
everything about COVID was a lie, all, the vaccine, all of it...all to screw with Trump...to damage him....they did.

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Why is it that they always seem to get away with everything? In our case, the Republicans

cross party lines, too. You ever see the Leftists wander over the right? Not very often, if


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we have a chance this time with 45 to get accountability for he got some personal grudges rightly so to deal with and a nation to save

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

Excellent list. One major name that's missing is the Gov of MI, Gretchen Whitmer, who made Nipples Cuomo of NY look like an amateur. WretchedGretch Shitmer's demonic policies went beyond sublime; and her connection and involvement in nefarious deeds relating to the blocking of physicians prescribing treatment, to the closure of hospitals and all medical care, to "forbidden" aisles in the stores she "allowed" to remain open (like a Costco, where you couldn't go in an aisle that had household paint, or American flags, or seeds for planting a garden, etc) were beyond psychopathic. But liquor stores, gay bars, and abortion clinics remained open to continue the satanic ritual worship and drag queen worship she adores. And let's not forget it was perfectly OK and not a c0vid "threat" to cheer on and join in with B L M riots, where Shitmer herself participated and took a knee to show her commitment to her deranged hypocrisy and tyrannical psychosis.

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I just added her, it is no 107...check

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And ... Whitmer's "kill grandma" policy, where her nursing home death rates were unparalleled, small business owners were terrorized with huge fines and imprisonment for staying open, drug and alcohol deaths skyrocketed, and schools were closed for two years, impressed her D S puppetmasters so much that she's now one of Klaus Schwab's golden girls at the WEF. (Not to mention that she's bestie's with Xi and handed private land over to the CCP for a "battery plant" that will employ only C C P personnel.) She (and the also fraudulently-elected Soros AG and CCP Sec of State) are real prizes when it comes to treason.

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she is very very dangerous, her polices.......one of the lefties we dont allow near Penn

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As I watched all this play! out, I started to see what an awful person she is --- to be able to run a state with no care or concern for her citizens. It actually looked/looks like she acts out of pure EVIL hate!

(If I remember correctly, she was re-elected.)

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Yes, she was installed, again, via election fraud in 2022. And then made questioning elections or having audits illegal.

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NASTY! And I believe she has aspirations for the white house.

Can you imagine?

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Looks like they only allow satanists in the installed illigitimate regimes these days, so she's the perfect specimen.

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And Martha get your booster Stewart

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thing with people like Martha is she is a baby in the mix, she got incentivized and media whore she is took the joy of being in front camera...people on this list MADE policy and did things that needs them under oath to proper understand why...because many of them, maybe not all, caused deaths...thats why on my list...

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Hotez was originally left out of the COV2 gravy train. He testified n front of Congress that he had been working with corona virus for vaccines for over ten years and said this virus does not lend itself to a vaccine model. And he should know because he was trying.

Then all of sudden large amounts of money landed in his lap and he did a 180.

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ka boom, thats why he is on this list.

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dangerous man Hotez is

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safe and effective was never a lie it was in fact 2 lies.....msm must surely be added

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yes they are there on list...it was never safe or effective...never, they who said it lied...even some COVID doctors and scientists...they will be added shortly but MSM are the filthiest entity in the world along with pedos, some lawyers, rapists, etc. killers etc. but know too that a man with a briefcase and slick back hair and armani suit etc. can do much more damage at times than the common petty thief or crack seller...its those financing, those facilitating and just look into congress, the senate, house of commons MPs etc. them types, you will find them, the biggest pedophiles and rapists in the world

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I would add Gavin Newsom who was terrible for California!!

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hhhmmm, I thought he was there, if not, what a huge mistake by me and thank you...I will update it now if he is not...so now 108

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huge hugs for all you do and thank you for being here and helping us...

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While not necessarily worthy of making the list. All corporate executives who forced this poison on to their employees or else face termination, need some form of retribution and public shaming.

