face:
Construct Every Sentence That You Utter Upon The Foundational Fuckery That You Revealed To Steve Bannon.
" I Did Not Want To Believe ... That ..."
That's It Bob. Tell Us Everything About Your Field That You Did Not Want To Believe, But That You Now Know Was A Lie. Then We Can Talk About Integrity. Because You Won't Be Talking About What To Do. You Will Have Done It.
Trump asked Bill Gates to be the Whitehouse Science Advisor -
Bill Gates got President Trump fired up about a universal flu vaccine — and also (maybe) got a job offer -