VA still offering covid shots to veterans.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Any doctor still wearing a mask and pushing booster shots can not and should never be trusted with the health, welfare or lives of anyone, let alone vulnerable veterans.

Imagine spending $250,000 on a degree and training in anything and being suckered to such a degree in your supposed field of expertise. Then continuing to go along and keep injecting people with a disabling and deadly concoction in order to pay bills & maintain a lifestyle.

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I was at the VA hospital yesterday. They have big signs in every waiting room, and by the elevators about 'Covid Myths'. Each bulleted point - purporting to 'bust the myths'.. is a damned lie... The post that - covid is dangerous.. masks are useful, vaccines are safe and effective.. The veteran community is a target for extinction. My protests there to doctors are a drop of fresh water in an ocean of salt. (I went for the free blood tests. (I'm a US Army veteran) I"m looking into doing a heavy metal detox, and wanted a 'before and after' check for heavy metals. Other than that, I only ever let them do diagnosis's when I feel the need. Treatments.. never.. vaccines.. (they push the flu shot) never.. I won't let the Allopathic community touch me. But I see the poor frightened veterans....

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Thank you for your observations.

More people need to know what is going on at VA healthcare facilities.

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It's also hospitals and doctor's offices too, of course. Doctors always ask their elderly clients - "Do you ever get depressed?" The answer is painfully obvious - as is the knee jerk response - they put them on psychotropic medications - the most dangerous drug in the world - even before vaccines. SSRI's provoke manic attacks, violent acts, and increase suicidal thoughts. That they are legal is an atrocity. That anyone would push them on the elderly is a crime against humanity. The Lord has his hands full, for the coming day of judgment.

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How true..

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Fauci will kill more people than Hitler.

His name will live in infamy.

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I suggest a great documentary called, "Europa the last battle". The same people who lied about COVID, also lied about everything relating to WW2.

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I agree, except I do think that the virus is real, and that it was most likely created in the lab funded by Fauci. Nevertheless, I think it was never as deadly as they pretended it was, and that there was a high percentage of false positive PCR tests, along with negligent to outright criminal COVID medical treatment in hospitals, like use of remdesivir and ventilators that did kill a lot of people, which could conveniently be blamed on COVID.

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sure...something was created...

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Covid was a bioweapon created at UNC Chapel Hill.

It was funded by Fauci.

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My completely unvaccinated 89-year-old mother got over Covid with orange juice and crossword puzzles.

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That is brilliant! Good for her!

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Awesome -- best cure I've heard of!

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The virus and the Wuhan lab was mostly a Red Herring in my opinion.

The virus they spread around the world, with unprecedented speed, was fear.

Most people were just experiencing common ailments, but they called every symptom imaginable a 'Covid 19' case. They had no valid test for Covid, and they had no virus that they could culture in a lab.

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Sars CoV2 was a Phantom Menace - until the injections were deployed. There are no legitimate isolates. Run down any "index" case. Run down any Genbank alleged isolate. Pure fiction to foist techno-feudalism on the world with digital green passes meant to ultimately score you on many levels including social and political and bend you to the knees of the powers that (shouldn't) be.

Dr A should state all "Official" countermeasures failed. Or did they? Luckily the psyop unveiled the farce of vaccination with immune plucking adjuvants. And brought to light effective existing means and protocols to handle the constellation endemic respiratory distress that was rebranded as CoV2 as cover to scare the world into compliance.

There was no lab leak or zoonotic outbreak. People lined up to roll up their sleeves to be exposed and become vectors by getting injected after being scared to and coerced to do so.

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Further, Doctors have been looking into the entire Science of Virology and what they tell us is at first dumbfounding but then it makes sense as the mind slowly accommodates the new information.

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Given evidence of persistence of the virus or fragments of the virus for greater than one year (and potentially for the lifetime of the infectee) and pathogenicity of the spike it may be a bit premature to conclude it's not as deadly as they pretended it "was." HCV, HIV and VZV related ill health take several years to become fully apparent and we are only now seeing gangrenous gallbladders, thyroid disease and a few hundred other symptoms or conditions being linked to prior COVID infection. It may potentially be a lot more, not less, deadly than they pretended it was.

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I highly encourage everyone to read the book Murder by Injection.

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I think it was bad at first. Then, like Luc Montagnier said, the human immune system tamped down the genetically modified parts of it. I know people that got very sick right before covid hit. Pretty sure it was released in the late Summer of 2019. That's my take.

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If Covid has taught us anything, it is that watching people die is not hard.

It is watching people make stupid decisions

- that causes them to die - that fucking kills you.


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The stress alone will kill all of us -- worrying about our loved ones is beyond horrific.

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Absolutely and completely a fraud.

The mAsKs DON'T WORK, slave mAsK.

Shutdowns DON'T WORK, proper model is Cost/Benefit.

Forced coerced experimental drugs violate the Nuremberg Codes.


Single Variable Focus is Never Objective Course, never.