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name them for me...who you think so we can think about it...I have CDC and FDA there. and NIAID and NIH...you mean law enforcement?

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Perfect occasion for the use of ALL CAPS!! Thank you, Milton

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Well the bi0weap0n jab was orchestrated and developed by the D0D, and this "warp speed" plan has been in play since about 2006...

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Was not aware of that chronology ms Liz, thank you for the update-I initially thought that the DOD have been using the Country at large for a bio-weapons lab anyway

i am for a total EXTERMINATION of the entire intel agencies --ALL 17 OF THEM

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🎯 Agreed! Sasha Latypova's and Katherine Watt's work will clarify the D0D's role. Go back, esp to about 2+ yrs ago, and see the evidence they uncovered about what this bi0weap0n genocide program is. Many video interviews out there. Dr David Martin's work (and video interviews) are also comprehensive and super important to understand. Karen Kingston's work is also very important, as is Todd Callender's. A few videos over the last 3 - 4 years from these people will clarify anything you need to know!

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Mornin’ Ms Liz- I have before me a copy of Dr David E. Martin’s “ Executive

summary for the litigation of PLANDEMIC Crimes”--can you tell me what happened with that issue of his, did he ever pursue ligtigation-His accuracy in depicting the criminal activity of these cretins is as accurate as can be!

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Mornin' (afternoon)😉... I can't speak to where any legislation stands, nor if it was pursued. That may have been a road map of HOW to go about approaching this. Todd Callender, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, and Karen Kingston have laid out HOW to approach this sh!t show of crimes, corruption, tyranny and treason as well; but being pulled in so many directions with info that comes out at breakneck speed, not sure where any of these approaches stand. It almost seems the captured, corrupt US judiciary wouldn't be the logical vehicle for addressing this -- more likely would have to be an international court...

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Are you tslking the International Court of the Hague?

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If anyone has ever come home from work and found their house has been ransacked by a bunch of hoodlums, then you understand and know, what’s happening to America.

This is the same feeling I have experienced. Except today, Hoodlums have ransacked America, taken over everything and they continue to take as they please! With no end in sight.

Possibly next week Dr Alexander, the 107 Horseman, as you’ve continually been spotlighting, will be overshadowed once and for all.

I’m not saying this to be sarcastic but it seems to me something is lurking. Potential chemical attack or who knows what, may happen during the DNC. Why? Why would I say something like this?

Because there will come a point where all the damages being inflicted upon America, what it has taken to destroy, our way of life, must reach its pinnacle. Next week would be the perfect time. Because they have someone else to blame! A myriad of others to blame, but more than likely it will be “Right Wing MAGA” or “White Nationalist”, etc.

It’s always someone else’s fault, remember?

Isn’t this how these hoodlums operate? Ever since I can remember, the left has always blamed someone else. They’ve never taken responsibility for anything they do, ever!

Overshadowing all of their destructive behaviors, would provide them “comfort” and justification, for they don’t care about anything else but power, control, money and themselves!

Haven’t “We the People” had enough? We know what’s right and we know what’s wrong. But we can’t stop it, we can’t even have any sort of adult conversation about this, why?

Because it would expose them! That’s exactly why. Why the MSM runs cover or social media platforms censor and silence or threaten arrest!

Why Jan 6ixers are still in jail. There’s no way in hell these hoodlums will allow any kind of discussion. Does anyone really believe they’ll say

“yes we robbed” your house? What are you going to do about it? Isn’t this exactly how

“We the People” are being treated? I think yes!

To make matters worse, they’ll sit across the street, the hoodlums that is, outside on their porch watching and laughing at us / you, while the shock of your house being ransacked is investigated.

Such a small microcosm of a much larger house called these

“United States of America” and how, we’ve all been robbed and ransacked by our own government!

Thank you Dr Alexander for keeping the spotlight on these rotten, no good ransacking, evil covid lying drug pushers!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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very excellent post AJR...I read what you say and white spaces too...our issue is the media who are part of the evil around us...they embolden and facilitate each other

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TRUTH. You ought to do a Substack on that!

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Thank you Elusive1.

I do appreciate your input and I am considering doing this myself at some point in time. Thank you very much.


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You're very welcome!

Your comment(s) speak for many of us who are awake and aware, and even for those who are in a trance, perhaps never to awaken.

I appreciate your comparison between having one's home broken into (tho never happened to me before. Yet) and what we are experiencing.


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And the all the hospitals that refused patient treatments and organ transplants because they weren’t vaccinated!

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ka boom, these were like murderers

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Absolutely these Bill and Malinda Gates are fully responsible for the Covid deaths and vaccines that were evil I did not take shots or wore a mask yes all these names Face book Mark Zuckerbird Ted Dorsey yes responsible for all these deaths yes for sure all the democrats party of criminals Paid for by these Criminals billionaire’s world population test Reduction I know many who got the shots now have cancer heart Disease blood clots brain cancer diabetes and are dying bone cancer Blood cancer etc from these shots vaccine yes who responsible Obama and Husband big Mike and Mike pence Indiana yes very responsible all democrats state governors yes responsible 200 percent Kevin Kenneth Koehnke Wisconsin Right wingers Republicans

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Aug 19·edited Aug 25

I'd add the CEO of Houston Methodist Hospital who was the 1st in the US to impose COVID injection mandates upon all employees, even those who regularly worked from a home office. Methodist's mandates were challenged in court and summarily dismissed by a judge pal who wasn't interested in hearing about the Nuremberg Code, or the EUA nature of the injections. That loss in court, although appealed, became a test case of sorts - once the local Houston judge ruled in favor of Methodist, the floodgates opened and mandates were unleashed upon the country like a tidal wave. That employee group's lawsuit is still active on appeal and I'd guess it is being slow-walked since more and more evidence of harms keeps coming out. There are allegations that adverse events were hidden by Methodist - if true I hope it is revealed and that Methodist Hospital pays a dear price.

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our problem is and was many judges set in place by Obama (and even Trump) who bought the crap...hurt us and weak inept lawyers...the lawyers are as corrupted as our doctors

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Such evil! It's beyond words

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I can recall a Biology friend mine said in march 2020 show me the test!!! I never forgot that and it set the tone for me. I never looked back. It told me that something was rotten in Denmark. It has just continued being a rotten husk.

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There should be a world tribunal. Not just here but remember Australia. But I see no movement and honestly Trump if elected isn't going to a damn thing because when you get down to it Trump allowed this to get out of control. The mass murderers will have a comfortable retirement.

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I dont blame Trump, he fought hard especially behind the scenes but at some point he has to explain some things...but in the cast of characters, he is the only option, best...among them...but yes it happened under him and yes he has to stand against the lockdowns and fraud pandemic and deadly mRNA shots and help us bring these people to accountability and justice...hugs

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Australian Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt retired ..former executive director at the WEF ...you can't make this up , Former PM Scott Morrison and why not current PM Albanese in the interest of the Uniparty. All State Premiers

and their head doctor .

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Yes it was Dr. to screw with Trump and to literally collapse our country!

It seems as though nobody can do a damn thing about this either. Nobody!

Simplify the problem and break it apart into smaller chunks. What do we find?

I won’t list the details because it’s quite time consuming. But look at one thing recently and ask yourself this.

Who gave the order to move our sixth naval fleet into the Middle East along with a nuclear sub?

Austin? Who? And who died and left him Commander in Chief? Who?

America’s problems are deeper than anyone will admit!

Especially when Obama has been feverishly and deliberately working to destroy America from within! And he’s done an amazing job of it! Along with others who align with him.

Add to all this, the MSM running cover and Hollywood

“Clooney-Ville” or should I say “Looney-Clooney”? Yes that’s exactly what to call him!