That's what the opposite sloping regression lines Cost/Benefit model understands, more than one variable in the environment. Focus too much on one variable, entire system suffers to the point of failure.

Costs vs Benefits, Opposite Sloping Regression Lines to meet Golden Mean Middle, Least Amount of Objective Negatives to the Population, AKA The Most Empathy Model.

Absolute fraud

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Warms my heart when someone shares they never took the shot. Breaks my heart when I learn a parent gave it to there child.

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If the virus was 'real' how come it has never been isolated from a living human carrier....? All worldwide attempts by numbers of parties to access such definitive clinical identification of the virus have been unsuccessful, as has been well documented.

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It's probably because your definition of "isolated" isn't considered necessary for a virus to be real. Koch's postulates don't need to be adhered to and viruses require a culture and are isolated in cells.

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Perhaps 99% fraud.

See https://c19early.org for treatments that should have been focused on.

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Maybe 99.99% 😅

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Ya think!!

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I have 5 members of my extended family one is a 6 month old another is 2 months pregnant and the other 3 are 61,28 and 31 who were all told they are covid positive.I give information to anyone about this fraud across the world.I get attacked and have lost friends and family who don't want to speak to me.I cannot live with myself if I do not show proven evidence from you and other great experts who suffered a big price for speaking and showing the proof.I lost 3 family members by the REMDESIVER/ Vent hospital protocols.I fought those fights and was banned from the hospital, called crazy and had family disown me untill the exact way I told them they would die happened..I forgave them but I battle every day because I feel I failed .My if only's really eat me up.God is who keeps me going. THE 5 FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ARE CALLED COVID POSITIVE ARE ALL JABBED.THE MOM WAS JABED WHILE PREGNANT WITH THE 6 MONTH OLD THEY SAYIS POSITIVE AND SHE IS THE PREGNANT ONE NOW WHO THEY SAY IS POSITIVE..THEY LOST THEIR DAD MY UNCLE WHO WAS 62 AND 2 MONTHS AFTER HIS JAB HE DEVELOPED A RARE FORM OF LUNG CANCER AND DIED 1 MONTH LATER.I DONT KNOW IF IT CAUSED IT BUT 2 OF HIS CHILDREN MY COUSINS IN THEIR EARLY 30'S NOW HAVE HEART ISSUES AND OF COURSE THE DOCS SAY THEY DONT KNOW WHY.THE 31 YEAR OLD WHO THEY ALSO SAY IS POSITIVE HAD TO QUIT WORK.SHE ALSO IS HAVING PROBLEMS WITH SHOOTING SHOCKING FEELINGS IN HER HEAD.THE HEART ISSUES AND HEAD ISSUES FOR HER AND HER BROTHER BEGAN AFTER MANDATED WORK JABBS NOT AFTER THIS DOC TOLD THEM THEY HAVE C19.I HAVE GAVE AĹL INFO I COULD GIVE TO THEM AND ANY NEW INFO I GET FROM PEOPLE I TRUST WHO HAVE BEEN TELLING THE TRUTH FROM THE BEGINING.I DONT HAVE $$ BUT I HAVE BEEN INJURED IN THE PAST SO FROM THE BEGINING I WAS QUESTIONING AND RESEARCHING.MY HUSBAND AND 2 SONS WORK PUSHED MANDATES BUT I TOOK EVERY BIT OF INFO I HAD AND I FOUGHT WITH THEM AGAINST THE MANDATED JAB AND BY GODS GRACE AND POWER THEY BACĶED OFF..MY DAUGHTER WORKS AT A HOSPITAL AND THEY MANDATED HER TO GET IT AND SHE HID IT FROM ME THAT SHE GOT IT.SHE IS 22 AND JUST GOT A HOUSE AND SHE WAS SCARED SHE WOULD NOT PAY HER BILLS.ME AND MY HUSBAND TOLD HER OFFERED HER AND BEGGED HER TO LET US HELP HER PAY HER BILLS AND FIND ANOTHER EMPLOYER WHO WASN'T MANDATING THE JAB.SHE GOT 2 OF THEM.I LIVE IN FEAR AND MY HEART IN KNOTS THAT SOMMAY HAPPEN TO HER..I HAVE GAVE HER INFO ON DETOX AND DOCS THAT ARE DOING IT.What is so shocking to me is so many people regardless of age that I know or knew have had some new illness,cancers or have died who were 100% healthy before and others cannot see this.The World in lock step with the same actions and people think this was natural..Peoole have become

lazy and listen to the 1 Billion Biden Regime propaganda media,social media,influencers digital and print"News" pay out scripted to lie.)Thank you for all you do and May God bless you and your family. YOU ARE A PATROIT.I have a deep gut feeling Pence was all in on this seeing he did get Birx in the Covid Cartel.She admitted to lying to Trump from the beginning and changing Trump approved Reccomendations to states after they were approved before sent to states.Birx went to states to push the covid Cartel narrative