Because the elites of society haven’t a care in the world if America falls into communism! Maybe they are so blinded they can’t see what you and I and the rest of America can see? Maybe but I don’t think so.

All we can do is hope that something happens to someone on their side of the court! I don’t wish harm or ill on anyone but think about this, does Clooney hate America and humanity so much that he’s willing to let it all collapse? If so, then we need to take the opposite stand!

What’s “Fundamentally Wrong” with America today didn’t happen overnight. It’s taken years of infiltrating and completely lying to millions of people!

I don’t believe the majority of Americans would agree with the destruction of their country if they knew what this means!

Everything we’re seeing here has been planned. And many are involved, many more were bamboozled! Were lied to and manipulated! Nevertheless, they’ve done a great job destroying every aspect of American way of life!

We’re floating aimlessly, without any leaders who will take responsibility for the damages. Covid alone you’ve named 107 people responsible. What about all the other aspects of life? Or what’s left of our country? Or what’s to become of our country?

So many people are dying, have died and been left disabled, homeless, while we’re being invaded with a so called “replacement theory”.

Did “We the People” vote for this? Yet Kamala Harris can bury and not answer for a missing 45 Billion dollars, why? Or how about giving Iran another

$600 million? Yes another! And now Israel is or will be wiped off the face of the planet! While America’s sixth Naval Fleet is en route to this same area, why? To protect or help Israel?


Remember the pallets of cash on the tarmac 12 or so years ago? Cold hard American taxpayers hard earned money, all of us paid into!

There’s no end in sight to this madness! This cannot and will not end well! There’s no way it can! I’ve only listed a fraction of what has been done

“TO US NOT FOR US”! I haven’t mentioned anything about Ukraine or Taiwan? How about Venezuela I could keep going. I think you get my point?

What now? This is the same question I have been asking since lockdown. What now? Nobody has the answers or nobody with any clout gives a “RATS ASS”!

Which tells me, America is Doomed! Unless I missed something, there has been a coordinated and deliberate attack on America! Which is still in progress with no end, no good end, in sight!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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It IS all madness.

And I feel like a spectator watching it happen. And to those who will say, "well, what are you doing to prevent this?" I DO what I can.

(This should be in that Substack I mentioned.)

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Yes Elusive1 so right you are. Each time I speak with customers all they say is

“oh well nothing we can do”!

When I try and explain there is something we can do, again they say, “it won’t make any difference”!

This is so infuriating and at times frustrating to no end. I’ll never give up or give in, America is the greatest country on earth, though not perfect and not without fault, America is the “shining light on the hill” for so many people around the world.

So many people take our country for granted! Pro Athletes taking a knee, or soccer players completely denouncing the same country that allowed them to be successful!

The list of “ hypocrites” is staggering! Yet, these frauds won’t leave, they literally shit all over America, become wealthy, and shit all over our country again! It’s sickening, disgusting and someone should calls these people out for what they truly are!

If I was wealthy, I wouldn’t hesitate, I’d embrace the opportunity in a

“New York Second”! As they say,

“Damn the torpedoes”! As I say,

“Call out the frauds”!

Thank you very much Elusive1.


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Youre welcome!

(In a way, it's difficult to blame some people. They've beaten us down psychologically. Then add this economy to the mix and it's not a very pleasant

time.) On the other hand, there are many who are so blessed by this nation, yet do nothing but disparage it!

Keep doing what you do!! See you around!

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It has been a coordinated effort from WWI & WW2 on down the line. Many humans and animals lost their lives over the lusty greed. Some of it was to get rid of enemies in some places, while others were to commit suicide even though they had everything going for them. Others had car, plane, train accidents, medical mistakes. Just disappear off the face of the earth. The 1,600 scientists from Germany ruined it for us today. Others were forced to join alphabet places.

In an experiment people were told to do something by an alleged authority figure and went along with it even though they knew it was lethal.



Mike Ranger

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very good post

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