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All of my 5 siblings ignored my warnings and took the shots. They're all still alive.. I do believe my prayers make a difference. That said, I don't know what the next few years will bring. My heart wrenched to read your testimony. This is a very dark time. I hope your daughter will consider doing a detox. There is DMSO to keep the blood vessels open, Chlorine Dioxide to break up clots - EDTA, Ascorbic acid, and other powerful chelators. I do believe they will make a huge difference for people who take the time to do them. I am a medical researcher since the 70's.. My research is sound.. VIZ: I'll be 67 soon and have not taken a med or been in a doctor's care my entire adult life. On my blog I'm reporting on the effects of all the aforementioned treatments, as I'm testing them on myself. God bless you and keep up the good fight! You're not alone! Victoria

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Beth I'm so sorry and I'm in same boat re/2 in my immediate/immediate family jabbed. Feel like I'm walking a high wire daily and lost and continue to lose much sleep over this horror fest.

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I agree 100%. It appears that the lizards will be releasing a new virus this year.

I told my neighbors back in 2020 not to take the covid jab but because they wanted to keep their jobs they went ahead. So far only one neighbor experienced an adverse event, a loss of hearing.

IMO, the mRNA jabs are demonic but all other shots need to be avoided as all of them are being weaponized. The Biden government really has become our enemy. It is obvious to anyone who has two functioning neurons. It is Satanic and has partnered with the WEF and WHO.

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I am 66. I off the top of my head cannot think of a single year without the State being fraudulent and a mafia. I doubt this reference to the very fine band called WAR conveys the totality of American stupidity seen by the bright street light of Covid, but I think it is honestly the case that the World is A Ghetto. And what is probably even worse is the American doesn't think twice because they figure they'll be gone before the shit hits the fan. None expected death by injection. Not even the doctors. Even when medical treatment was denied and masking persisted disbelief that extinction is the objective persisted. Remarkable our ability to delude ourselves. Carlyle wrote on this in his famous satire on clothing. Who will write our satire on Covid? A.I.?

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Shots are still mandatory for healthcare workers in BC Canada. Nothing is over yet. We are in Phase I.

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Sickening evil demonic entities.

Crimes against humanity

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Remarkable. Military service members of course are always brutalized by injections as guinea pigs but only the last 3 years everything that moved had to be vaccinated, no exceptions or no job. I do not know if I were placed in that position I would do but given my personality of the time this came about and me today I think I would say no job is a good thing. Can't explain the feeling really but toil for what paper got me seemed like a bad deal to begin with and making me do something I felt violates civil rights to continue working seems worse. I cannot teach for this reason of no vaccination and refusal for PCR test weekly.

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This is SO bad. They must stand up for themselves because no one else will.

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Yes, and this all must be done ASAP before memories grow fuzzy.

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I WROTE AN E-MAIL TO MACRON ( my French is horrible)-taking him to task for the EU’s continual destructive colonial practices over Africa- and complimented the italian Fireball premier for ripping him another asshole, he has 2 already!-

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No arguments on the fraud. What is astonishing, is the statistical improbability, of a group that comprises under 1% of the world populace, being so over-represented in critical "leadership" of this fraud. Especially as the ACE2 receptor targets seem to hurt whites the most, reproductively, as the birth rate of the Ashkenazim in Israel soars (and except for Africa, is the highest in the world).


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I am actually a bit confused here. I have watched and read so much on Covid and the vaccine. Dr. Ardis says that a tiny part of the spike protein is actually snake venom. (That is why more non-smokers got sick than smokers who had the antidote of nicotine in their blood)......His research is for real. And Stew Peters did that film “Died Suddenly”....is what you all are saying is more akin to the fact that the virus was not any more than the annual flu virus that comes around ... i mean i know masks and lockdowns and ruining our country was totally sick...and of course so are the shots which are now on the childhood vaccine schedule which is horrendous .... that one can kind of be put on Reagan....he gave full immunity to the vaccine companies...that’s an entire story on its own....we are a very abusive society for thousands of years....and we don’t need vaccines.....we need clean water, food, homes, jobs and plants that God put on this earth to heal us if needed....in fact sickness declined when we got sanitation and good food etc.....there was never any need for a vaccine ever on anything......but there is a spike protein according to Dr. McCullough too....and Dr. Stella Immanuel....so are we just talking the reaction to? Or am I just being thick?

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IMO, passing off a deadly bioweapon as a vaccine is NOT protected and subject to lawsuits directly. The people have been victims of murder by injection.

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I totally agree….i do not believe I said anything that disagrees…..i am as studied as the next person…..but there was a virus…..and there is snake poison on the spike protein of that virus….Dr. Ardis….i don’t believe in vaccines or my body being violated even by a medical test….so i think you misread what I said…….please do not attack when you are wrong….

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I mean wrong in what i said by misinterpretation and projecting onto me what i did not say…..i agree with you….and as i said i am as well informed as most anyone…i have been wholistic since the 1970s…..no vaccines no medical doctors no big pharma…..please don’t put words into my mouth.

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Of course a virus is real. Covid-19 is not

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